Uncomfortable feeling Under Left Lower Ribs and varying bowel movements

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To try cut a long story as short as I can I have basically had an uncomfortable feeling under my lower left ribs and some irregular bowel movements for the last 3 months that don't seem to show any signs of disappearing. Just wondered if anyone has experienced anything similar?

With regards to the feeling in the ribs at no point has it been massively painful to the point where I have needed to take any pain killers or anything like that. It just feels more uncomfortable than anything else rather than painful as if there is something under my ribs that should be there. The lower left ribs feel bruised to touch but again not that painful.

I play football and go to the gym and have been able to continue both without any trouble or issues.

With regards to my bowels they have just been a bit all over the place since it started really. At first I kind of felt constipated and was having bowel movements but size and quantity wise there wasn't as much coming out as normal or as expected and had a feeling of not fully emptying.

In the last month that has changed slightly in that I have had a couple of what I would call regular sized and quantity movements but they seem to happen every 3 or 4 days and in between the movements are the fairly small quantities mentioned and usually very irregular shapes and sizes although the feeling of not emptying seems to have gone or reduced.

I have been to see my GP 3 or four times since this started. First couple of times they had a feel around and couldn't feel anything untoward and suggested it was just a bit of constipation so suggest some over the counter laxitives and then when that didnt work prescribed some Laxido sachets which again didnt do anything really.

I have now had a blood test and an chest xray that I am awaiting the results of and have an ultrasound booked in but that isn't for another 3 weeks.

In the meantime I just really suffering a bit mentally not knowing what this is and obviously worrying this could be something serious. Just keep searching and searching online and must have diagnosed myself with about 25 different things which I know is silly but can't help it. I am someone that never usually gets ill so this is very out of the ordinary for me.

I am only 32 and lead a pretty active lifestyle, eat well, don't smoke and don't drink too much, weight and BMI is all in the decent range - all things which my GP keeps telling me means that it being something serious is unlikely but at the same time it doesn't show any sign of easing up.

Not had any diarrhea at all in the 3 months although stools have been pretty soft the whole time even when not much is coming out. Not had any blood in my stools that I have been able to notice.

Its just so frustrating as for 3 months whilst I have been able to go to work etc I just feel like I am constantly at about 70%. I feel ok physically but not great and mentally I just feel shot to pieces.

Obviously I need to wait for my results and take from there but just seems such a drawn out affair to try and convince GP that something just doesn't feel right and just wondered if anyone had suffered anything similar to this?

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434 Replies

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  • Posted

    I have the exact same thing!! But I'm only 17 so is that worse or..??

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      If your asking me, I have no idea. I would suggest you get a massage from someone that specializes in myofascial massage. Tell them the problem your having and someone said they got some relief from this. The majority of massage was from the glutes down to your feet, then she did find some tight fascia between my ribs. Worst case scenario you get a relaxing massage.No harm, but possibility of major relief. Let me know if you go and if it helps. I'll put you on my prayer list. God Bless.

  • Posted

    I’m 28 and I’m experiencing the exact same thing I know this was posted 3 years ago but hopefully you can get back to me if this was resolved, thank you 
    • Posted

      Apologies I didn’t read through the whole thread, thebubbleinside sounds like what I go through on a daily basis, I have different issues that crop up all the time and completely convince myself it’s sonething major, my anxiety is terrible. 

      I am 28 and have a 9 month old son and I have been putting every change in my body, down to my body getting back to ‘normal.’ 

       I have for the past couple of weeks had this discomfort in my lower left rib and haven’t yet been to the doctors. I know the dull ache isn’t ideal but it’s refreshing to know other people have the same issues and I’m not mental (sorry) also I have been experiencing IBS alongside it and will go to the doctors and post the outcome.  Hope everyone resolves the issue and lives a happy long life! 

  • Posted

    Two years ago I started complaining of pain under my left ribcage and because I am a long term IBS sufferer as well I had all the tests going.Mine turned out to be Costochronditis(hopefully spelt right)if you have never heard of it its inflammation that can inflame the tissue around your ribcage and it can be very painful and sometimes a long road to get rid of and can certainly trick you into thinking its something else.Try pressing gently along your ribs and see if you have any tenderness or discomfort and mention it to your doctor.Certainly dont self diagnose though and take doctors advise about any tests offered to rule out other illnesses.
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      So what was the diagnosis? 
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      I meant treatment.
  • Posted

    Hi Someboy.  I have spent hours tonight researching symptoms/conditions in hopes of possible answers. During the last 3 months since this started I have found it difficult to describe my symptoms to others which is why I was so happy to stumble upon this post.  A little history...I am 49 yr old female-IDDM, Celiac,Vit D def and underactive thyroid. Overall still in good health though.  3 months ago I had the typical cold/cough f/b minor intercostal muscle strain left side (from coughing). About a week after the initial muscle strain while coughing I experienced an excruciating pain that dropped me to my knees. The pain was in the back directly over the kidney. Urgent clinic visit- xray negative for fractured ribs. 3 days later the discomfort (no longer pain) shifted settling in my left side lower ribs.  CT scan ruled out kidney stones etc. Long and short= no abnormality found. 3 months into this I am still dealing with the lovely symptoms of left lower rib tenderness to touch with a feeling of something stuck underneath the rib in addition to the strangest of the symptoms which is a feeling of movement. As if can feel stool moving thru my colon. not painful just eery. woman reading this....it feels just like a baby moving around, not kicking, just shifting position. Logically I know there is no baby there (had a hysterectomy)  but there is no other way to describe it.  When i feel the movement I have tried to palpate to see if I can feel movement with my hand or actually see movement but neither is obvious. Sometimes positioning has no significant impact on these 3 symptoms. The rib discomfort is always there as well as the feeling of something stuck under my ribs but the sensation of something moving around in there is random (can't actually be stool based on its random direction). I haven't noticed any significant change in bowel patterns but with my other medical conditions it would be tough to decipher which it's related to if there were a change. Now, what really struck me aside from the obvious symptoms that are discussed is the fact that just last week I was telling my neighbor how I have been so tired and can't focus and her response was "don't forget being an airhead lately".  She loves me no worries lol.  I said wow, so true. I've been having trouble focusing and seriously lacking energy feeling so tired all the time. Again any of this can be related to my other conditions but seeing other experience the same issues without the existing conditions tells me I need to pursue finding out the cause and not except the simple answer of "well it's probably related to x,y,z" which is the default answer when doctors don't have a better explanation. Thank you Thank you Thank you to someboy for starting this post and to all that posted your experiences.  I have read each one and really appreciate your sharing. Being an older post I do hope you have found the answers and better yet the solution to this ailment but if not please continue to share any new insight. 

    • Posted

      I feel like I wrote this myself. Yes, a baby moving is the exact feeling. I was told its gas. I've had every test you can imagine including colonoscopy, million labs, multiple hospital visits. Nothing besides vit d deficiency. I had a weird wibble/unsteady feeling at times too and my sinus seem to be affected! Weird I know. Almost wondering about a nerve...

  • Posted

    Hey everyone! 

    A little update:

    After I visited my doctor for the second time back in mid February, she ordered x rays to check for spine problems and a ct scan to check for kidney stones. I only had the x rays done (which they still haven’t called me about!) and didn’t get the ct scan. I felt like my doctor wasn’t listening to me and I know maybe kidney stones could’ve been related somehow to discomfort on the rib/left side but instead I went to the emergency room at the end of February. Immediately I felt better to have gone there for a second opinion. The doctor there was really good and addressed my concerns. He did more extensive blood work and urine test, as well as x rays on the front of my abdomen. 

    Turns out I had trapped air on the upper side on my stomach, right where my uncomfortable feeling was. 

    Of course, there’s no medicine for this, but he suggested I take some over the counter tablets called GasX which so far have done wonders! 

    I no longer have that bubble feeling as of a few days ago! 

    ... however, I still have a swollen lymph node above my collarbone on the left side which he only said to monitor but today marks one month since I found it and I’m starting to get worried. I also have throat pain and earache, as well as pain/discomfort/restlessness on my legs and some weird ache on my breasts. 

    I also noticed that the area between my collarbone and breast (left side) is a bit swollen, so I’m probably going to go back to the emergency room and get some more tests done.

    As for the more extensive blood work, they told me there’s no infection, my blood count is well, organs function is well, and I’m still low on vitamin D so still taking the supplements... 

    So that’s my update for now! Bubble thing under control, so now off to tackle other symptoms lol

    I’m young and scared but trying to stay positive.

    • Posted

      Interesting about the vitamin D. I have the same issue. 

      I use Prilosec and it works for me. It also keeps me from having to take something every day.


  • Posted

    Well I cannot believe I found this forum so late. I have been battling the EXACT same issue for 4 years now. The only other problem I had was debilitating migraines which my GP deemed non-relevant. After many intrusive procedures, I have finally found relief. I have Gastric Ulcers. I feel everyones pain as I was going through x-rays, colonoscopies, endoscopies, blood tests, and even an MRI with contrast. This was seriously affecting my mental health. When I wasn't down and out with a migraine, I was having severe stomach issues and left side pain. Not excruciating pain, but uncomfortable like mentioned my others. I found relief by chance. After my recent bout with this odd, dull pain, I dug a little deeper into Google (and I know that's the last thing you're supposed to do). Upon doing so, I came to my own conclusion that I was suffering from an ulcer or ulcers. I began taking two Zantac 150's daily and the condition subsided within two days. Before, I would go 1-2-3 months of this. Not knowing what was going on inside me but pretending everything was fine. I can't say with 100% certainty that any of you have ulcers or even myself for that matter but I do know that taking whatever Zantac is, helped me. I didn't change my diet or fluid intake or anything. I simply just started taking them when the discomfort arose. On top of that, I notice immediate change in my BM's almost immediately (1-2hrs). I just thought I would chime in as I have had what sounds like a very similar issue. Good luck everyone!

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      Ps. I live an extremely stressful lifestyle and from what I read, that is more than likely the culprit to my health woes.
    • Posted

      The stress seems to be a frequent thing. I too have noticed when I take Prilosec it goes away. I have had this issue for over 15 years and yes, stress is a part of my life yet it's manageable. 

      I have tried others that did not quite do the job of relief. I don't have bowel issues. 

      My suggestion to anyone that suffers from this annoying issue would be to try these over the counter until you find one that really works without leaving questions about its effectiveness. I took a different one for a long time with just so-so results. I had to take it all the time. 

      Prilosec is designed so you get long-term relief. 

      I have no leftover comfort issues after taking it.

      Ps. I am not saying it is a cure. Obviously, there is an underlying problem. Diet, weight, stress, etc.

      Good luck! And if you find something that helps you please post it here.

      Thanks, Brad!

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