Urolift Experiences
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Greetings All, I am starting this discussion as a means of informing other men out there what they can expect from this relatively new procedure. I would ask that your experiences and comments be in reference to Urolift only.
I am scheduled to have this procedure two days from now. My urologist says I am the perfect candidate. I am 65 years old with an enlarged prostate. I don't smoke or drink. I exercise regularly, including a 2-mile run three times a week. My primary symptoms are bladder retention (250 - 500cc) and a weak stream. I get up to urinate once each night and go maybe six times during the day. I have been on meds for 8 years--Fanasteride (Proscar - stopped 4 years ago) and Doxazosin (Flomax - still taking.) No erectile disfunction. My expectations of this procedure are that my symptoms will remain the same and that I will be able to stop the Doxazosin. Beyond this, my hope is that my symptoms will actually improve. I will provide updates as I go through the process.
If you have experienced Urolift, please join me in providing helpful information to others who are considering this procedure.
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jharris8933 bill_wdb
I saw your post about Urolift from last year. What was your experience?
Jim Harris
tommy123 bill_wdb
kenneth1955 tommy123
tommy123 kenneth1955
Thanks, Tom
tommy123 bill_wdb
It has been 3 weeks. First 48 hours are tough but worth it. Went home with a catheter which is not fun but glad I had it. Removed the next day which is not fun either. Sense of urgency is intense for the first few days. Stayed home close to the toilet. I passed plenty of blood clots 3-5 days afterwards. Frequency at night was a problem but I drank plenty of fluids to keep flowing. Bladder emptied each time which did not happen pre-procedure. First benefit! On my 2 week visit back my Urologist took me off Flomax! Second benefit! Sex after the 2 week visit was good. Now 3 weeks past procedure. Easy to start flow , third benefit! Renewed flow & velocity without stopping, fourth benefit! Running again and pumping iron.
I am 59 and would recommend this procedure. Getting off Flomax is huge!
Recent research indicates the benefits at year 1 are present at year 6. Remember, this is still a new procedure in medical time.
vern89913 tommy123
Not sure were to post this but:
I am 69 years old and had an UroLift procedure done Aug/2017. I was a good candidate and good overall health. I was tired of getting up three to four times a night to pee. Then when trying to urinate at night I had to wait a couple of minutes or more before the stream started. After the UroLife, I still get up two and sometimes three times to pee but the wait time is much shorter. I do double void at times during the day. I probably should drink more water during the day and I do like to have a couple of Gin and Tonics most nights after my evening meal. I am not overweight, and walk with a little jog 4 to 5 times a week, and do some light weight exercises two to three times a week.
My concern at this time is my sex life. I had been on Flomax and Proscar a short time before my urolift, but because of the side effects I stopped both medications after about 30 tablets. It really had a big impact on my love life, and it was not good at all. I was not very firm at times & would sometimes lose my erection during intercourse. I still don’t haven’t regained my sex life back as it was before the Flomax and the Proscar and would very much like to. I can function, but still have a weaker erection than before, firm but not ridged, and I sometimes lose it. My family Doctor gave me some samples of Viagra to try but I could not tell much of a difference after taking it.
Is this just the way it is at my age and its part of the process of getting older? Is it the Gin and Tonic in the evenings? (I do not drink before having intercourse). Any suggestions that might help will be appreciated.
kenneth1955 vern89913
RalphK vern89913
I too had the procedure done and was taking Flomax 0.04 MG twice a day. After the procedure I still have to take one Flomax just to keep everything "flowing" right. I am 74 still have an active sexlife but I can tell you that I take Cialis 5mg it is better than Viagra. I don't drink or smoke and I also after extended sexual play time do lose the rigidity of my penis as you do but it still works a lot better than before. I have found that a little help from my wife will bring it back and we both are happy.
The "old" days will never return and its not from just age other medical problems hinder our sexual functions, but it will get better. Give Cialis a try, I take one a day usually at the evening meal works good for me. Let me know...
RalphK kenneth1955
RalphK vern89913
kenneth1955 RalphK
Thank you. Going to look it up. My doctor told me about some type of injection. It's $70 for 2 I will check on this . Have fun Ken
vern89913 kenneth1955
Thanks Ken for the feed back. I took the pills a little over three months. I haven't been on them for over year. Maybe I need to cut back on my gin and tonics in the afternoon.
vern89913 RalphK
vern89913 RalphK
kenneth1955 vern89913
That may do it. Sorry for your outcome. Going to have to look this other pill up.. My doctor use to get samples and he would give them to me. It came in 200 mg and when i took it I was good for 3 days. I don't remember what the name was I know it started with a S. If I find out I will let you know Ken
kenneth1955 vern89913
Hey Vern Just found the name of the pill It's STENDRA 200 mg They also come in 100 mg Have a good day Ken
vern89913 kenneth1955
Thanks Kenneth for the information! i'm interested.
vern89913 kenneth1955
kenneth1955 vern89913
vern89913 kenneth1955
vern89913 kenneth1955
kenneth1955 vern89913
I found this one on the internet. I look for comment from other people and for a seal from there goverment. I use one for 3 years they were very nice. Have not order in a few years so I don't have the number Ken
vern89913 kenneth1955
kenneth1955 vern89913
vern89913 kenneth1955
I am more concerned about safety, not a counterfeit, than cost, and one that doesn't require a prescription.
RalphK vern89913
RalphK kenneth1955