Update... Still getting yellow balls in stools [with images]
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Hello everyone,
If you've seen my previous discussion from last year, you will know I was having problems with undigested food, strands of fibre and these yellow balls in my stool.
After eliminating dairy and going vegan once again, the symptoms cleared up for a bit. However, after a couple months, the strands of fibre and yellow balls have come back!
I'm once again worried about these yellow balls - they're a bit hard to touch, but squidgy and semi-solid in the middle (it's not sweetcorn - the balls are bigger, plus I haven't eaten any in the past week to rule this out anyhow). They appear more so when my stools are harder but can also appear in soft stools.
Is anybody experiencing similar symptoms or does anyone have any ideas about what these could be?
Pictures are below.
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Kutie411 randomuser333
I passed another one this weekend Same thing Rounded sphere like yellow with white pill looking thing inside Unlike the first one i was able to crush the white pill looking stuff Pictures are attached
brandi926 randomuser333
I am actually going through this at the moment. Curious if anyone found out exactly what its from.
meg726 randomuser333
I had the same thing and was told by my doctor that they are balls of cholesterol. Sure enough had my cholesterol checked and it was high. Once we got it down I no longer see those, even with having IBS.
kate59952 randomuser333
After reading through many of the replies and others that have experienced this, I noticed that almost every individual has had their gallbladder removed or has had issues with gallbladder. possibly it is something that is occuring due to lack of gallbladder.
leanna24327 randomuser333
I to get these things that look like little corn in my poop but I haven't eaten corn or chickpeas or anything like that it's really odd if anybody finds out the answer to this I'd be interested in hearing
benshikari randomuser333
Just came to say that I too have started seeing these recently and like others, can confirm I take a extended-release tramadol twice a day.
emel8989 randomuser333
it can be a medicine pill if you use any.
tamer16250 randomuser333
look for Ghost Tablets if you are on long term medication
jamie90132 randomuser333
it's corn retard
silva25915 randomuser333
Hello, I am a student in the health field and I had the same problem. English is not my original language so forgive me if I write something wrong. This little ball is actually an undigested pill. I also take desvenlafaxina, but it can occur with other medications, especially if the person has an intestinal problem (like diarrhea) or ingests the medication with some fatty food. here is a link to an article about if you type undigested pill on google, you will find pictures like yours. Hope this helps!!
silva25915 randomuser333
Hello, I am a student in the health area and I had the same problem. English is not my original language so forgive me if I write something wrong. This little ball is actually an undigested pill. I also take desvenlafaxina, but it can occur with other medications, especially if the person has an intestinal problem (like diarrhea) or ingests the medication with some fatty food. here is a link if you type undigested pill on google, you will find pictures like yours. Hope this helps!!
jessica0106 randomuser333
i made an account just for this topic! i have been taking Bupropion for years. i also have horrible IBS i started to notice these yellow ball things in my stool years ago i showed a picture of it my internist. she said its the pill not dissolving in the stomach probably because I’m not eating enough. so happy to see that im not the only one!
ksaul jessica0106
I take bupropion XL 300 mg and have IBS-D and have the same issue. I do think they must be "ghost pills." The thing is, I also have gallbladder/liver issues so that makes me wonder if it could be a gallstone too. But for now, I think it's pills.
andrew58631 randomuser333
Looks to be same issue I have been having off and on. I been seeing these same sort of pea sized yellow balls every so often , sometimes more white. I been thinking maybe it was my body flushing out undigested corn or something. Finally after last week it became more clear. First I thought I had COVID19 fever around 120 chest and abdominal pain, body aches and diarrhea. Anyway wasnt hungry but has pretty severe diarrhea so over the next 3 or 4 days only fluids no solid food. Anyway didnt stop the diarrhea after was literally pretty much clear liquid and 5 to 6 of these little yellow pea sized balls. Well haven't ate anything like that. If yours are same as mine which look to be, they are fatty gallstones. I had a pretty good gallbladder attack and its still bothering me and have an appointment to see a specialist about possibly removing it. Anyway apparently its common to pass a gall stone or two every now and then but it can get blocked in your bile duct or your gull bladder like mine starts producing mass amounts of them. Anyway the ones I fished out and cleaned up for my Dr are soft because they are mostly fat and cholesterol. they can be made of different minerals making them hard but fatty ones are soft especially if not dried out. Anyway look into fatty gallstones, hope that might help.
kathy45121 randomuser333
take wellbutrin also 450mg per day and have for prob 10 years i have these same yellow balls same thing when i crush then there is what feels like a white pill in it but when you crush it it is just powdery havent ever smelled it started noticing them about 18 mos ago
i had eating didorders growing up went from anorexia to bulemia for years now i just dont eat if i do its one meal a day, not healthy, dont snack, not sweets just literally dont eat but one meal a day but no matter what it is im running to the bathroom within 10-15 min with severe diarrhea and these yellow balls usually go 2-3 times after eating anythinghad gallbladder removed 10 years ago
i also wake up every morning and head straight to the bathroom about 3-4 times with diarrhea that is everday of my life for at least 3 yearsgastro dr has no clue