trouble breathing after a night of drinking

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I ussaully drink one to 2 times a week but on the weekend it is ussaully a little too much. Sometimes, when i drink too much i start having breathing problems like a shortness of breath and chest seems to get worse when i start thinking about my breathing too. Is this just anxiety or could it be something else? Like an alergy or just plain too much alcohol?

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22 Replies

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    This ussaully happens the next day when im hungover by the way
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    Hey I get exactly the same ... its ur hangover and if u have anxiety it gets worse with your worrying ... takes me days to recover some times lol smile
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    Same thing here! That's just your body telling you you went too hard... Lmao

    And anxiety only makes hangovers 10x worse! A good example would be just last weekend, I had more than I should have and woke up feeling like complete crap, pretty much what you described. So no worries! You're totally fine. Maybe cut back on the drinking and see where that leaves you? But either way, no stress. smile

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    Hi there,

    I don't know anything about the shortness of breath and chest pains I'm afraid, but I will say to remember that alcohol is a depressant. Therefore if you have any feelings of depression, or anxiety, alcohol can make these feel worse.

    For this reason I personally no longer drink alcohol as a rule as I was finding that the next day I was feeling so low, depressed, paranoid & stressed.

    I'm not saying to become tee-total, but maybe try not drinking for a weekend and see how you feel then.   

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    Stop drinking and find out.

    Few people will have sympathy with anyone who knowingly drinks too much alcohol.

    Do yourself a big favour and quit while you are ahead.

    • Posted

      True that. Its just hard when your whole family and friends drink. Its easy to feel left out
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      Not difficult at all when you know what Cirrhosis of the liver can do to you.

      You be the wise one and give it up, and let them be foolish and risk their lives.

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      Wow, you're an incredibly preachy blowhard. Why are you even here? No one needs sage advice that's not advice so much as virtue-signaling snobbery. Pontificate elsewhere, if you please.

      Jeremy79962, take some Ibuprofen, acetaminophen or other such anti-inflammatory OTC meds, & it should be better. No one should have to suffer over a simple, occasional social drink.

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    I get this as well I drank Saturday night and was really hungover Sunday and couldn't stop being sick. Now I feel achy and I've got chest pains and my arms feel heavy. Is this because I drank so much on the weekend ??
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    Any updates about this topic?
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      This just happened to me. I googled the crap out of it because although I've done a ton of heavy drinking in my life, this was the first time I've ever had soreness in my chest even 2 days after the fact. From everything I looked up, the soreness is not something to worry too much about, you're just in for a rough freq days. If you're experiencing heart palpitations though, this is more serious and you probably want to go to the doctor. Apparently this is called the holiday heart because people tend to drink a lot over the holidays.

      I also read that middle aged white males are the most at risk group for death by alcohol poisoning, and when you drink to the extreme this could also be a possibility.

      Also, if anyone's reading these posts, you should stop drinking, or if you have the self control you should at least stop drinking excessively, myself included.

      Good luck

    • Posted

      lol sound like u r experiencing either alcohol poisoning or withdrawal both more serious than a hangover. seeing things and hearing voices is delirum T's U sound like an alcoholic in denial id get some help man

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    Hello Jeremy. I am 53 years old (in a couple weeks) and I have experienced this problem since younger than I should have. I would guess you have an intolerance to alcohol. My first experience was difficulty breathing, red flushing spreading from forehead to chest. Hot flashes. A pharmacist at the party had me take some sudafed/active duty. Within 15 minutes the symptoms started easing. For the rest of my life, it has limited my intake. Which is a good thing for an Irish kid with definite genetic predisposition to alcoholism. Enjoy a couple of drinks now and then. When you feel the symptoms, stop. If it's bad, take an anti-histamine. Last but not least, don't smoke cigaretteso. It amplifies the effects. Slante! 😉

    • Posted

      Actifed not active duty. Lol.

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