ultrasound showed thickening of the lining of the womb
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Hi, i've just joined and thought i might get some help as i am very worried...i went for a scan today and they said i had thickening in the womb...i stupidly googled it and now i'm thinking the worse as cancer came up...i only went for the scan because of heavy periods...so heavy i need to take iron tabs as my iron and zinc are low...i just thought it was the start of menopause...anyone else had this and every thing ok! thanks alot!
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maisie05 jane50560
jane50560 maisie05
maisie05 jane50560
I too have heavy periods and fibroids causing anaemia. I was offered the mirena coil last year which is supposed to help but didn't fancy it. I'm considering hrt now as perimeno symptoms are getting stronger.
Hope you don't have too long to wait for Drs appt
jane50560 maisie05
Thanks Maisie...i will let u know...i got offered the coil a few yrs ago but din't fancy it either....i'll just try to ride my symtoms out...hot flushed .palpitions headaches....oh the joys
michelle46271 maisie05
What symptoms do you suffer with ?
maisie05 michelle46271
Hi Michelle
Gosh, where to start. Early this year I was having palpitations and erratic heartbeat and panicky feelings. Had ecg and heart monitors and all normal. Guess that could be health anxiety. Tiredness, not wanting to go anywhere or do anything, such hard work to motivate myself. But I thought this was all being caused by the anaemia. Then over the last month the night sweats and hot flashes slowly started and crashing fatigue. (I've just woke up after crashing on settee) couldn't help it. Brain fog. Bloatedness. I've put weight on round my middle and had the rib pains, can't stand wearing a bra! One thing I don't have is headache which I'm grateful for.
The night sweats are really bad now, waking every hour, then shivering.
I'm trying different alternatives as suggested on here but I'm probably not giving them long enough to work. There's so much to choose from it gets confusing what to try. I've just today had sage and passionflower delivered so thats what I'm going with at the moment. I take Co enzyme Q10 for brain function and biotin for hair and I've been using meno pace.
I've been following your posts and symathize with all you are going through, you are very brave. I was so glad when I found this site and am able to talk with others suffering similarly. And the positiveness from some who've found relief.
Love and hugs
I was taking omeprazole for over a year for bloating and excessive gas, huge burps, embarrassing! But thats how I found this site, googling side effects. The same symptoms I've described can be attributed to omeprazole and it also inhibits absorption of iron. Why my doctor didn't know this I don't know!
I stopped taking it 2 months ago and so far managing with careful diet and rennies.
pinkcatfairy maisie05
millie99 jane50560
My scan came up with the same as yours.I also googled and came up with cancer.I suffer with really heavy periods and after speaking to my gyne I was told it was the start of the menopause.I have fibroids and had a fibrod embolisation three weeks ago and was told by the surgeon that that the thickening in the wombi is the start of the menopause.I'm sure its nothing to worry about but understand your concern.
jane50560 millie99
d19606 jane50560
iv also got a niggling pain in my sides and started with a stomach ach that has been around for a few days and wont stop.
iv been suffering on and off with peri like symptoms since last year but the bleeding was new and iv never gone so many months none stop.
jane50560 d19606
Hope your scan goes well...d196.... hopefully this is just all part of the menopause...its a worrying time though...feel like im falling to bits lol...it's good to talk though isn't it!
Michellestar87 d19606
d19606 Michellestar87
but still my dr has took all this time to send me for a scan. i think my gp is usless.