Posted , 8 users are following.

So it's my trigger time. Trying to ignore the nagging drink monster. Was out shopping earlier picked up a bottle of wine but put it back own on the shelf. Still tempted to take up what my husband said & buy a couple of baby bottles or share a bottle as it's all out in the open & he thinks it's ok as I will be getting myself sorted. That made it worse in a way getting that permission because I'm thinking well a couple of glasses will be ok - that's all there will be in the house & the off licence closes at 10 so it will be all I'll have. It's crazy how the alcohol monster talks to you. NO NO NO NO NO!!

Trying to stay strong over these next few hours. It's hard I wish it was Monday ! 


3 likes, 16 replies

16 Replies

  • Posted

    Well done Sadie. Glad you put the bottle back. You are preparing yourself for the mindful drinking that is required on the medication. When you see your Dr on Monday try and secobd guess what she will say. If you have to just say you have are still drinking. Hope you wake up tomorrow feeling energised. It's a horrible nagging voice in our heads that the alcohol gives us. I guess it gets quieter in time on TSM. X

    • Posted

      I have decided that I will tell the doctor I did drink as I have a feeling if I tell her I managed to abstain she will say I'm doing great just keep going. Going to sit down tomorrow & write out what I am going to say so I'm prepped. It wll be a lie I hope but I have to do it to get the meds.

      It is a horrible voice - want to eliminate it.

      Thank you Sharon xxx

    • Posted

      It is a half lie because if it wasn't for your upcoming appointment and your hope in and for the medication you probably would be still giving in to the voice. It is a good idea to write it all down. I always have much better appointments when I do and get so much more out of it. Are you going in on your own?

    • Posted

      If you have IPhone record your dr appts. It helps to listen to them later at home in a more relaxed atmosphere. This is a good way to help manage the friggers.
    • Posted

      friggers = triggers. SORRY! 🙄

    • Posted

      This time I have to go on my own as my husband has to bring our son to pre-school. By coincidence my Mam has a blood test in the same clinic at the exact same time so I have asked that if I feel I am getting nowhere with the doc sha can step in

      If I didn't have this forum I would of drank last week & yes my hope for this appointment is stopping me. It's a lie I need to tell to help myself. I am trying to do something fo rgood  hope the doc sees that.

    • Posted

      Sadie I have replied to Eman re his comment to you. i don't believe he has followed your discussion from the beginning and the many helpful replies. If indeed he did then it is a silly statement to make. I hope tonight went well for you. Monday is not far away now.


    • Posted

      Thanks Sharon. I think most Eman's comments have been deleted before I got to read them.

      It's only tomorrow smile

    • Posted

      Yeah...tomorrow is nearly here! Thank goodness the moderator took action;they/he is usually much quicker than this. Stick to your plan with the Dr and use your notes. X
    • Posted

      The comments must of been bad. Probably was best I didn't get to see them all. I will let you know how tomorrow goes xx

  • Posted

    Sadie, how can one small bottle of wine take away anxiety. It wouldn't have been anywhere near enough to lessen my anxiety. Why are you only anxious on a Saturday. Or is the anxiety an excuse to justify your drinking? Surely you would want another, then another. I may be wrong, but it sounds as though you want approval or 'permission" which then allows you to drink and its fine because someone else has said it is.

    on its own, sharing a bottle of wine with your husband once a week is no big deal. It's whether or not you can enjoy it and not want more or want to drink the next day

    • Posted

      I was just putting my thoughts out there VickyLou. They are my honest thoughts I'd be thinking them whether I wrote them here or not. i have anxiety 24/7 always have since I was a kid & my drinking started in a very unhealthy relationship with my ex. This is the hardest effort I have made to stop the first proper time really. I ended up having 1 glass of wine last night. Just 1 with my husband & it was fine. I didn't want more so in a way I'm glad & in another feel strange like I shouldn't have. I was looking for permission from him but the deal was we share a bottle but he was need up having more than me lol. I usually would drink vodka & in secret so that was a big change for me - no more secrets!!! Xx


  • Posted

    Thanks guys! I know I have a problem - the secret drinking & the amount I was drinking was not normal & I looked forward to it all week. I had 1 glass of wine last night in the open with my husband & what I learned is it was not worth all the stress & worry about whether to have it or not . I stopped after one & my husband had more than me. Before I would of had more drink hidden upstairs or started drinking earlier without him knowing. I sipped the glass last night got some Indian food & watched a film & I feel fresh today for the 2nd Sunday in a row. I'm not going to spend the first half of the day tired nursing a sore head.

    I feel bad guys I got the bottle of wine but proud I had 1 glass comfortably. I had it after my trigger time about 10pm so that might of helped I would of started secret drinking about 7 before.

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