Unilateral Oophorectomy Recovery and symptoms?
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Hi everyone!
I just had a 7cm cyst removed which resulted in having that Fallopian tube and right ovary removed also on October 19.
I know symptoms differ person to person, but I wanted to know what differences did everyone experience?
I have hot flashes, drenching my bed in sweat at night, also freezing cold if I’m to take my blanket off, not being able to sleep well. Now that majority of my physical pain has healed, my throat has been very sore. Also, i was expected to get my period on the 23 which has not came. But I’ve been having the symptoms of my period also, the emotional instability and a weak stomach.
If you have had any similiarities in your experience or a different experience, I’d love to hear your story! And any advice is greatly appreciated.
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hollygrove1991 ItsChelle
Hey I just found out I have a cyst on my left ovary that's 5.7 cm but also found out I'm 6 weeks pregnant
ItsChelle hollygrove1991
jill04811 ItsChelle
Hi, I also had a unilateral salingo opherectomy on October 16th, so very similar timing to yourself. I have severe back issues and have had 8 spinal surgeries. My cyst was found very left field as it was picked up on an MRI for my back. Fortunately my consultant referred me straight away, but I had been surprised as I didn't think I'd had any symptoms, regular periods, no pain, other than considerable back and pelvic pain but I've had Si joint fusions. I had a couple of weeks of worry as a further scan showed it was a complex cyst around 7cm. The CA125 came back normal and following surgery it has been sent off for testing, although the oncologist/gynaecologist that I was referred to doesn't think it is likely to be sinister. I'm seeing him next week as I will find out the results then. I did have keyhole but they had to extend one incisions as the cyst was large so have a vertical cut form my belly button around 7cm so is a cross between full open surgery and keyhole. I have found that I felt better this last week, but still get wiped out really easily. My belly button scar burns now I think it's the nerves healing but also pulls particularly if I am a little more active. I did get my period after 2 weeks which was due and was pretty normal, but have started to experience hot flushes the last 3 days. There again this is my third surgery this year and also found after previous surgeries I started to get hot flushes around this time so am not sure if it is a reaction to the anaesthetic. I'm due to start back at work next week and am a little worried as I am definitely not up to driving in rush hour, sitting upright all day if I am at a desk, standing to deliver training or driving around to visit various locations. I am wondering about working from home as I have been doing work from home anyway and do want to go back as I really enjoy my job, but just feel too wiped out yet and still need codeine although my back is really playing up at the moment too.
How are you feeling? Do you still have pain, pain around the scar and do you still get wiped out easily? Do you work, if so are you planning on going back yet? I'm just trying to see if how I feel is typical for 3 weeks post op or should I be further on that this? I think having had 3 surgeries in a year doesn't help either as the other 2 were significant spinal surgeries so were pretty invasive, so think my body is pretty worn out currently. I hope you are starting to feel better and manage to get a better nights sleep soon. Take care!
ItsChelle jill04811
jill04811 ItsChelle
Sorry to hear about your throat issues that sounds awful. Glad it's improved now. I saw my consultant last week and he wouldn't signe me fit for work as he didn't think I was well enough or sufficiently recovered given my job. He wanted me to take the rest of the year off to recover from this surgery and previous surgeries. There was no way I could do this so we eventually compromised that he'd sign me off for a further 2 weeks but then would sign me to return on a phased return basis only. I guess he was right as I'm not upto full days yet and still have good and bad days. I'm still getting the burning pain from my belly button incision, but this is where he had to make the much larger incision than he would for keyhole. He thinks this is from internal healing and internal stitches so should ease with time. I still can't lift much or bend either without it really hurting inside. I am still getting hot flushes too. The consultant advised that I keep a diary of my symptoms as it is too soon to say whether this is a drug, anaesthetic or surgery reaction or whether it is as a result of hormonal changes. It's further complicated as I had a spinal steroid injection at the end of September and this can also cause flushes so hard to know, but hope it calms down soon. I have another 8 days before I return to work on a phased return basis, so am hoping things improve. I hope you are now feeling much better and good luck with your return to school/work.
ItsChelle jill04811
I definitely think your previous surgeries have something to do with how you’re feeling, maybe it’s slowing down the healing process a little. Your bellybutton burning sensation sounds like it could be from internal healing, my scars still itch from time to time and I have to still be careful brushing up against them even. It’s not the outside that’s sensitive, kind of like the healing tissue underneath. And can be a mix of hormonal changes, I believe that has a lot to do with what we have going on now that our cysts have been removed to try to regulate our hormonal function. I still get hot flushes too, I’m almost convinced they won’t ever go away 😂😩 I’m also just now returning to normal daily activities, like laundry and cleaning as such. Make sure to rest to give your body some energy to heal and eat some healthy foods with a good amount of liquid! Anything to fasten up the healing process at this point! With hope and love X
jill04811 ItsChelle
We sound pretty similar, I've also started laundry etc but can't do activities that involve bending like mopping and hoovering. I've been sat upright most of today working and am now suffering with pretty bad abdominal pain, but I think sitting in this position has tired the muscles ( if there are any left😄
. I understand the internal healing, things do pull and feel strange inside. I'm still having the hot flushes although hope they lessen. My consultant has asked me to keep a diary of symptoms and will follow up in the New Year. He's also keeping an eye on the endometriosis but doesn't want to do anything at the moment, I definitely agree !
Take care and hope the hot flushes stop for you soon and that you continue to heal well. It's great to hear from someone else going through the same with the same timescales. Keep in touch and happy healing!
nickie76187 jill04811
Wow reading your experience really makes me feel lucky! I'm sort of an odd bird though always have been. I was found to have some pretty cancerous cells in my uterus last year. Horrible biopsies for that. I refused to have anymore because of my history with multiple sclerosis also my spine issues level of life pain and I have twins that are 12. I was not willing to wait for it to turn to cancer. I'm 46 years old and have no desire for more children. So a year later and a different less conservative state I had my hysterectomy. It's been 7 days. They ended up taking my right ovary because it had a huge cyst on it. Who knows how long it's been diseased. I've been sweating the bed and the whole freezing thing for months my new symptoms is this odd twinge, like a fear response in my abdomen. It's like I'm nervous and have a flash of butterflies???? It's so odd. I'm thinking it's the lack of hormone and my body working it's way to homeostasis?? I haven't had any surgical pain!! The pain I have experienced has been from horrible trapped gas. My right rib hurts so bad I've actually had to breath through the pain? I've been spending a lot of time on my right side to facilitate it. My surgery was also robotic and it sounds like we have the same incisions. As for your pulling pain, it's definitely a healing sensation your feeling or were feeling scar tissue adheres to surrounding tissue and it shrinks. Itching burning also common and fairly normal. I am on disability due to my back and my MS issues but boy I hate it don't let them talk you into it until you're ready it's hard to go back. Did your hormones now that it's been awhile level out?
Delicatepetal ItsChelle
i have a dermoid cyst cyst on my right ovarie
operation this week ,I’m very scared as it might be stuck to my bowel if that’s the case another op
what were your symptoms of your cyst ?
I feel and have felt rubbish since October ,bloated ,feeling full ,trapped wind,also above my belly button does hurt don’t know if that’s the pressure of my dermoid cyst and very nauseous never felt so rubbish
Itschell ......have you a follow up with your Gynaecologist to explain your night sweats ?
when did you start feeling better after the operation ?
Sorry for all the questions x
jill04811 Delicatepetal
Mine was also a dermoid cyst on my left hand side and was removed intact. Thankfully the CA 125 tumour marker and biopsy came back as benign which was a relief. I didn't think I had symptoms although my oncologist/gynaecologist and my orthopaedic consultant both think the pain contributed to my spinal and hip pain. I do bloat up although am not sure this is definitely related to this condition I thought it was possibly a food intolerance. Apparently there was endometriosis too, although again I was unaware as my cycle is regular, I don't have painful periods and they.re not particulately heavy, so am very lucky considering this was found on the cyst he removed and also on my uterus.
I know it's hard but try not to worry about the op. They keep on top of pain medication and can give anti sickness drugs if you feel nauseous. They were going to fit a catheter, but them omitted to. I was able to get up and go to the toilet although I did have an ensuing room so didn't have to walk far. It was slow going, but was able to walk a little the day of the op and the next day. I did end up with a larger cut than just the keyhole so was kept in hospital 3 days. I'm 5 weeks post op today and feeling better but do still get tired very easily. I needed to rest most of the time for the first week and felt very weak for the second week, but by week 3 was feeling stronger. My scar still gets sore where the larger incision is and burns if I do too much or hold anything heavy against my stomach but again Is getting easier. I am getting hot flushes but then I have had this before from a previous spinal surgery and it was either a reaction to the anaesthetic or my body going into shock. It may be hormone related this time but need to give it more time to see what happens.
I hope it goes well this week, I'm sure you will be fine, waiting is hard but you'll have it out of the way before Christmas and can then start getting better and hopefully relieving your symptoms. Good luck!
Delicatepetal jill04811
lets hope it goes to plan as I have scare tissue from previous ops
so hoping They can get it out and not stuck to anything as I was told it can happen
waiting is the worst part
Looking forward in eating a proper meal and not feeling full up ,or constant burping
You need to take it easy it’s not a race to get back to normal is it
our bodies tell us to rest when tired
so hopefully I should feel better by Xmas if all goes to plan
Have you got a follow up appointment with gyni to check your hormones levels?
ItsChelle Delicatepetal
jill04811 Delicatepetal
You'll be fine, but know how awful the waiting is, it's almost a relief to get into hospital and know that you'll soon be the right side. I understand re the adhesions as although I'd not had previous abdominal surgery, have had 8 spine surgeries and suffer with adhesions from that. The surgeon will be used to dealing with this and will take his time not to injure other organs. Good luck for this week and you will be fine to enjoy Christmas. Must admit I've never been able to eat much, but am a grazer so can't say if things have changed but hope you are able to feel less bloated and enjoy food again.
I've got a follow up appointment in the New Year to check on my recovery and keep an eye on the endometriosis. I've also been asked to keep a symptoms diary. Good luck and will be thinking if you, take care!
Delicatepetal ItsChelle
I just hope it’s not stuck that’s my worry
i have no plans for the next two weeks apart from eating again and enjoy food as I’m struggling with food the pass month very nauseous
I have had reflexology today that has helped and I feel much calmer
its still early days for you too so our tummy’s will take time to heal from surgery
am glad to hear you felt so much better after two weeks
it would be nice to start looking normal instead of a pale thin lady
take it easy ItsChelle it’s not a race to be back to normal lol...
thanks again for your guidance x
ItsChelle Delicatepetal
jill04811 ItsChelle
Yep, I still get the nausea too but have anti sickness tablets at home for when it's bad, but then I'm never good with medications. I've also lost 5 lbs since the op too and was underweight before I started but have always had a small frame. Perhaps this will give me a head start for when menopause kicks in and the pounds pile on!😄 I hope you're healing well and we can all share recovery stories.
Delicatepetal jill04811
Hi ladies
I’m now on the recovery bench .........
trap gas from lap is the killer
windeeze and peppermint tea are my best friends
I have noticed I’m struggling to get to sleep then it’s very light sleep then very sweaty
and sitting up I think upsets my insides I feel like I have been jet washed in side
hoping it passes
ladies when did you notice an improvement week 2 etc
I have forgot what it’s like to go outside 🤔
I have my follow up in 5 weeks time
on a positive not I’m not missing the housework yet 😉
jill04811 Delicatepetal
So pleased you're on the road to recovery. The trapped gas did ease with walking, but then I didn't have much energy to walk and was slow. It will pass. I did mostly sleep and rest for the for the first two weeks and started to feel more like myself the third week. As you've noticed it was light, restless sleep and oftener wake ar 2-3am Don't think I left the house until week 3 and then it was just a friend picking me up and driving me a very short distance for a coffee. It definitely takes longer than I thought. I planned to go back to work at 4 weeks, but the consultant wanted me to stay off until January (this is my 3 red significant surgeries this year, so the body is pretty worn out). I did want to go back to work and have so much to do so we compromised that I would take another 2 weeks off and then return on a phased return basis, with limited driving and working from home. I started back yesterday and am absolutely wiped out, this is week 6
post op.
I started to get hot flushes at week 3 and was pretty bad week 3-5, but they do seem to be easing now. My period came at the right time 2 weeks post op, but am now late with my next one so amnot sure what is happening there. Your comment re jet washing the insides is an excellent description and does sun up what it feels like. This has eased too, although I needed a larger incision as well as they lap cuts, so this scar is burning and when I do too much my insides do seem to pull and I start to hunch over. It is early days Yor you, take it slowly, be knind to yourself and rest, I hoovered for the first time this weekend (my husband and mum have been hoovering, I've not left the house in a mess), and again whilst it felt okay at the time I knew about it that night and the next day. I'm still not doing any lifting yet and wouldn't be able to push a shopping trolley, I guess every cloud .....
Take care, rest and take one day at a time. Hopefully the night sweats will pass soon too!
Delicatepetal jill04811
I can now see the light at the end with you too ladies in front of me
bless you glad your not rushing back to work
our bodies have to heal
I have had one sleep that’s it
and yes you are correct I seem to wake once in the night and I’m wide awake I do hope that stops
people are saying I’m looking better and have colour
I done the wrong thing yesterday and got dressed only a track suit my child said mum can you drive now .....,so living in your pjs helps to show that your still not back to normal
your period will you bleed every other month if only having one ovarie ?
Go steady hoovering dont over do it
house work can wait our health can’t
hay girls x
jill04811 Delicatepetal
I must admit once you 'real up and about and dressed people think you are back to normal. My middle child did exactly the same wanting lifts back and to from college once he knew I could drive. Remember you are still recovering, driving is still tiring and pulls at 6 weeks, so do be careful. It is good to hear that you 're feeling better and having more colour though. Hopefully the sleep will improve as things settle. I am being careful re housework but am feeling it at night after 2 days in work I'm shattered and things are pulling. In terms of period, our bodies should regulate and have monthly periods, oh joy!
look after yourself, keep resting and don't rush things just because you are a little better it doesn't mean you can pick things up again (figuratively speaking)
tessa37548 Delicatepetal
i just recently had my unilateral salpingo oophorectomy done on July 20, 2018. i am currently 6 days post op, and i am still in a considerable amount of pain and now a new symptom showed up, stomach spasms and they hurt like h***. plus my stomach is cramping like crazy too, i started my period the very next day after surgery and it just ended today, but my period was also 11 days early.
I don't know if the spasms and cramps are symptoms of the surgery or not, but i do know that it hurts, and i am out of my hydrocodones that they gave me. they only lasted a few days and my ob/gyn won't prescribe me anything else for the pain either. they don't seem to be too worried about me honestly. my first follow up appointment isn't until August 29, 2018. why does she want me to wait so long for my first follow up?? That doesn't make any sense to me at all really for me to wait the whole 6 weeks before she will see me for the first time after surgery. I thought that she would see me next week and then again 4 weeks after that, but no.
Can someone please give me some advice on this please? I have called and talked to my ob/gyn several times and as I stated above, she doesn't seem too worried about my pain or discomfort and I have been with her for 10+ years now and this is the first time that she has operated on me and treated me like this. I don't know what to do about this now. please help, thank you all kindly.
By the way I am 36.