Tried Boric Acid (and coconut oil) - I'm sore

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I went to a compound pharmacy, made a small capsule myself - followed a couple of hours later with coconut oil capsule and probiotic.

I hope my sleep turns this out. Has anyone had a negative effect from the boric acid? I'm sore now! But no smell. Ummm....

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28 Replies

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    Hi there ladies! first of all my heartfelt condelences to all of you BV is a terrible awful thing. For those of you that feel that you have tried everything (which i also did myself) yes i tried the peroxide the boric acid the vitamen d the yogurt the you name it i tried it. 

    I have a reccommendation for anyone who is disperate and has tried everything.  but I'm here to tell you that it is very very difficult. It's the candida cleanse. first get tested for it- if you don't want to do that- then you can just go for it- I also suffer from endometriosis so I basically just have one big unhappy vagina up until... candida cleanse so to break it down there are about a million different guidlines for how to do this cleanse these are the ones that i followed: no fruit at all first two weeks 

                   no grain at all first two weeks 

                   no dairy 

                   no carbs 

                   no starches (potatoes) 

                   no shade vegies

    basically the name of the game is no sugar as in NO sugar at all. none. eating will become a completely joyless task. Unless you know how to cook well. you will probably get a herkseimer reaction. (candida die off) you need to take a few different kinds of anti-fungal and probiotics. 

    you can eat: green veggies (not peas carrots or tomatoes) 



    maybe goat cheese

    ive been on it for 4 weeks just started reintrodcing low-sugar fruits 

    i have had NO discharge 

    no smell 


    until i had one relasp of sugar 

    the next day 


    there you go. no easy solutuion. But you will astonished at the health benefits and your face will love you. and you might lose some weight. I just gave you the basics of the diet. It sucks and it's really hard. I wont lie. but it actually works. You are supposed to follow the diet for 3 months 2 weeks no sugar at all after two weeks reintriduce low sugar fruits only and grains. 

    ask yourself how much sugar am i eating? how much carbs (that break down to sugar ) am i eating? guess what feeds infection? sugar. 

    i was blown away when i realised how much bad food i was consuming. it's no wonder that i ahve health ailments. I can't speak much for tampon vs cup but  suffering from BV for 6 years- i do know BV. 

    good luck to you ladies. 

    • Posted

      Laday Stacy,  your plan is quite similiar to the Daniel fast I did and how about the BV was gone.   THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!  I just have to detoxicfy from the sugar.
  • Posted

    I have used two to three boric acid  (00 size capsules) a week for a little of a year to control the smell and they have always burned me a little.  Reading another discussion on this website someone mentioned that, yes, the reason we have fishy odor is due to lack of good bacteria and the need to boost those bacteria.  She said that taking orally a probiotic that contains Lactobacillus acidophlius and Lactobacillus rhamnosus are key.  

    Forward one month:  I have been taking a probiotic following the recommended dosage that contains at least these two good bacteria and I am very happy to say that the odor is significantly decreased but not gone.  Still using boric acid capsules but  down to one every two weeks.  Itching has diminished greatly.  Maybe in a few months I won't need the boric acid at all.  I don't believe the BV is cureable, only life long managment.

    I have BV for 18 years and have only now started to find some resolution.

    • Posted

      I'm thinking of ordering boric acid capsules. I'm scared of putting them in my hoo-ha because I know they are dangerous if ingested. I don't want to get poisoned lol.

      Thanks for sharing your experience, daisy. smile

    • Posted

      What do you think they used before all of these antibotics and such. This is an old remedy. Boric acid is a mildly acidic antiseptic, so when used to cleanse the vagina, the pH level is restored to a more acidic level, which is typical.
    • Posted

      This is indeed an old remedy. I personally found it not to be effective for what I was dealing with. The Flagystatin (and I'm a total alternative medicine lady) was the only thing that finally brought relief. 

      I was thinking back to past issues over the years - and the one thing I used to use but didn't this time was a vaginal steam of calendula/goldenseal/apple cider vinegar and salt. They were wondeful. I actually just got raw this round from all the experimentation.

      Good luck ladies. 

  • Posted

    Hi there I'm new to this and am not sure how to reply to every woman suffering from BV but I have been too and I wanted to URGE EVERYONE TO SEARCH AROUND INSIDE FOR A TAMPON!!! I know what you're thinking I could never forget there's a tampon inside me bc that's what I thought. I suffered with the smell and embarrassment and searched the web and googled BV.  Then last night I had to pee really bad and while doing it I felt inside me for some reason and there was the tampon. I have no idea how long it was in there. If you have more of a rotting smell than fish smell you definitely need to check! Please check! 

  • Posted

    The issue may not be the boric acid it could be the coconut oil it is not as good as to use as people think if you have any irritation the worst thing you can do is put any nut based product on it try taking out the cocnut oil and use Probiotics formulated  for feminine health also use a suppository as well  

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