TURP drs.
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Do you ever wonder sometimes how a human being can do something to another human being. I am talking about the decision to go ahead and do a TURP on another human being. Now I am being very sensible here and I am talking to the guys in their 50's and 60's who have had this done ( TURP ). I just wonder if you ever stopped to think if anything else could have been done. I was certainly given no other alternatives. I miss the ejaculation. It's gotten to the point that I don't even masturbate anymore because I don't have a mate at the moment, but I'm wondering if any of the other guys my age feel the same way. I wish that I had my old self back. I want to look ahead to the future, but a precious thing has been taken away from me. Iv'e found many new friends on this site and feel as if we are one family of men searching for answers to our concerns. BUT the urologists are different people. Toal lack of humanity and feelings of what happens to us when we become older men and don't know what is happening to us. They have training in this field and should bring some element of Humanity when dealing with their patients who have bph. I haven't found one that I would give you a nickel for. I had Prostatitis which my Urologist didn't even know what it was + the BPh, so I was scheduled for a turp. Bing, it happened before I knew what was even happening. There was no discussion, no decision making, just quickness. Since this time I have met many more of these SPECIALISTS. They are very cold, very unhuman, like a computer. We are human beings. We deserve to be treated with compassion as you would if you were in our position. Do we really make the decision to have these TURPs or is it the Doctors. As I said if the Dr. were in our shoes would he want that done to him. Only the good Lord can look down and make the decision on whether that physician took his oath of pledge to never to hurt !!! They are people, we are people, but we made the decision to seek them out for help. Not for them to take advantage of us. Maybe some day this will all make sense.
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MK51151 steven43881
I same as you needed to see urologist because of my problems. I was not forced to have TURP so TURP was my decision because I did research and I learned that TURP only will solve my problems and it will solve them for a long time. I trusted urologist and everything is good. I was not mislead into procedure and I knew about RE. To me was important that I can empty my bladder completely when needed and I was sure that won't affect my ability to have good erections necessary for penetration. Now, 4 months post op I can say TURP met all my expectations. I am not mad on my doctor or myself for proceeding with TURP.
I an now scheduled for radical prostatectomy and I hope for same good outcome that I had after TURP procedure with same urologist.
i do not know anyone who was forced for any surgical procedure and I spent all my life working in the hospitals or doing research for the hospitals.
this is from real patient not paid response.
steven43881 MK51151
Yes, but there are some people, Mike who were given no other alternatives. and that is a fact.
I'm glad things turned out good for you, but I think if you are a young man in his 50's or 60's, other alternatives should be laid out for you. You know that different opinions are expressed on here by many people. I have had many anwers from people who feel the same way as I do. No man should take a mans ablity to ejaculate away from him if he doesn't have to. I know you are happy with your procedure and I Pray that your radical ,prostatectomy will glid along alright. You have been through a lot, Mike. GOD be with you.
kenneth1955 MK51151
MK Why are you having a radical prostatectomy. Do you have cancer. After a turp there is not much left of the prostate. I'm going to tell you a story about my friend He was 49 when his urologist did a 21 needle biopsy on him. 10 of the 21 came back with cancer cells. The doctor told him that his only option was a radical prostatectomy that was the only way to go. He did not want it because the fear of the side effect. His wife bugged him to do it. His doctor told him all would be ok and he would do a nerve sparing procedure on him and he should be fine. Well it still took him 2 weeks to say yes. Because he trusted his doctor. He had robotic surgery.He is now 50 and he wished he would have waited or look more into another option. The only way he can have sex is to give himself a shot in his penis and has for his orgasm. He told me that it takes him 1 1/2 hour to have one and he said it is not worth the time. Most of the time he just gives up. Now he told me that he does not know how long he can do it. He just wishes he was dead. A man should not live like that. These doctor do surgery to fix one problem and you end up with more problems. Sometime I think urologist forget they are men and what they taking away from other men. Please look into something else. I have been looking at information on HIFC which looks pretty good. Right now my prostate is fine and it's staying were it is but I will be prepared if anything comes up with me. No doctor is going to force me into anything I will not agree with. Take care Ken
uncklefester steven43881
Steven, Its on you to research what ever procedure you're having. I too was scheduked for TURP this past February. Work messed up the scheduleing so I postponed and after research decided against TURP. I've decided on HOLEP which gives similar results as TURP so I'm aware that RE will be a side effect. To me HOLEP offered the most bang for the buck Low chance of having surgery again, coupled with resonably fast recovery time.
derek76 MK51151
MK51151 kenneth1955
yes, I have a PCa. I had biopsy in August and it came back as Gleason 7 (4+3). All options are explained to me. Had consults with urologist and radiation oncologist. Elected to have surgical removal and I am scheduled for November 2nd. Hope to have same good recovery as after TURP by same urologist.
MK51151 derek76
All options were explained and I elected surgery.
kenneth1955 MK51151
MK51151 kenneth1955
Decision is made. RALP. Cancer needs to be out of my body and escorted to pathology lab. I will rather deal with side effects than with cancer. Recovery is easier and better when I am still young and in good health.
Mentaly, I am prepared for side effects and ready to fight with them. I am very positive and I will recover to pre surgery state soon.
My priorities are:1. Get rid of PCa. 2. Recover my continence in 2-3 months.
3. Recover my erections and start enjoying sex in les than 12 months.
This all sound very reasonable and many prostate cancer patients recovered all functions even faster, so I can do it also.
kenneth1955 MK51151
Lets hope. It is up to you and you know you have a long fight. It's just with them taking out the rest of the prostate. They are going to mess around with the nerve bundle and alot can happen. My friend is going to hell and I don't think he will ever come to terms with the way things worked out for him. He trusted his doctor and his doctor failed him . He knows he does not have cancer but that is not good enough for him. He wants his life back . That was the same surgery that my friend had Good luck Ken Did your doctor tell you if your cancer was slow or fast growing Just asking
derek76 MK51151
I would have probably made the same option as you.
abstract_faces steven43881
It seems I was really blessed I was scheduled for the turp in July 2015 but got a huge blister and infected leg night before surgery and I kept postponing it then in August 2016 my urologist said there is a new treatment called rezum I had it done extremely painful but procedure only takes nine minutes or so but probably should be done under sedation that painful to me but 25 days after I'm starting to improve a lot did have blood in my semen with my first time being intimate with my wife I hope it doesn't last much longer
steven43881 abstract_faces
I'm glad for you! There were no such procedures when the turp was done on me !!!
abstract_faces steven43881
steven43881 abstract_faces
derek76 steven43881
I refused TURP in 1995 when told I needed it as a matter of some urgency. I researched and waited until GL PVP became available in the UK.
derek76 abstract_faces