Uncommon costo symptoms
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Costochondritis is unfortunately, not widely known or discussed and I've got more information from here than my gp.
Although I'm lucky to say I'm 80-90% healed, I've reached a plateau.
I wanted to share some of the less common symptoms I've experienced in my healing process for those who may be scared/confused:
Head pressure on the side of inflammation
(possibly led to a slowing down of the movement in left eye, I now wear glasses to refocus, never had eye issues before)
Swollen neck
Tightness in neck
Swollen shoulder muscles
Back pain in the middle of back
Inability to eat
Feeling physically full after half a meal but still hungry
Stomach pain
Burning sensation in muscles
Tingling sensation in muscles
Strange sinking feeling when breathing, comparable to the stomach drop you get in fear/on a rollercoaster or similar but it's more muscular/physical
Sensation of muscles suddenly "deflating" when falling asleep - possibly anxiety related as well
Constant palpitations
Generally weak
Arm pain on side of inflammation
Feeling like I can't breathe
Difficulty walking at speed - who knew swaying arms could be so painful?!
Feeling fine all day but swelling up when you lie down to sleep
Sinus pressure
BONUS: For those who have overcome the majority of the pain
general discomfort/awareness/heaviness/tightness of the affected areas
Feel free to share your uncommon/less discussed symptoms
10 likes, 172 replies
lachastity04089 shekme10120
Every symptom you have mentioned, I've had!!! Omg!!! What did you do to treat it?
shekme10120 lachastity04089
Gallons of turmeric tea!
Glad to know I'm not alone in my symptoms but was to hear someone else has suffered like me.
Also add breast/nipple soreness to the list!!
lachastity04089 shekme10120
Yes I'm still having the breast/ nipple soreness and really bad sinus issues when I never had that problem before. And still like you I had to start wearing eye glasses. Which is weird. How do you make the turmeric tea or should I goggle it
shekme10120 lachastity04089
Reduced my pain significantly in 2-3 weeks.
shekme10120 lachastity04089
My optician said that worse case scenario, my dizziness etc may be down to a brain tumour which absolutely freaked me out as you may imagine.
I thought it might be anxiety related but my anxiety is very low and has been for months.
I made the connection just today that it might have more to do with the head pressure I get with costo
grace28398 shekme10120
shekme10120 grace28398
I also took some vitamins (D, MSM, Omega 3) to help strengthen bones etc but I feel majority if the healing was down to turmeric.
simone_40974 shekme10120
Of these symptoms . Am trying
To get better . So what method (s) have you used to to get better ?
shekme10120 simone_40974
I also took some vitamins (D, MSM, Omega 3) to help strengthen bones etc but I feel majority if the healing was down to turmeric.
lachastity04089 shekme10120
simone_40974 shekme10120
shekme10120 lachastity04089
I googled costochondritis stretches. I can't post it here because it gets deleted but it's the healdove website.
So maybe search "healdove costochondritis stretches"
shekme10120 simone_40974
I don't know the I haven't been back to the doctor or any health specialist since my diagnosis so I've had no extra help or info in the year I've been dealing with this.
You can try, turmeric has plenty of health benefits either way. If in 3 or so weeks you see no difference, then it may not be effective.
grace28398 simone_40974
Hi Simone. Its Grace. How are you feeling??? I asked my dr about this turmeric. She said some people like me who don't eat In dian food or that spice I could have my a bad allergic reaction
. She had me look at side effects caused by this spice. Im also very sensitive to drugs. but before taking check with your dr first. Hope you are well!!!!!
simone_40974 grace28398
grace28398 simone_40974
Hi Simone!. Thats really good news. I havent heard of that before. But it doesnt sound fun. I take kinda alot of meds so I mentioned it to my Dr and she said it could contribute to my Taccacardia as one of the symptoms. I would not rather deal with that right now. My dr is now dealing with infectious disease for me and pulmonology. She just doesn't feel Costro pian in my chest can last this long wothout relief. I am getting PT and OT at my house now. Just startred with them. They are great. Working on moving more and my vestibular system as well. Im always hopeful and try to be positive. Prayers always make me feel better. Good luck with the Tumeric. lemme know how it works. Sounds like it really works! hope your having a good Summer...