Twitching, pain and insomnia.

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Hi ladies.  I have been going through Perimenopause for nearly 3 years now and the symptoms seem to be getting worse.  I haven't had a good nights sleep since I started.  Lately, I only manage to get 2-4hours sleep every night and I wake up every half hour or hour.  My muscles and joints ache and I have stiffness in my fingers which is very painful.  Recently, the leg twitches or fast jolts have also been disturbing my sleep.  I seem to be experiencing a throbbing sensation in my arms, legs, back or shoulders. The best way to describe this sensation is that it feels like a heart beating in my limbs or back.  Is anyone else experiencing this throbbing sensation?  I'm using magnesium but I haven't noticed any change.   My dr won't prescribe sleep meds and seems to think that my symptoms are anxiety related but I remain unconvinced.  I'm terrified that I have some auto-immune disease because of the twitching/jolts and weird throbbing in my limbs and upper body.  Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you ladies.

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    My dr wouldn’t prescribe sleeping pills for me either so I went to a psychiatrist and he did. I was waking up at 4.30am not being able to get back to sleep I was exhausted all the time . I don’t take them all the time but they helped put me back on a better schedule . So find another dr or psychiatrist ... you can’t go on without sleep . 

    Try an over the counter for now and some melatonin ( not available in Uk) if marijuana is legal where you are I take the chocolate  .... that also knocks you out ! 

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