Urethal stricture
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i had TURP done three months ago. My Uro tells me I have developed a stricture. Today I had my second dilation and he put a foley in to keep the uretha open to heal. Any one had similar procedure done I would like to know your experience. Thanks
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roger100c yoshiro67881
Six months after a HoLep two years ago, I began to have proplems where the stream would slow down. Upon a cytoscopy (I think) a stricture was discovered near the base of the urethra caused, most probably, by the HoLep operation itself. As the surgeon could not get the cytoscope right up the urethra he recommended a cut from the inside under general anaesthetic.
This helped for 2 months but then the same problem came back again. Upon discussions with the surgeon again, he felt that further surgury was unlikly to help so I opted for a weekly catherisation, just to keep the urethra clear. That was 7 months ago and every thing has been fine ever since. For a minute's discomort once per week, I have no further threat of anybody doing any more damage and I'm happy to carry on like this for the rest of my life. Any surgical althernatives (open urethra surgury) are too dreadful to contemplate and have no further gurarant of success!
hank1953 roger100c
What kind of catheter do you use for the weekly catherisation ? Hank
roger100c hank1953
It says on the box the following:
Actreen Hi-Lite Nelaton Cath 30 Ch16 Dia 5.3mm Sterile prelubricated, ready to use catheter indicated for intermittent urinary catherisation. I don't push it into the bladder (although it would go I suppose).
zdzislaw roger100c
How come you don't push it into the bladder??? At all? Or you mean just a little? So how far do you push it? Zdz
yoshiro67881 roger100c
Thanks, i probably will end up self cathing I don't want any more major surgery
yoshiro67881 roger100c
Thanks, I would be happy to if self cath will help. I need to discuss other options if this dilation doesn't work. I too am very much against further surgery. Will remove foley cath this week so will have to go from here. Pretty confident it will work,but for how long is question.
roger100c zdzislaw
Having done it now since last November without any urinary side effects or evidence that the stricture is coming back, I am very happy with the results.
yoshiro67881 roger100c
roger100c yoshiro67881
I do it once a week, in the evening, after a warm bath (when I'm completely relaxed).
yoshiro67881 roger100c
When I did self catch many years ago I did it after I relieved myself to determine how much I was retaining. Now he wants me to have a good flow when I do it. Different reasons, different ways I guess.
Hi everyone,
Has anyone used herbs to help in your recovery. I been reading and Tumeric, Zinc, saw palmetto, pumpkin seed come up often. I've been drinking Tea over the years and have started again
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What no one uses any herbs? It's been ten days and I did not receive any comments.
Today I saw my Uro who did dilation again and decided to put in the foley for six days to see if it will help,keep the stricture open as it has been closing after a week. Any one out there had the experience of using the Foley to help keep it open. Very interested.
A followup on my treatment. I have continued dilation and am now on a three times a day self cath. My Uro is still trying to solve my problem of not being able to urinate regularly. I have these bouts of blockage for couple of hours where I can not urinate. When I overcome it it is free flow till the next time Maybe once a day or twice a day. I go though having spasms before it starts to ooze and start to flow. Anyone have similar problems
After self cath I don't feel like urinsting for hours too. Anyone with similar problems I would like to hear from you.
To add to the above as I said I don't urinate for hours after CIC in the morning session, but the ones later in the day, I usually urinate after 2 hours Anyone have similar experience or can relate their experience in natural void after CIC. Thanks.