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Ok, i know i am beginning to sound like a hypochondriac, but yesterday, i started out with intense bloating, very, very gasey & then developed a really intense pain in the middle right hand side of my back. It was so bad i couldnt twist or turn & it hurt rolling over on my right side. i assumed it was trapped gas. Today, i felt a little bit of relief in the back, now its traveled to the upper right front quadrant & i also feel it creeping up to my neck. i still have intense gas as well. This is not my first rodeo with this, i even had it so bad last December that i had a CT SCAN done of liver, kidneys etc.

my question is, has anyone else experienced this & do you know what is causing it?

I feel like a colicky baby in extreme discomfort - UGH!

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30 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Debra- Right there with you, had 2 CT scans done, ultrasound of kidneys and bladder. Sounds like trapped gas maybe? Do you eventually burp at all? I have a lot of digestive issues i get a ton of gas through out the night it wakes me up and its not very easy to pass. I know its hard when ur not feeling good, believe me i know, but each morning i drink warm/hot water while i walk on treadmill just for 15 min or so then i do some stretches, sometimes it helps get things moving. Maybe lay on your back and bring your knees to your chest. Idk, It almost feels like not only are you bloated but everything gets hard and almost feels like my liver or kidney or stomach are too big to be there and you cant get a good breath in. At least thats how i feel but if you have that intense of pain rolling on your side then im not sure. Kidney stone? I had one 20 years ago and after the ultrasound i just had they said theres one there again:( Maybe your Dr would do an ultrasound of your kidneys?

    • Posted

      HI Susan - Thank you for all the suggestions - what you said just hit home to me...for the last year i have really noticed that my whole stomach area feels & looks like my intestines & everything else have run out of room in there (almost like how you felt being 9 months pregnant) i figured it was due to the constant indigestion issues and all the bloat & gas...but is it inflammation causing this? its like an alien has taken up residence in my gut - I also cannot tolerate wearing a bra anymore because it feels so tight around my diaphram. I AM SO OVER THIS!

    • Posted

      Oh my gosh you sound like me haha i keep going back and forth like wtf is this is it inflammation, and it scares me because i get the same pressure tightness feeling in my head and tightness in my low back. Like my body is rejecting everything and causing an inflammatory response everywhere even my head. Terrible vivid dreams ALL night like im living another life 24/7 and never really rest if that makes sense. I become extremely over sensitive to smells and sounds does this happen to anyone? Honestly i have a terrible coating on my tongue and it fluctuates wth what i imagine is hormones so i think its all a bunch of things-inflammation, bacteria, yeast and hormones because there is a connection wth candida and estrogen. I feel like it all becomes too much of a load for the liver. I feel like my body is like a sleeping lion that you dont want to wake up, im afraid to do anything thats going to set anything off. Have come to fear everything. Its a sucky way to live.

      Is this a constant feeling that you get everyday in your stomach and back?

    • Posted

      hi Susan my doctor says it's the yeast that's causing my pain and tightness in back and stomach.

    • Posted

      HI Susan - yes, i can totally relate to what you are saying - the fuzzy feeling in your head is what they call "brain fog". I have been so confused as to what is causing all this nonsense for me since i am 6 years post menopause & of course, every dr laughs when i say its my hormones. My two last blood works in OCT & SEPT this year have shown elevated CR-P SCORES. I have gotten a clear bill of health regarding my heart, so we know the elevated inflammation is not caused from the heart. Since my dormant allergy induced asthma kicked in last September, my dr thought that could be the cause of my elevated scores (a toothache can elevate it) but now, i am starting to believe i have something going on with my gut like SIBO OR CANDIDA or? i think i am going to go to another naturopath & get tested for those, my GP just doesnt get that at all - i have been reading a lot about gut health & it has so many factors that can affect us, for one anxiety. Wish me luck, got to get to the source of this inflammation - oh & an a unhealthy gut can cause "brain fog" too.

  • Posted

    Hi Debra

    I had and have this serious gas and burp.

    It looks like gall bladder blockage but it has to do with estrogen. Is one of the 66 side effects of the menopause. Anxiety causes bletching as well. You can help it but cutting i mean absolute cutting gluten and lactose. Also minimise high sugar content fruit like watermelon orange etc...

    • Posted

      HI Pat - Yes, when it initially happened to me about a year ago, i was convinced it was gallbladder...hence the upper quadrant CT SCAN - so its just caused from estrogen dropping? Yes, when it kicks in, it really ramps up the anxiety as well - funny how your body works because all i have felt like eating it miso soup with steamed veggies & lots of water - i guess you really cant go back to your old way of eating - ever!!!

    • Posted

      Hi Pat ..Ive been dealing with the severe bloating and awful tightening of stomach and back spasm in my back. OMG! For the past two weeks going on three..im always messing with it because it's unbelievable how it looks ..I know it's gas because when i pass gas the stomach goes down and softens up. But it is so hard to pass and constipation with it.

      Even though, I've tried taking just about everything whereas I have to do an enema.

      Lots of belching and burping too.

      Today, i spotted slightly but no period. I havent had a period since May... I've often wondered if its my gallbladder. what did you do for it?


    • Posted

      HI Mary - i will answer for Pat here, first you should get an Upper Quandrant CT Scan to rule out everything - if all that comes back Ok, then i believe you should just treat your symptoms & restrict your diet by not eating dairy, carbs & sugar for awhile to see how you feel. i know drinking tons of water really aids constipation. i hope that helps -

    • Posted

      Debra, I am so bombarded with medical bills already that I don't know how they will get paid. Last year I was running to the dr for every symptom, blood work, testing done. Until this year to be honest , I am freaked out about going now. Every visit that I went to last year i came out with the same prescription, and that was for anxiety and depression. I will pass on the dr for now , especially since Im trying to get a period. The only dr that im seeing now is a nauturopath. It can't be my diet because I eat no sugar" wheat, gluten, carbs or dairy at all. But I don have gastritis and gerd..so it could be coming from that. My alternative dr says its coming from my digestive( gastritis) . If it doesnt improve i will make a visit but in the meantime, I know I've had so many other symptoms and they disappeared or improved. ..praying the same for this.

    • Posted

      Hey Mary - You are preaching to the choir...i am still paying on a $8,000 dollar ER visit that i had at the beginning of the year (& that was after insurance) I Just had my physical & my dr wants me to get some more tests & the orders are just sitting on my desk because 1. I dont want to go thru the stress anymore & 2. i cant really afford it - its crazy what this time of our life has done to some of us & others skate thru it.

      I believe you are correct, we need to learn to ride it out a bit & looking back, i have experienced this before & didnt die. i just think when you are "in the moment" its just reassuring to reach out to this forum, who are the only people on the planet who get what we are all experiencing...just trying to keep the faith that this too shall pass.

    • Posted

      Hi Mary

      As Debra said you need to avoid gluten and milk product and some sugary fruit also cause troubles. You need to avoid them for a while and you will feel much better. Eat cooked vegetables ,rice , and millet meat and sea food. Nuts in moderation. I used to be a burping machine with all the pains you have described and stuck to this diet and now i am much better.

    • Posted

      Hey Pat - Have you also cut out caffeine? Also what drinks do you allow yourself to have?

    • Posted

      Yes. Caffeine needs to be cut till your stomach is settled so is tea. Then maybe have one cup a day with a lactose free milk. You will get better. I promise 🤗

    • Posted

      Hi Pat , to be honest I am afraid to even eat any sugar, gluten, wheat, dairy..my diet is very very strict. I can't recall the last time i even ate those foods. So was it those foods causing your pain and burping? In my case , my diet doesn't contain any of those foods so I don't know. Oh, but I do eat nuts..and I noticed that certain nuts causes the pain in back , mainly pecans. In which my dr suggested to eat to help maintain my weight.

    • Posted

      Hi Mary. I can tell for sure that i became lactose and gluten intolerant when i became perimenopause. When i cut them out from my diet i started to feel better day by day and burped less and less. About nuts I have found that almond and pistachio should be eaten in moderation. I mean 4 or 5 a day more than that my stomach can not handle it. Sweet vegetable like pumpkin and sweat potatoe can cause acidity in stomach I always eat them with something salty.

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