Tried Boric Acid (and coconut oil) - I'm sore
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I went to a compound pharmacy, made a small capsule myself - followed a couple of hours later with coconut oil capsule and probiotic.
I hope my sleep turns this out. Has anyone had a negative effect from the boric acid? I'm sore now! But no smell. Ummm....
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bee18 Guest
I've had success with douching with hydrogen peroxide or soaking a tampon in it. Its a little less harsh i think!
mary65652 bee18
Please read what I wrote about the green tea and raw honey in this thread and do try it its brilliant and all natural x
rachel73342 bee18
For example, I douched last night with 75% HP (3% strength) and 25% distilled water. It didn't sting or burn like it did in the past, so hopefully that's a good sign...
And how often did you douche? Once per day? How many days in a row?
For me douching with hydrogen peroxide 3% strength makes it bubble and fizz and does get rid of the smell, but today, I still have the off, stinky discharge and my PH is still high (I tested the discharge with strips.)
bee18 rachel73342
ive been doing once a night but for the first few days i did twice a day. I also added a few drops of tea tree oil. And i actually use just straight hydrogen peroxide. The more you use it and the infection goes away the less it will sting. So you if that didn't sting last night maybe try straight h202 tonight. Also its extra beneficial to make an acidophilus paste and insert that right after you douche to replace good bacteria.
It might just take a bit longer for you to feel better with the h202 but i believe its effective. one lady used it twice a day 2 weeks and then finally felt free of the infection. Then used it once a day for 1 week after that for maintenance and has been free of bv ever since. Just listen to your body.
But if you feel like boric acid worked better for you then maybe douching with that instead of the capsule will help. I tried that once and didn't have the bad reaction i did with the capsule. Good luck!
rachel73342 bee18
I haven't ever tried boric acid capsules. I might keep that as an option though. I've tried everything else though.
Yeah, I might douche with straight 3% HP tonight. It's hard to find the privacy to douche twice per day though '_'
I have tea tree oil. Did you use the 100% strength tea tree oil?
So you made a boric acid douche and used that? What happened when you used the boric acid capsule?
Thank again!
bee18 rachel73342
but yeah look into boric acid cuz a lot of people have great success with it. it made me bleed a little though and made me feel a bit raw so i think that stunted my progress of getting over the infection. As a douche though it doesn't remain in the vagina as long so it doesn't cause as much chemical irritation. For me though i just feel safer using h202. And yeah 100% tea tree oil. And you're welcome
rachel73342 bee18
I douche with HP - do you think I should try to leave it in my vagina for as long as I can? When I use the douche bottle it drips right back out again...
How long do you leave the HP in your cervix for before letting it flow out?
The solution does fizz quite a bit though, do you think fizzing is a good sign?
mary65652 Guest
Guest mary65652
I think I read your earlier posts - did you find you had to cut out coffee completely? I am starting with a small half cup today and cutting it out by the weekend.
bridget1229 Guest
Honestly - my intuition says its time to start meditating again (to sooth my nerves and release all the stress 'down there'), remove myself where possible from stressful relations AND (this is hard) cut coffee
- also while at home I am wearing only a robe with nothing underneath.
Trying the green tea suggestion and thank you for the other bits of info.
bee18 Guest
I also really recommend cutting sugar at least until the infection feels all gone. Taking a good probiotic. Like a 50 billion count one and supplimenting with folic acid. Heal your body from the inside out.
Guest bee18
bee18 Guest
Guest bee18
I started my meditation and gentle yoga/body rolling practice again last night - and that brought relief. I felt like the energy in my pelvis actually started to move. It helped me dilute a bit of these negative feelings I'm having with the region.
In any case, I am heading to the doctor to pick up oral antibiotics and a topical treatment because perhaps I've tried too much over the last month - but I need relief.
bridget1229 Guest
bee18 Guest
If it does recurr for you i say stay away fron boric acid as it doesn't seem to be the best thing for you. Perhps try to douche with it or h202 because you're less likely experience rawness the less time you leave it inside. Then replinish with acidophilus paste or capsule. I know it sounds bad but i really think its important to give up most sugar and refined carbs for at least a month until the infection is gone and a little bit after to starve out the bad bacteria. I refused this a whilr but I'm so happy i made that decision finally. And I'm getting a bit skinnier
also i recommend actigel. Its all natutal. Helps correct ph. And is really soothing for when or if you experience any rawness or burning. It replinishes the tissues.
Good luck with eeverything. Meditation is great
because being able to be emotionally okay with this issue is half the battle. Stay strong. don't stop trying different methods. and just keep telling yourself that you will get past this and you'll be stronger for it. 
Also I'm not sure what age you are but if you're going tobthe gyno today maybe get your progesterone checked. Low levels have been linked with bv. Good luck!
Guest bee18
The flagystatin is 'for bv' but it is also the course one takes for Trich. I'm thinking I should take it because I'm worried.