UTI/Bladder infections, 2 urine test tested high for nitrites in 5 days and culture tested negative

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Weak, faint, nausea, pelvic swelling, back pain, pelvic pain i feel like I am in in a fog and cant stay active.  A week of antibotics (cipro then cefnir) and two shots of rosefen (sorry if spelled wrong) and not much improvement.  Urine tested positive high in nitrates before and during antibotic treatment...however the culture was negative.  Docs don't know what is wrong.   *10 months ago I developed what they thought was a UTI, but was actually a severe bladder infection where the bladder walls were swelling shut and retaining over 1000 cc of urine, after two weeks with a cath and bag and meds, the cleared me for the orginally scheduled partial hystercomy but now had to correct a cystocele, rectocele, untacele, removed uterus, cervix and tubes, BUT left  my ovaries.*  I hadn't had issues since, however now i physically feel the same way i did during that infection and pelvic pain, but not uterus...primary docs sent me to ER where they told me my urine was now "clear" and sent me home.  Im going back to the GYN that figured out what was wrong last time.  My body almost feels toxic.  Last year the ct/dye scan showed kidneys were functioning correctly.  Im 34 and very active and normal wieght and diet...there is no reason for this.  anyone out there have something sim

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    You might be suffering from Fluoroquinolone toxicity given that you have taken Cipro. There is a discussion forum for this on this website or you could Google it - but be careful there are a lot of horror stories.
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    Thank you I will look into it.  Since I am allergic to pencillin and sulfa drugs cipro has been used on me before for things like sinus infections.  However at this point anything simple would be welcomed.  even though they left my ovaries my chemrsty has changed alot some things that worked on me before no longer do..even something as simple as deotranant brands.  Another odd thing they found since the surgery is that I have raynaulds syndrome...you know that funky thing were your fingers and toes get cold and purple.  So after a nuerologist ruled out all the "scary" reasons for it that is what they left me with.  It  just feels like there is something they aren't seeing that could explain all of this.
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      Jamie, if it *is* the Cipro, I'm afraid the solution might not be so simple since there doesn't really seem to BE a solution to undoing the symptoms for those unfortunate enough to be floxed. 
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    Jamie it may be due to the cipro. I saw a dr 4 yr ago for uti, he gave me cipro. Since then my health is terrible.
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    I will talk to the other doc about that later on today...maybe it is just making a bad situition worse.  It doesn't explain the pelvic swelling and uti stuff.  I don't understand how two urine tests seperated by a few days both show high levels of nitrites but the culture from the very first urine test came back negative.  The GC was stumped and something about a possible poly??? infection?


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      Cipro can cause interstitial cystitis which is like a bladder inflammation without infection . I have had some bladder problems after hysterectomy which being floxed has aggravated. The important thing is avoid any fluoroquinolone antibiotics in future as the effect is cumulative. Once you have reached your tolerance more can provoke very serious and often permanent the damage.
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    The Raynauds Syndrome could be another indicator of it being an Adverse Reaction to the Cipro.  It sounds like you might have taken quite a few courses of it.  Be aware that many doctors don't acknowledge the existence of Fluoroquinolone Toxicity so approach the issure with caution!  There are many good websites in the US and now one here in the UK.  If you search this site for Fluoroquinolone Toxicity Syndrome you'll find a post by the EMIS Moderator which gives addresses of useful sites.  (We're not allowed to give addresses in posts!)
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      I saw my gyno that took really excellent care of me when I got really sick last year. He pulled me off of all the meds the other docs put me on. He sent the urine off for culture however told me it was very high in ketones (funny how the ER doc didn't notice that yesterday). He has me set up for an ultrasound tomorrow to check my bladder and ovaries and we will see what the culture says. He told me the stuff they had me on was "just too much", and was likely making all my symptoms worse. He is one of those doctors that listens and makes sure to take care of you. I guess this explains the "toxic" weak and tired feelings I can't shake off. At least I'm on a better path then when I woke up.
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    Update.  I went in to get my ultrasound results and while I was there I got very sick.  However the doctor jumped to it and was trying to figure out what was going on since my ultrasound looked good and my culture of clean.  My blood sugar was 51 and I ate about 1.5 before.  The episodes I have been having where hypoglycemic.  I stayed in the office and did that nasty drink test.  He reviewed the other doctors lab reports and had my gluclose, tyroid and vitamin D tested.  Secondary to that he referred me to a urologist to test me for interstitial cystitis.  Our family dosn't have a strong history of diabetes however my maternal side is unknown.  I have been going to the bathroom 14+ times a day and I had been wondering why it felt like nothing I drank stayed in for long...so more tests...however both would make lots of sense.
  • Posted

    Thanks for the update Jamie, and lets hope the nice doc gets you sorted out soon.  If it is diabetes that's not too bad - my mother was diagnosed with type 2 when she was 45 and she'll be 94 next month!!  She controlled it with just diet until she was well over 80, then they said she should have insulin.  I remember she originally  went to the docs  because she thought she had a urine infection, but it was the sugar in her urine causing the problems.

    Just be aware that Cipro (and the other fluoroquinolones) can give you nasty side affects.  If you want to find out more the Moderator's Post on this site is at


    he gives links to useful sites and there's also a discussion.

    Good luck!

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