Uncomfortable feeling Under Left Lower Ribs and varying bowel movements

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To try cut a long story as short as I can I have basically had an uncomfortable feeling under my lower left ribs and some irregular bowel movements for the last 3 months that don't seem to show any signs of disappearing. Just wondered if anyone has experienced anything similar?

With regards to the feeling in the ribs at no point has it been massively painful to the point where I have needed to take any pain killers or anything like that. It just feels more uncomfortable than anything else rather than painful as if there is something under my ribs that should be there. The lower left ribs feel bruised to touch but again not that painful.

I play football and go to the gym and have been able to continue both without any trouble or issues.

With regards to my bowels they have just been a bit all over the place since it started really. At first I kind of felt constipated and was having bowel movements but size and quantity wise there wasn't as much coming out as normal or as expected and had a feeling of not fully emptying.

In the last month that has changed slightly in that I have had a couple of what I would call regular sized and quantity movements but they seem to happen every 3 or 4 days and in between the movements are the fairly small quantities mentioned and usually very irregular shapes and sizes although the feeling of not emptying seems to have gone or reduced.

I have been to see my GP 3 or four times since this started. First couple of times they had a feel around and couldn't feel anything untoward and suggested it was just a bit of constipation so suggest some over the counter laxitives and then when that didnt work prescribed some Laxido sachets which again didnt do anything really.

I have now had a blood test and an chest xray that I am awaiting the results of and have an ultrasound booked in but that isn't for another 3 weeks.

In the meantime I just really suffering a bit mentally not knowing what this is and obviously worrying this could be something serious. Just keep searching and searching online and must have diagnosed myself with about 25 different things which I know is silly but can't help it. I am someone that never usually gets ill so this is very out of the ordinary for me.

I am only 32 and lead a pretty active lifestyle, eat well, don't smoke and don't drink too much, weight and BMI is all in the decent range - all things which my GP keeps telling me means that it being something serious is unlikely but at the same time it doesn't show any sign of easing up.

Not had any diarrhea at all in the 3 months although stools have been pretty soft the whole time even when not much is coming out. Not had any blood in my stools that I have been able to notice.

Its just so frustrating as for 3 months whilst I have been able to go to work etc I just feel like I am constantly at about 70%. I feel ok physically but not great and mentally I just feel shot to pieces.

Obviously I need to wait for my results and take from there but just seems such a drawn out affair to try and convince GP that something just doesn't feel right and just wondered if anyone had suffered anything similar to this?

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    Had similar symptoms that almost everyone has mentioned, dull pressure in left abdomen below rib cage, for the past 3 months. Finally got into doctor who threw out Diverticulitis as the likely cause. Started me on an antibiotic regimen with probiotics as a supplement plus doing blood work to determine any level of infection. Due to insurance, we had to start here. Have an ultrasound scheduled after antibiotics if they don't cure the problem. Then on to CT scan. When I reviewed the symptoms of Diverticulitis on the web, it fits my symptoms in the early stages.

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    Hey, this could be years later but I just left the hospital with these exact issues. I feel like I wrote it myself. They couldn't figure out what was wrong. Did you ever figure it out?

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      I have pressure pain under and around left rib aching left arm n shoulder pain from left side going into back n right arm pain and shoulder pain I've had it few weeks had fibroscan still waiting 9 days later for a result from scan it's affecting my breathing I don't seem to have enough air going in and things are worse when lying down it's driving me crazy wanting to know what it could be. What tests did you have at the hosp

  • Posted

    Hello someone and hello everybody in the forum.

    For  more than six months now I have the same condition of feeling something underneath my left side rib and it's really making me crazy .

    Since i was 16 yrs i had and i still have male breast over size.

    I remember how it started.

    It started when i was 16 and at that day when i masturbated  for more than 5 times i had my left testes enlargement and also came noticed some groth in my left chest nipple.

    Mom took me to a doctor then and he said it is ok to have this and nothing is wrong with beeing with little oversized breast.

    Now i am 50 yrs and  i've been  researching my condition for many month i just got this idea of this little  oversized breast tissue that i have.

    Maybe it is it?

    Someone of u guys have this oversized breast tissue?

    Maybe we can research in this direction to figuer out if it is the breast tissue which is causing this feeling of something under the ribs?!!!

  • Posted

    I've had this same condition for nearly 2 years.  So far, it is totally un-diagnosed.  My pressure/tightness began in my lower left abdomen, then spread to upper left abdomen and left side of back.  It is constant, for the most part, but varies in intensity.  I've had a brain scan to rule out MS and/or tumor, been to neurologist to rule out nerve issues, CT scan on my back, and CT scan on my abdomen (today, actually .... still waiting on those results.)  Dr put me on enzymes, thinking it was something to do with my pancreas, but I haven't seen a change.  Even my doctor is baffled.  So weird!

    • Posted

      Oh god two years you have had it. I hope you have got results back now as to what this is I have similar thing when I had my fibroscan which was over four weeks ago the lady who did it just said one word pancreas but the result didn't show anything so um thinking is there a pancreas problem blood tests for imflamation were taken this morning and a full blood count as I have autoimmune liver disease I also have transverse myelitis a spinal cord condition 

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      Abdominal scan came back all clear.  But I did see my OB/GYN just recently for an annual check up and mentioned it to her.  She is absolutely convinced that the problem is adhesion's.  I have an ultrasound next week to see.  She said she cannot see adhesion's on a scan but they can compare to a past u/s to see if my organs have moved.  Crazy.  We will see .......

  • Posted

    Hello, I know this hasn't been commented on for a while but I have had a lot of the same issues with the pain under left side of rib. I have Crohn's disease so I struggle to get doctors to listen because they all chalk it up to that. I know my body and I know that it is not it. I also had ovary pain for a while and went to gynecologist and had ultrasound done and ended up have a decent size cyst. I had it surgical removed laparoscopically and thought that it would take care of the issue. Well almost six months later it is still there. Annoyed that I can't figure it out. My rib on the left side literally sticks out compared to my right and then because it sticks out it is sunken underneath on the left side as well. But my belly is often bloated when this annoying pain/ ache happens. Did the kidney stones go away? Did things get better? Did anyone find an answer? 

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    Has anyone experiencing this stuff ever have reflux or gerd?
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      I'm not sure what reflux or gerd is but I will tell you my awful symptoms for several weeks I have had an still suffering from pain like pressure round n under left rib which takes my breath awai I have heavy gnawing pain going up left arm into shoulder n referred same pain in right shoulder and arm. It's there 24/7 and this morning I've had blood tests for imflamation I'm so hoping something shows I can't believe in tn so much pain yet nothing showing up on fibroscan my dr saying after examination sounds like gastritis 

  • Posted

    Hey guys! This post brought me real comfort, so thank all of you for that. I too have had a problem with mild pain on my left side around the rib cage, not painful to touch and doesn't really hinder me from doing anything. Also I have had bowel consistently issues. I kind of have a normal poop most days followed by little poops and gas. I have a colonoscopy scheduled for November 2nd 2017. Hoping all goes well. Also I should mention earlier this year I had lower back pain in my right side that was not bad but had for months. Went to my GP for an answer and got "take something for the pain" I wasn't there because of pain, I was there for an answer. Since I did not get one I decided to get one on my own. Obviously this is a bad idea!!! Come to find I had everything from pancreatic cancer, stomach cancer to stage 4 kidney disease. Then found myself dignosed with acute anxiety and clinical depression. It was heLL and would wish it on no one. Was about to check myself into a federal psych ward, no joke. Any thoughts of having cancer or whatever went away cause it didn't matter, the state of mind I was in was no way to live and if I couldn't get out of that state of mind not sure how much I could take. Anyway after taking a month to get an appointment with anyone I saw a psychologist and started anti depressants and after a could weeks started to get back to myself a little. After month I felt really great!! Then noticed this feeling in my rectum. Could not touch it and feel it, just could feel something in there. Went to my GP and she stuck a finger up there and said she didn't feel anything, she took a stool sample for an occult blood test which came back fine. I pray the colonoscopy comes back ok. My point is this.... Anxiety and depression are very real and can cripple you. I am a 44 year old male and have never had any real sicknesses or much pain, I count my blessings each day for that. I never gave any thoughts to anxiety or depression, can't say I even took them serious, I'll never make that mistake again. I will update with results from colonoscopy in hopes that it will be fine and it will put someone's mind at ease as you did for me. I wish good luck to you all, both physically and mentally.

    • Posted

      Hi there did u find what was wrong with you as i did the same Google it and i got myself in a right mess
  • Posted

    I have the exact thing. Did you ever find out what it was?

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