Twitching, pain and insomnia.
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Hi ladies. I have been going through Perimenopause for nearly 3 years now and the symptoms seem to be getting worse. I haven't had a good nights sleep since I started. Lately, I only manage to get 2-4hours sleep every night and I wake up every half hour or hour. My muscles and joints ache and I have stiffness in my fingers which is very painful. Recently, the leg twitches or fast jolts have also been disturbing my sleep. I seem to be experiencing a throbbing sensation in my arms, legs, back or shoulders. The best way to describe this sensation is that it feels like a heart beating in my limbs or back. Is anyone else experiencing this throbbing sensation? I'm using magnesium but I haven't noticed any change. My dr won't prescribe sleep meds and seems to think that my symptoms are anxiety related but I remain unconvinced. I'm terrified that I have some auto-immune disease because of the twitching/jolts and weird throbbing in my limbs and upper body. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you ladies.
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Sochima822 faz5503
Hi Faz, unfortunately this is all part of perimenopause and while it seems that things are getting worse well there are other things that you still haven't experienced that are even more frightening. Sleep deprivation is one of the worse issues during this phase because we're afraid to not sleep. Unfortunately, there isn't much you can do except for maybe try taking borage oil and see if this helps. Flax seed oil is also good but my favorite is taking Maca. I also took Dong Quai tea and sage. Maca and sage worked best but I had a bad reaction to sage. Don't forget to take vitamin d3 and C and a multivitamin. The only magnesium that I found to work and calm the peri nerves is a powder called Calm. Look it up online. If you have any other questions feel free to ask.
faz5503 Sochima822
Hello Sochima. Firstly, thank you very much for the speedy response, advice and reassurance. I am taking magnesium, cod liver oil tablets and vit d3 but they're not helping me to sleep. I will try to find maca or calm because I'm desperate to get some sleep. Please look after yourself and thanks for your advice and reassurances. I hope and pray that you feel better soon. All the best my dear and thanks for you help. Kind regards to you and your loved ones.💐🌺🌻🌷💐
may69987 faz5503
Hi faz I had sleeping problem too waking up at 4 or 5 and not being able to go back to sleep along with so many other peri symptoms ,my doctore told me to take Valeran root before bed time and they did help me with the sleeping problem and the good thing they have no side effect 😊so u can give it a try they come in capsul or tea I took the capsul and I was very happy with the result 😊
And I forgot to mention they work for stress too ,in old days they were used as anti stress ,😊
Sochima822 faz5503
Faz, I was told to ditch the cod liver oil, it has way too much fat, also only buy fish oil that is made from sardines and high in Dhea. Borage oil worked really well, but it maybe too late if you're experiencing many symptoms. But passionflower by dr. bach I hear is also good, primrose was excellent but I reacted to it since I'm allergic to many plants, but I've had ladies say it has helped them. Yes, calm brand mg is an excellent product. Also, don't fret over not sleeping there will come a time when you'll want to sleep even more after waking up. I took my vd3, my coffee, and ate breakfast and I'm so sleepy I have one eye open and one close whole typing this post. I'm going to take my multivitamin which will wake me up but not be able to do much. I certainly hope you don't experience half of what I went through. I swear it felt as if I had body parts missing; a leg, an arm, my hip, etc. Then one day I froze, my brain told my body I could no longer move, lol, in the middle of leaving a grocery store. Luckily, my significant other helped move me by telling me he'd pushed me forward and for me to take a step forward. I said okay but catch me if I fall. Well, to my surprise I didn't fall. Truly amazing I remembered it too, since I went through a brief period of total dementia. Friends whom I had stayed in their homes with, suddenly became total strangers. Wishing you the best ?💖🦋🌷🌹🌞💗
mrs_susan74280 Sochima822
Sochima822 mrs_susan74280
No, I never took antidepressants, I was on a low dose birth control pill for a year, but since I stopped it too early my symptoms came back 10x worse. Well, for the stiff joints I took fish oil, made from salmon or sardines. I also took a joint flex pill otc that worked to take away the joint pain and I only took it until my joint pain went away, and I took calcium pills. Nowadays if I feel joint pain I try a calcium pill for a couple of days and if the pain goes away i know it's because I lack calcium. I took lots of vitamin d3 and a multivitamin. My doctor rx me gabapentin and it was excellent but then new symptoms arose 2 years later after I stopped it. I also took an aspirin when I would feel a vibration for fear it was a blood clot. I tried a lot of stuff, but i noticed that when i took a probiotic(bromelain) i felt better. I also, took gingko biloba, and garcina combogia pill & tea for my memory well the garcina combogia is excellent for your memory. I had fuzzy memory thing . It may not bring your memory 100% but 80% wasn't bad. My memory was so bad I would put my phone in the refrigerator or put my underwear in my make-up drawer. I swear I had the most bizarre events take place while I was going through it. But I was lucky, I must say because I had support. My bff was there for me, when i couldn't drive she'd pick me up and take me out, even to just accompany her. My s.o. was also a great help and so patient. Without these two people in my life who knows if I would have come out of if as soon as I did. My bff would get me out to exercise with her early in the morning with a trainer. I think this helped me tremendously. I also have another close friend who was experiencing some of the same symptoms I had so we'd share info. I came here about 3 years ago only to share what I went through and give tips on how to better manage some symptoms. This journey has been very expensive at the same time because I was willing to give natural remedies a try and I will tell you that the old ones passed down for generations are still true and work to this day. If you have any other questions feel free to ask xx
faz5503 may69987
Hi may69987. Thank you for the advice and I hope that you are doing better. All the best. 🌺💐🌷
Sochima822 faz5503
Forgot to add that taking a B complex vitamin is also excellent. I can't recall getting anxiety maybe because I was taking the B complex. I believe we have everything we need to help our bodies adjust we just need to find what it is we're missing.
Sassyr12a faz5503
Hi faz
Yes all related I would say and I had the same including the twitches. I'm also low on iron though and sometimes that can cause restlessness. I'm 43 and have been on bhrt since March and I am so much better. My sleep is better than it was, but I also take nighttime Kalms. I don't have any aches and pains now, but I take a fistful of vitamins including a multi vitamin, cod liver oil and green complex. The vitamins help, but really for me it was the bhrt that made the difference. I hope that helps xx
faz5503 Sassyr12a
Hey Sassy. Thanks for the advice and for sharing your experience. I am currently taking vit d3, magnesium & cod liver oil tablet but I'll discuss the bhrt with my dr. All the best and thanks again for sharing. 🌻💐🌺
kris813 faz5503
Have/had all you are describing, My newest issue as there is always something new.
A twitching/mini vibration ) sensation in/under my left breast. If constant! No pain, juts like i have a cell phone in my body ..
faz5503 kris813
Thi Kris. Thanks for the reassurance and I hope that you feel better soon. Best wishes to you and yours. 🌺💐🌷
monique_93857 faz5503
monique_93857 faz5503
I had to come back and share some of my experiences it started out with the hot flashes then it went to the health anxiety the stomach twitches I called them belly flops dry eyes dry nose allergies through the roof sore muscles aching so bad sometimes my shoulders elbows my wrist seems to be I have a stuffy nose a lot now I went through the phase of feeling lonely crying a lot sleepless nights those were horrible I developed bursitis crawling skin afraid to leave the house sometimes the joint pain burning tongue sensitive teeth that's just some of what I went through I'm sure it's more to come a lot of it has subsided or either I just don't pay attention to it anymore I'm praying it gets better for all of us have a good day ladies if I remember anything else I will definitely be back to let you know I'll also I felt doomed all the time always felt like something was going to happen and I became an extreme worry wart
faz5503 monique_93857
Thanks for sharing your experience with me Monique. I have had all your symptoms over the last two and a half years. Some of them have gone but they have been replaced by new symptoms. All the best and thank you. Kind regards to you and your family. 🌺💐🌻
may69987 monique_93857
Hi Monique ,I have to admit every time I read this comment u did about your symptoms I feel relief ,I don’t mean it that I’m happy that your going through this but I have every single symptoms you mentioned ,and everytime I go to my gencologist he says your too young ,I’m 42 ,I know it is hormone problems but I only need it so test result to prove it so I can stop thinking about other disease ,but your comments is a lot of relief 💕thanks 💕
monique_93857 may69987
I'm happy to share my experience with everyone it is a lot to go through for example today my shoulder and my elbow are aching I've been having a lot of sleepless nights here lately for some reason to be honest I think it's the coffee I drink during the day they say it makes things it worse but I just won't give up my coffee I barely eat anything anymore just don't have an appetite for food the coffee pretty much keeps me going throughout the day on top of working two jobs I try to keep myself busy so I don't think about all the symptoms most of them went away but of course we know how long they can go away and then all the sudden he looks like a Titanic hang in there ladies anything new pops up I'll pop in and share it with you
mrs_susan74280 monique_93857
may69987 monique_93857
Me too whenever I drink coffe I get hot and cold flashes and I’m not coffe women but I crave it when I’m in my period ,which I just had one and now I’m having hot flashes 😤I think I’m going to try getting decade next time 😞
monique_93857 mrs_susan74280
For over a year i suffered with it but thanking god today its gone yes it's horrible i prayed day and night for this to pass i kept telling myself its gonna be ok and also took walks a lot they helped me