TURP drs.
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Do you ever wonder sometimes how a human being can do something to another human being. I am talking about the decision to go ahead and do a TURP on another human being. Now I am being very sensible here and I am talking to the guys in their 50's and 60's who have had this done ( TURP ). I just wonder if you ever stopped to think if anything else could have been done. I was certainly given no other alternatives. I miss the ejaculation. It's gotten to the point that I don't even masturbate anymore because I don't have a mate at the moment, but I'm wondering if any of the other guys my age feel the same way. I wish that I had my old self back. I want to look ahead to the future, but a precious thing has been taken away from me. Iv'e found many new friends on this site and feel as if we are one family of men searching for answers to our concerns. BUT the urologists are different people. Toal lack of humanity and feelings of what happens to us when we become older men and don't know what is happening to us. They have training in this field and should bring some element of Humanity when dealing with their patients who have bph. I haven't found one that I would give you a nickel for. I had Prostatitis which my Urologist didn't even know what it was + the BPh, so I was scheduled for a turp. Bing, it happened before I knew what was even happening. There was no discussion, no decision making, just quickness. Since this time I have met many more of these SPECIALISTS. They are very cold, very unhuman, like a computer. We are human beings. We deserve to be treated with compassion as you would if you were in our position. Do we really make the decision to have these TURPs or is it the Doctors. As I said if the Dr. were in our shoes would he want that done to him. Only the good Lord can look down and make the decision on whether that physician took his oath of pledge to never to hurt !!! They are people, we are people, but we made the decision to seek them out for help. Not for them to take advantage of us. Maybe some day this will all make sense.
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Vibes steven43881
I agree,
Same in the dental industry. Had a few in my lifetime that I trusted but mostly not.
Part of the problem is that many of us have been unable to keep those trusted doctors. Insurance plans change. Our careers require transfers to new locations, etc. Many doctors know to use us or loose us - especially us seniors. So far, my UR doesn't seem to be in a rush to perform surgery as long as meds are working.
abstract_faces Vibes
frank74205 steven43881
Hi STEVEN, Thanks for that info. You are so right. I'm almost 87 years old,with urine rentention. Urologist did a cystoscope--then said i need Turp> I said i want to think about this. I have been on medicine 4 months,still have rentention. I'm hoping i can quailfy for Uro Lift.
I hope things get better for you.
steven43881 frank74205
Your lucky if you can get that, Frank. Wasn't around in my time. Steve
abstract_faces frank74205
NBCP abstract_faces
abstract_faces NBCP
steven43881 NBCP
kenneth1955 NBCP
NBCP Hello who told you that Urolift was out. If your median lobe is not to big they can pull it to the side to open you up They have been working on it. If you can't get it done do the Rezum Leave the turp alone Ken
NBCP kenneth1955
NBCP steven43881
NBCP steven43881
bernie82609 steven43881
I was in kidney failure,had no time to research this. In my area of the US, I had 2 URO's on our insurance. The "signature" surgery for an enlarged prostate was that one did GL turp, the other did button turp.My bladder had been distended so long, I'm on a Supra cath for a while. Friday, I went to have ny cath changed by the URO's nurse, the cath fail a hour later, had to go to the ER cause the URO closes at noon on Friday. Lesson one. while at the ER, I began to void naturally soI was discharged.
The point is the URO's, who are older, aren't inclined to learn new methods, they are simply to busy.
As far as office visits they want you in and out fast, not giving time for questions, or checking that procedures they religate to their staff are done correctly.
It sucks, but that's the way it is
derek76 steven43881
If you did not look for alternatives to TURP it is your fault. Google TURP and all would have been revealed.
steven43881 derek76
He did his job alright. Maybe they should do the same job on themselves if their so quick to do a procedure. Then I think they would use a little bit of caution. How old are you may I ask? Are you a young man? Your Great at pooring advise out with a bitter tongue. and did you have a TURP? I didn't start this blog out to fight, but to have an intelligent conversation with thinking people. Your response is hostile. If you want to fight find someplace else to do it. I'd rather ejaculate and have been given alternatives. There is one person on here that says no dr. should be allowed to do that to a man and he is so right. Dr.s are no saints. You would have made a good one. Bully.
wally5 derek76
derek76 steven43881
Don't blame others for your lack of caution. I was 61 when advised to have the TURP that I refused and was 71 when I had a trouble free GL PVP in 2005. My prostate regrew and I had a Thulium/Holmium laser procedure in 2013 when I was 79. No retro with the GL PVP but retro started when taking Tamsulosin and completetd with the last procedure.
What's your problem with RE ? You still get the sensation.
steven43881 derek76
kenneth1955 wally5
MK51151 steven43881
i am wondering why no one complains to drug companies who make Flomax, Tamsulosin, Avodart, Uroxatral and others. They give patients same RE. I am wondering why everyone is just attacking urologists who are doing real jobs to help us empty our bladders and save us from kidney damage.
bernie82609 MK51151
When someone has BPH, before the URO presribes Flomax, etc, an MRI of the prostate should be taken to determine baseline size, in a year or so another MRI to see if the size is the same or is reduced. If it has increased in size, that shows that Flomax, etc, aren't going to work for you, giving you tine to choose what action or procedure is to your liking.
My current URO says that Flomax, etc, work for about half the men who take it Without the Mri's, the condition usakky ends up in the crisis stage, with no time to research. MostURO's Don't dp the MRI tracking,..I don't know why, but I can guess.
uncklefester bernie82609
derek76 wally5
I think that some of your reply is not to my answer.
The problem with URO's is that they cannot do all the procedures that are now available. TURP is is easy as it does not involve expensive new equipment.
I presume that in America as in the UK that you sign a consent form prior to having the procedure. You agree to having it after the Uro has explained the procedure and its possible after effects and they are all on the form that you sign after reading. Hell, mine even said that I could have a stroke or cardiac arrest during it.
derek76 steven43881
Read what I said and count. Yes and I'm 82 now not 79.
bernie82609 uncklefester
Good luck !!
kenneth1955 uncklefester
To me it seam like you guys are being rushed or push in the procedure that your not sure of. Look at others that are less evasive before you agree to anything. Turp and Helop come with alot of problems and side effect. The wrost for Turp you could bleed to death. They are very stressful on a mans body. Did the doctor tell you that you have cancer. Did you have any test. Just because we get older they think we have cancer I think alot of doctors just do that to make you fee that they are doing something. *** Oh you don't have cancer. But we removed your whole prostate *** If there is no cancer in your prostate are they going to put it back. No doctor is going to do that to me just to see if I have cancer you can find out in other way. Hope you guys make the right discision Remember when you sign that paper your giving the doctor the right to do anything you want no matter if you agaee or not. I don't give total control to my doctor for anything. You do what you tell me and that is it Ken
Vibes bernie82609
My URO says FloMax does not reduce the size of the prostate. To put it kindly, they say it "relaxes" the muscles that control the urine flow. Also, for me, it comes with unpleasent side effects but is allowing me to void without use of catheter. I think, if he had prescribed it before I ended up in ER, I would have complied with that med routine. Later he added finasteride meds to reduce the size but still not allowing me to quit Flomax.
bernie82609 Vibes
I was grouping all prostate meds together hoping to show the benifit of baseline size and tracking.
Finasteride and Flomax are often RX'ed together. you need to ask your URO if these drugs will work forever, or are you buying time using them
derek76 Vibes
Finasteride/Avodart is prescribed to reduce the prostate size over time. Many Uro's will even use it short term prior to the procedure they are going to do.
kenneth1955 derek76
Never took them but just read up on both. Boy are there alot of side effects. Guy's if you are on things meds read up on them and tell your doctor of any problem. It's something . Somtimes the pills to help you have more problems they the problem. Take care all Ken
derek76 kenneth1955
wally5 derek76
MK51151 derek76
it kills libido also and causes RE.
kenneth1955 derek76
Yes I read that was a side effectof it and a low sex drive and many others What a mess. Glad I'm not on it. I have allway been heavy chest. Lose 100 pounds I never worn T-Shirt because of that Ken
kenneth1955 wally5
We go to a doctors to help us but we have to get information from friends and the internet to help. also If your put on a pill and something happen call the doctor most of the time there is something else he can give you have a good day. It's alot of trail and error Ken
derek76 wally5
In 1995 with less information on the internet I went to a reference library to seek out more information. Even then I found that the option Gold Standard TURP should be avoided.
One book was by an American urologist called Salcedo and I wrote to him about points in his book about developments in laser surgery. He advised me to wait for that to be improved rather than have a TURP. It was quite a long wait during that time I was taking a form of Saw Palmetto.
An early version of Holmium was being done at a few hospitals as was Gyrus. Nor did TUMP did not seem a good choice.
I later contacted the company who had developed GL PVP and was put in touch with their British rep. He gave me information on hospitals who were testing it out and I was one of the early patients at the hospital where I had it done.
steven43881 derek76
I was like Wally. I was given no info. Trusted the Dr.. + I was in alot of pain with prostatitis. I believed the Dr. would do the right thing by me. That's why I started this blog- to try and get some answers for Wally and me.
alan86734 derek76
All the best.
derek76 steven43881
When did you have the TURP and do you still have prostatitis?
I didn't have prostatitis until about three years after my PVP in 2005. It started suddenly. I was on holday and the weather was rather warm and I got dehydrated. I started to pass some blood on urination that was said to be from a burst blood vessel in my prostate and it started them and I had it for for several long periods until early last year when it stopped.
steven43881 derek76
I want to reply to your posts and may a little later on. I want to try to catch the debates tonight. I might add, I still have the prostatitis and it's driving me crazy. The Dr. never addressed the Prostatitis and did the turp. That's why I'm so crabby. I feel betrtrayed. I will get back to you.
derek76 steven43881
steven43881 derek76
Boy, that's true, Derek. I want to talk with you. Maybe you can help me. Iv'e had this prostatits now for 7 years and I'm getting so sick and tired of it. Drs. nearly throw me out of their offices and all I want is someone to PLEASE help me. Imagine walking around with a pain between your legs for seven years. Thank you for your gracious answer this time. It means a lot. Thank you, derek
I will talk with you tomorrow,
Hi derek,
My issues started back in late 2009. I had very serious prostate issues that I was warned about, but never did anything about them. I was put on Flomax with no results at all. That was in 2001. Since the flomax didn't work I was in no discomfort so I stoped the medication and told myself that I would get it taken care of 1 day. As the years went on the synptoms got worse but I never did anything about it. Then in 2009 I met a girl and we had a short affair of unprotected sex. That was in Sept of 2009- in Nov of 2009 I started getting pain in my perrenial area and pain at the tip of my penis. One Dr. diagnosed me with prostatitis and gave me a prescription. It took the initial pain away, but I was very uncomfortable in my perennial area. He couldn't see me for another 3 weeks, so I saw the Dr who did the Turp on me. I was in such discomfort like the feeling that I was " sitting on a golf ball ". He sent me for std tests and they all came back negative. Had all the tests done and my urinary system was a mess. A 40 gr. prostate that was still blocking the flow of urine, 250 cc of infected residual urine and 6 bladder stones. As well as multiple kidney stones. Was put on Flomax again with no results whatsoever. Then he called me in and we did the urine flow test. I was only 59 years old. The flow rate was 3.2 cc/ sec. He told me that I had the urine stream of an 85 yr old man. In contrast my urine stream in 2001 was 7.6 cc/ sec. He told me that I had no Prostatitis. I was so scared with the pain and the " golf ball " that I was sitting on that I agreed to the Turp thinking that that would take my pain away.The prostate was swelled to the point that I could hardly walk and felt almost like I had a gapefruit between my legs. I was at the point where I was taking sitz baths and felt spasms in my prostate area when I was sitting in the hot water. I read on the internet where Prostatitis doesn't go away. Very scared. So I agreed to the TURP. Anyway, I'm still having prostate pain and have been told by other urologists that this is indeed Prostatitis. Where do I turn to next?
uncklefester derek76
Derek you sound like me. I had 2 real bad episodes of blood in urine. 2 other minor one. I asked my urologist how she knows its not prostitis she didn't have an answer.
derek76 uncklefester
Do you like female urologists? The first one I had was the well named Miss Waterfall.
kenneth1955 derek76
derek76 steven43881
In your case you are unfortunate to have so many conditions at once.There was another person on the forum a few weeks ago whose symptoms started after one instance of unprotected sex. He also had no trace of an STD.
The problem is there is bacterial and nonbacterial Prostatitis. If it is nonbacterial as mine was they look at you disbelievingly. We can’t find it so you ain’t got it.
My GP still gave me many antibiotics that did not help. Be careful of Cipro as it contains quinolone that can damage your tendons as it did to me. That is another thing that they want to deny.
With me it was worse when laying down and sitting but improved when walking or standing. There is a donut shaped cushion that you can buy that makes sitting easier.
I don’t know if the two go together but I twice had epididymitis at the same time. Now that is really a pain in the balls.
uncklefester derek76
Deker76, yes my first uro ( male ) did a cystscope ( he said prostate was swollen and inflamed and CT scan ( show a smallish inconclusive spot on my kidney ) He never did a DRE not checked the rest of my plumbing. He was the one that scheduled TURP with. When asked he was very vague as to instrument my prostate would be wittled open with. Needless to say I bailed him
Loved the female uro. Technically she was a PA but she was very knowelgable (sp?) Big plus she had small fingers . I decided I wanted HOLEP procedure so she referred me my present uro.
I asked my first 2 uros if I could possibly have prostitis they said no but really never said why. I had many prostitis symptoms.
uncklefester kenneth1955
kenneth1955 uncklefester
derek76 uncklefester
My liver has a considerable number of cysts as well.
kenneth1955 derek76
Boy it's hell to get old. Life is a pain in the BUTT. I hope you feel better Ken
steven43881 derek76
I did have many things going on all at once, Derek I didn't know what was going on.
uncklefester derek76
I have a 30mm benign cyst on one kidney. Multiple benign 5mm spots on my lungs. Gotta go for CT scan next July to see if anything has changed. I don't smoke, drink or do drugs. Except for the occasional use of my favorite recreational drug ( Viagara)
derek76 uncklefester
Cialis is a better drug in that the effect lasts longer and it helps urine flow. I was surprised when first taking Cialis that I peed much better for the next two days.
derek76 steven43881
At one time people used to talk about 'Womans troubles' but now we Guys are even worse off.
frank74205 kenneth1955
HI Ken, I'm taking Avodart and Flomax--have been on this medicine 4 months.I'm thinking at my age 87, to avoid surgery.and procedures. i could learn to sel cath- keep taking medicine and maybe after 6 months my prostate could shrink? Could you ask your urologist if this makes sense??
Thanks,very much i do appreciate it.
kenneth1955 frank74205
frank74205 kenneth1955