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Hi everyone another question for you so glad I found this site !! I'm still spotting 12 days after I had the lightest period ever and more recently I have been feeling like I need to wee a lot (I wee a lot anyway ) but I felt sore as well.wenr to nurse who did a dipstick urine test and she said there was a little blood in it !!! I'm freaking as googled and bladder cancer stands out !!! She have me antibiotics and sent sample away but my anxiety recently about my health is immense !!!! I'm in peri I think as periods all over place and now spotting.do any of you wee a lot without an infection as heard this is peri too ?can anyone help or give reassurance please.thanks Michelle

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19 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi I have blood in my wee as well can only be seen in a dip test. Some people just have it so don't panic . Yes I also go to wee a lot think it's just part of menopause. The uti will cause you to go a lot anyway . Don't get anxious take the antibiotics and that should sort it out.
    • Posted

      Hello do you mean right now you have blood in your wee? I'm not even sure now if I keep weeing cos I have an infection or it's pure anxiety about the dipstick test !! I've taken day two of antibiotics no relief yet !! Do you get up in the night a lot I am up 3-4 times a night for a wee !!thanks so much xxx
    • Posted

      Hi Michelle the blood trace is only when its dipstickef and I had urology and bladder looked at and the conclusion was nothing wrong some people just have blood in their wee . Well worth having a chat with a doctor I don't take any hrt as it doesn't suit me. However it suits some ladies and relieves all sorts of symptoms. If antibiotics don't work and I'm not saying they won't you are only on day 2 D mannose from Amazon is fantastic for uti's two tablets every four hours well worth having in the cupboard. Getting up in the night could be anxiety try a meditation tape you can download apps from I tunes which calm you. Even taking two deep breaths helps try it. We all experience differing symptoms there is always a way through. Look how many ladies are on this site. Take care and don't worry x
  • Posted

    It's happened to me too Michelle. At sometime or another we've all had similar experiences.

    I'm always amused when they call it the menopause, as though it's some sort of item that arrives one day through the postal service.

    All our fluctuating hormones can cause weird and wonderful symptoms.

    One of which is that you become sensitive to various things, the vaginal tissues become thinner and drier, there's not very much lubrication either so sometimes there can be a little friction which can cause a little bleeding.

    Peeing a lot, yep, me too.

    I was prescribed very low dose Oestrogen vaginal pessiaries as I had that problem too. Discuss options with your family doctor or practice nurse. Some practices have well women clinics too which can be helpful.

    Drink plenty of water. Keep hydrated. Avoid fizzy drinks and, if you can, cut down on tea and coffee. That should help.

    If you possibly can, don't Google symptoms, it only makes things more difficult. Groups like this are the best way of finding out things from women going through menopausal symptoms.

    We're all here for each other. 😃

    • Posted

      Thank you I still am going for a wee a lot it's just such anxious times for me I keep drinking water thankyou so much.if i wasn't so anxious all the time I could deal with things better but I'm panicking now I'm

      Really not enjoying my life at the moment all these ongoing things going on.i have enlarged ovary too there keeping an eye on as has small complex cysts on it so what with that and now this I'm convinced something more sinister is going on !!' I can't stop crying today I feel obsessed with my health worries at the moment xxx

    • Posted

      A lot of women, I include myself in this, worry a lot about our health. The least twinge or ache or any symptom we think we haven't had before can send us into anxiety/panic/fear/worry mode.

      That's ok. It's not at all unknown. What we have to try is to find some way of stopping this vicious circle of anxiety that will work for each of us. We're not all alike. We're not clones, so we each have to find what works and what doesn't.

      The human brain is amazing. However, it can fool us into thinking weird, wonderful and strange stuff at times. At night, especially if we're on certain medications they can cause strange dreams.

      Sometimes our sleep is disrupted so we don't get all the healing sleep our body needs. That can make us feel tired and less able to cope with day to day life.

      It will pass. It will pass. I say that to myself every day. When you are struggling it may not seem it will ever go, but it will.

      You are strong. You may not think so just now, but you are. We all have doubts but we are strong too.You've taken the first step by posting on this forum. Remember. We are all here for each other.xx

  • Posted

    Please don't worry or panic. Blood in urine is more common then you think. I once had it recently and was very worried when i was ferlang very un well and rotten. . Dr's also made me worry. With all the other symptoms I thought something was seriously wrong with me. But it soon cleared by itself and second blood test was clear. So please don't assume the worse. But get yourself checked again. All the best.
    • Posted

      Hello and thank you did you see the blood or was it from dipstick ? I suffer extreme anxiety that is just so awful! And yes as I'm spotting too all seems to be down there at the mo !! 12 days spotting when my period was due only a light spotting has happened but heavier today !! Did you have a urine infection ? Xx
    • Posted

      I didn't see the blood in my urine. Dr noticed something in my urine via dipstick. Didn't tell me what it was and sent it to lab for exemination. Then I am told there was blood. So I had to do another yest after some time. Then that came out clean. All the best.
    • Posted

      Did it turn out to be a wee infection or anything ? I'm on day two of antibiotics but she sent sample off to be tested so we shall see.all I've got is constantly weeing and pelvic aching xxx
    • Posted

      No idea what it was and why it was there. No one told me anything. sad Perhaps ot was some kind of infection and went away by itself. We just suffer in silence sometimes. Hope ypu get better soon. Try not to worry to much.
  • Posted

    yes weeing a lot is common during peri, so are water infections, see how you get on with your meds, if it goes then you know it is an infection, kidney infection can make you spot in your urine also, take one step at a time, and good luck with the tests im sure you will be fine.
    • Posted

      Thank you I'm spotting quite a lot Today from last period which doesn't help but my bulbs too is very sore and red.nurse gave me antibiotics and sent sample off but she said I may need another antibiotic if it shows a different infection to what she thinks it is.what if there's no infection in urine ?
  • Posted

    Blood in urine with infection is common. I finally just got over an infection I have had since last summer! Urine in toilet will be dark colored, orangish/red, if blood in it. Frequent urination is common also. I was awoken from sleep several times because of it! Important to take the full round of antibiotics to clear it up! 
    • Posted

      Thanks Debbie.i have been suffering weeing a lot anyway for years and always up and down during night 2-3 times !! but it took me to the nurse Friday as felt very sore and tender and was weeing a lot more.she did a dipstick and told me blood was in it.sent off to lab but gave me antibiotics which I've been taking.now today cos of my high anxiety levels I keep looking down I've been looking down toilet convinced its changed colour and it has !! But I'm spotting too so could be mixed.i even peed in a glass and it was reddy tinged to convince myself !! I suffer extreme health anxiety xxx

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