Urethal stricture
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i had TURP done three months ago. My Uro tells me I have developed a stricture. Today I had my second dilation and he put a foley in to keep the uretha open to heal. Any one had similar procedure done I would like to know your experience. Thanks
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paul29249 yoshiro67881
Never heard of it, probably just need time to heal ,hang in there, always darkest just before the light.
yoshiro67881 paul29249
kenneth1955 yoshiro67881
yoshiro67881 kenneth1955
kenneth1955 yoshiro67881
yoshiro67881 kenneth1955
No, it was done in his office. Yes, he did use metal rods. He inserted 4 sizes. It's a little uncomfortable, but not unbearable.
kenneth1955 yoshiro67881
hank1953 kenneth1955
It is why I am avoiding surgeries as long as I can. In the mean time, I'll do CIC and takes drugs as long as side effects are still acceptable. Hank
lyn89954 yoshiro67881
I had a TURP 5 weeks ago and have had no problems apart from some initial discomfort when I started to pee again. I don't exactly pee like a horse but at least the system seems to be working again. I tend to pee with more vigour at night rather than during the day. I hope your post-op difficulties are soon resolved. Going back onto a Foley would be my worst nightmare!
yoshiro67881 lyn89954
uncklefester yoshiro67881
kenneth1955 uncklefester
Hey buddy. A stricture can be caused by any procedure you have. It's going in an out of the urethra with the instramants. It turns into scare tissue which froms the strictures which can cause more problems Ken
uncklefester kenneth1955
Gotta think FLA wouldn't cause stricture. Can just a standard cystoscopy cause stricture?
kenneth1955 uncklefester
richard_39772 kenneth1955
About 3 years ago I had back surgery. Recently, in evaluating my currrent prostrate situation, the cystoscope would not pass into the bladder--a stricture. Doc wanted to do a DCIU. But this procedure has a poor long term record. I have become very leary of surgery because of complications that can result. Dilation sounds interesting. Do you know if any docs specialize in this procedure or is it so routine that generally done? Did you have other studies done to evaluate the dimensions of the stricture?
kenneth1955 richard_39772
I have my stricture checked every 3 or 4 month's my doctor does a scope he sheckes the stricture the prostate and the bladder. He checked to make sure the implant.are still in the right place.ai would have it again. Was not much trouble and no side effects. Which I love. We have talked about dialation but he said the it can only last up to a year the best is surgery. But the only one I would do is the graft one not the end to end. Not going to cut anything off of my urethra. We shell see I go nect month Ken Before you had the cystoscope done did you have a small steam and have to force yourself. When I wentto the doctor on one of the times I had my stricture check it went through the stricture but he could not get it in the bladder prostate was close tight. He only told me about the urolift nothing else. I bet another doctor would have wanted to do a turp or a GL Not for just keep moving
yoshiro67881 kenneth1955
kenneth1955 yoshiro67881
richard_39772 kenneth1955
Did not have a major problem before the stricture was found, as I was concerned about moderate BPH symptoms. Never had to force myself to urinate, although urination at night usually takes a little while to get started. I am fortunate at this point to have the luxury of being able to listen to guys like you, and speak with different urologists. Probably will have image sudies done. Possilbe I may not have any remedial actions taken for some time. Wonder--if I need major surgery elsewhere on my body, how do they proceed if they can't catheterize me? Also wonder if I can just leave the stricture, and have some non-invasive procedure (PAE,FLA GAT GOREN) to deal with BPH symptoms.