Uncomfortable feeling Under Left Lower Ribs and varying bowel movements

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To try cut a long story as short as I can I have basically had an uncomfortable feeling under my lower left ribs and some irregular bowel movements for the last 3 months that don't seem to show any signs of disappearing. Just wondered if anyone has experienced anything similar?

With regards to the feeling in the ribs at no point has it been massively painful to the point where I have needed to take any pain killers or anything like that. It just feels more uncomfortable than anything else rather than painful as if there is something under my ribs that should be there. The lower left ribs feel bruised to touch but again not that painful.

I play football and go to the gym and have been able to continue both without any trouble or issues.

With regards to my bowels they have just been a bit all over the place since it started really. At first I kind of felt constipated and was having bowel movements but size and quantity wise there wasn't as much coming out as normal or as expected and had a feeling of not fully emptying.

In the last month that has changed slightly in that I have had a couple of what I would call regular sized and quantity movements but they seem to happen every 3 or 4 days and in between the movements are the fairly small quantities mentioned and usually very irregular shapes and sizes although the feeling of not emptying seems to have gone or reduced.

I have been to see my GP 3 or four times since this started. First couple of times they had a feel around and couldn't feel anything untoward and suggested it was just a bit of constipation so suggest some over the counter laxitives and then when that didnt work prescribed some Laxido sachets which again didnt do anything really.

I have now had a blood test and an chest xray that I am awaiting the results of and have an ultrasound booked in but that isn't for another 3 weeks.

In the meantime I just really suffering a bit mentally not knowing what this is and obviously worrying this could be something serious. Just keep searching and searching online and must have diagnosed myself with about 25 different things which I know is silly but can't help it. I am someone that never usually gets ill so this is very out of the ordinary for me.

I am only 32 and lead a pretty active lifestyle, eat well, don't smoke and don't drink too much, weight and BMI is all in the decent range - all things which my GP keeps telling me means that it being something serious is unlikely but at the same time it doesn't show any sign of easing up.

Not had any diarrhea at all in the 3 months although stools have been pretty soft the whole time even when not much is coming out. Not had any blood in my stools that I have been able to notice.

Its just so frustrating as for 3 months whilst I have been able to go to work etc I just feel like I am constantly at about 70%. I feel ok physically but not great and mentally I just feel shot to pieces.

Obviously I need to wait for my results and take from there but just seems such a drawn out affair to try and convince GP that something just doesn't feel right and just wondered if anyone had suffered anything similar to this?

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    Omg!!!!!I just feel like you are telling my story. It's been over 3months now and am so worried. I have relate all kinds of disease to my symptoms because I just want to know what the problem is. I have done xray and scans but doctors are no so sure. I have a doctors appointment in 2weeks with Thoracic doctor but It's taking forever though on the other had am scared what the results will be. I sick mentally and it is draining me. I open bowel 2-3 a day. My GP thought was food poisoning but now with the pain around my lower rib is just uncomfortable. Is like the whole left side is getting numb.

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    I think the answer to all problem can be a parasite of some sort. I had a problem for awhile but no fever or really no pain just gassy stuck in my stomach than making hard to use the baghroom. Uncomfortable feeling right under my left rib I had this maybe a year and a half. There's times I feel good but time I just feel the uncomfortable feeling and it sucks. It bothers more when I don't eat good. I do believe I had worms but maybe where they were they damaged and its not curing. I haven't went to a doc yet insurance problems. I got this after I got kidney stones couple months later boom. So I do if it has something to do with that or not.

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    I have had the same thing since April 1 st. June now. They think it is gas but think it might be lactose intolerant
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    I have been having similar issues myself for about a month or more now. It feels like a pressure right behind the bottom left side of my rib cage. Sometomes radiates into pain going into my left should and into my back near the left shoulder blade. The pressure originally started right under the left breast bone (still is there occasionally) I had a caffeine overdose a few months ago. And then I ended up catching a gastroenteritis. Which made me vomit and diahhareah profusely for about 6 hours. Followed by three or four days of sickness. After it subsided and I started feeling well again, I began getting tightness in my left wrist.

    I thought I was having a heart attack as the pain was radiating in my chest and I went to the ER. They couldn't find anything wrong and sent me home. I felt like sh*t the next week or so until I ended up back in the ER again. My phosphorus levels were extremely low. But that's because I have a rare deficiency that makes my body not properly absorb phosphorus and I stopped taking my meds when I turned 18. Either way it also effects my blood calcium levels which in turn makes my parathyroid go on overdrive and begins sucking the calcium from my bones.

    I have read that with my hyperthyroidism that it can directly effect every part of your body and life. It makes me feel depressed, unable to focus, foggy head. Lethargic, tired, forgetful. I can take a two hour nap and wake up more tired then before. It causes me to wake up in the middle of the night. And it sometimes triggers anxiety attacks which I have never gotten before in my life.

    I'd suggest getting your parathyroid levels checked and blood calcium levels. If either of them sit abnormal (as it sometimes only occurs in one or the other, in my case my parathyroid plasma levels are high, but my blood calcium sits even)

    I have another appointment set up with my Gastro doctor and as well I'm getting a second opinion from a different endocrinologist.

    As I read online that if you do not get it taken care of it will kill you in 20-25 years. It can cause you digestive issues, heart, liver and even kidney issues. And even with medicine it can still come back. You have to have surgery to get the glands removed from your neck. I'll keep you all updated after I get my scope done

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    A while ago I was prescribed with the stomach protector, Lansoprazol for something unrelated to this conversation. After taking it for some years I developed the symptoms you describe - the pain being at its worst when sitting - especially bad whilst driving my car any distance. My GP took me off Lanzoprazol and on to a weaker dose of Omeprazol and the symptoms cleared up. Recently, I have once again been prescribed Lansoprazol and the symptons have returned.
  • Posted

    First I just want to say thank you for keeping up with this for so long... its the only one i have found that is kept updated. Second.. i have been experiencing the exact same symptoms as your original post for about 3 months.. just had a colonoscopy which doctor saw nothing concerning as far as IBS or diverticulitis. .. the only thing he did tell me was he had a hard time getting through my descending colon (he mentioned scar tissue from my c-sections). All he said was for me to up my fiber and drink more water. I got hime and read the report... he noted i had a tortuous (or redundant) colon which means my colon is longer than normal and has more twists and turns.. there apparently is no medical concern for this finding unless it causes blockage. I feel stuck...this ache is now on my right side also. Not everyday all day but between that and being so tired all the time and trying to keep up with my 3 little ones its very depressing.
  • Posted

    I've had this sensation for years now. Plus a plathora of other symptoms. Fatigue, brain fog, IBS, soreness, blurry eyes, to name just a few. After dealing with this for over six years and the Drs either misdiagnosing me or finding nothing wrong I finally got a lab back positive. Lyme disease. Every bodies different with it but it reeks havoc with my stomach. The Drs were never concerned with this lump under my ribs that would come and go and get sore at times. They just said it was anxiety. I get that sometimes too. If I stick to a paleo diet it help a lot. But it'll still flare up, like right now. I'm having treatment for my Lyme though and it can cause symptom flare up. I just thought I'd throw this out there because a common problem with Lyme is Drs finding nothing wrong with you although there really is something wrong with you!!!!

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    I found this discussion and registered just so that i could tell you that i have had this problem periodically for 7 years and finally got an answer on the cause and for me it was as simple as constipation and gas.

    According to my doctor it is possible to be chronically constipated without noticing it due to having small regular bowel movements and properly emptying now and then in between the blockages. And when you are cronically constipated the intestines can stretch out which causes them to block even more frequently causing even more irregular bowel movements and these bloated feelings. 

    Right at this spot below the left rib cage the large intestines takes a sharp turn which is common place for blockage to occur and the blockage and gas building up behind it causes these feelings of pain and discomfort.

    For me treating with stool softener, making sure that i drink enough water and taking proper care of my diet makes the feeling subside after a month or two and then i can be symptom free but if get stressed out at work and get sloppy with drinking and eating i get blocked up again and i need to repeat the procedure.

    So try to follow on tips on how to fight constipation (even if you just have irregular bowel movements and dont feel constipated), with exercise, fluids, good diet and stool softener and it might get better!

  • Posted

    I've had the same issues for about 5 months, CT scan showed nothing but constipation that I already knew about. My problem felt like my muscles were so tight that I could not have a normal bowel movement. I'm already seeing a physical therapist for lower back pain, itell

  • Edited

    Ran across this and am wondering if my issues are the same.

    In late Jan. 2017/early Feb. 2017 I began feeling pressure in my left abdominal area. One day it was just there after I woke up. Fast forward a few months and I had an XRay, CT Scan, ultrasound and blood drawn and nothing found except slight constipation and a somewhat enlarged spleen.

    I had a colonoscopy in June 2017 and nothing was found. Pressure still there. Fast forward to Aug 2017 pressure is still there. It has seemed to somewhat "spread" higher and I sometimes feel it under my lower ribcage. For about a week now I've experienced pressure over my heart region and some slight pain. Now I'm REALLY beginning to worry. Only weird thing through this all, is i haven't lost my appetite or lost any weight except for when I had constipation. I can eat all day long and never get sick, vomit, etc. What on Earth is going on in my body?!

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      Also I've been going to the bathroom (urinating) a crazy amount of times a day now. Even drinking half a bottle of water, soda or anything has me going to the bathroom 12-15 times a day. Been around 3 weeks now like this.

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      My symptoms were real similar to yours, had all the tests they found nothing but signs of constipation.

      I told the doctors it feels like my muscles would not relax and allow me to have a bowel movement...of course they didn't follow with any questions. I was doing research on the internet and came across a physical therapist talking about Myofascial therapy. I asked my physical therapist I was seeing for tight psoas muscles about it, he did not know how to do it. When I was at my chiropractor I asked if he knew about it and he told me he was trained about a year ago. I told him about my pain and bowel problems, he performed it on my hip muscles and joints. That day I had bowel movements...I continued to see him twice a week for about three weeks until that uncomfortable feeling under rib cage was gone. I know that therapy helped me, wanted to share information. I don't think this therapy is widely practiced.

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