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So this is my first time writing on this forum...I never thought I'd be in this serious situation . I'm 20 years old and had a uti for about 1.5 months now....I've been on cipro (3 days), bactrim (7 days), nitrofurantoin (7 days), and nitrofurantoin again (10 days). It's been three days since I've finished my last batch of antibiotics and I STILL feel worst than ever. I even tried taking 100% pure D-MANNOSE which helped only a little. My gyn initially thought I had a yeast infection and put me on a one day pill...still nothing. Then on my second visit she was out of ideas referred me to a urologist. This is my second time visiting my urologist (today), and she was also out of ideas and referred me to a sonogram , because she suspects I have a kidney stone....I don't believe I have one since the urine cultures (al three of them showed no powder or crystals). I still feel the BURNIng in my urethra only ...which is weird . I talked to my doctor about IC but she says it's not possible because my urine culture always comes back with high levels of ecoli . I live in NYC and I feel hopeless!!!!!!! What do you guys think I should do?
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P.s - also I had a Pap smear which was tested for normal and I don't have stds, vaginosis, etc.
Sara57006 jen410
I'm similar to you in that I've tried Bactrim 10 days and Cipro 7 days and still have burning after I urinate. But my tests have been positive and negative so idk what the heck is going on but it's been going on for like 3 months for me now. Some days I'll feel better and others it's worse. I'm 40 and no stds. Cystex has helped me a little and washing after I urinate.
jen410 Sara57006
Hi Sara, thanks for replying . Today when I asked my doctor about my 3 urine cultures coming out (positive, then negative and positive again), she told me that there are three possibilities : the urine is too diluted with water and too little bacteria was detected, the urine culture stayed out for too long on the counter , or you finished taking antibiotics and it shows negative then the next couple of days the bacteria grows again. I'm really frustrated too! I've just started taking cranberry pills even though my doc said at this point it won't do much
Sara57006 jen410
Lmk if anything helps you! I have also cut out coffee and soda and alcohol but I still get the burning. I have another Rx of Cipro I might take but I'm sick of taking antibiotics that do t work anyway. 🙁
miriam65408 Sara57006
Sara, if you've already taken Cipro be very VERY cautious about taking any more. Some people can tolerate more than others but the toxins from it stay in your body and build up until the day you get an overload (people have described it as a bomb going off inside them!). It's commonly called being floxed, and once it happens it's a very long road to recovery.
Check out places like floxie-hope for more info. Stay safe.
Sherbear75 jen410
farah77335 jen410
Hi Jen , i am currently experiencing a bladder infection that went up to my kidney. been having this bladder infection for almost 3 months which is driving me insane. i am finally on an antibiotic that seems to be working (praying real hard). regarding the burning, i was googling and found something on vitamin c for the infection. i've tried that in the last couple of weeks and the burning went away within 24 hours. sooo maybe u can try drinking vitamin c tabs, jus 1 for like 3 days and see if that will work?? i don't know if it will work for you, but it's worth a try.
jen410 farah77335
farah77335 jen410
i am currently on amoxyclav , i still have 2 days left. most of the symptoms are gone but there's still a pain in my side.... wich im scared of bcos i dunno wot im gna do once im done on this antibiotic. i was on 3 antibiotics prior to this as well. i had the frequent urination , the burning and the pain. the vitamin c took only the burning away. i still had alot of pain but the burning went away.. is the burning your only symptom at the moment?
jen410 farah77335
Yeaaa I only have burning in my urethra which is weird . I know that those with chronic and resistant uti usually experience back pain which I don't have
hopefully both our doctors get to the root of the problem. I'll keep you updated
lilyp123 jen410
Please tell me that you have gotten more information on this. I am struggling with this exact same issue right now and I am also 20. I am so sick of this and so embarrassed by it.
jen410 lilyp123
Hey lily! Yes I actually haven't updated my post in so long . So sorry to hear that you're going through a similar situation
I know exactly how you feel. Update- I went to four more doctors which includes another gyn, urologist, regular doctor and a pain specialist at Weill Cornell in NYC which took me SOO long to get a referral for. I had a cystoscopy which showed that my bladder is very healthy. Interstitial cystitis was ruled out absolutely by three of my doctors . I've had 9 urine cultures done all which came back negative . I did a full blood test which came back all healthy! My doctor says I have a rare condition called Vulvodynia...which made me really upset because I never thought I'd get it. I was 120% healthy before I got a Uti and now my uti triggered vulvodynia ( which is the case with most women who have vulvodynia)
jen410 lilyp123
It's been about four-five months now and the pain is sadly still there...sometimes I cry at night because I don't know what I did to deserve this since I was not sexually active. Currently I've been on an alkaline diet (which read from many vulvodynia surivivors) helped them conquer their vulvodynia. I'll let you know how that's going. My next step is going to a urogynecologist recommended to me at Weill Cornell. My physician gave me meloxicam to try which did not work and then she gave me cymbalta (which is an antidepressant for the nerve pain going on down there lol). I haven't tried it because I'm scared of the side effects. I'm going to see my urogyn to get another recommendation before I take the antidepressants
lilyp123 jen410
Hi guys! So here's the update: Two days ago I went to see a reknowned urogyn at weill cornell hospital. Finally someone understood what I was going through! My urogyn did a pelvic and rectal exam and touched on a VERy painful spot all the wall in my vaginal wall. She says this pain was causing my urethral burning. I am diagnosed with myofascial pain and seem to be having pelvic floor dysfunction due to over tensing pelvic mulscles. These muscles have been tensed up ever since getting my UTI hence the "guarding effect". I'm going through physical therapy now and I hope it works! At the moment, I was prescribed a muscle relaxant called flexeril which barely worked for me.....keep yall updatedd later!