Uti wont go away

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Please i am desperately needing some reassurance. I have been having uti for the last 3 months. Lots of different Antibiotics and none have worked tried D Manrose for a week also but still there .Dr wants to do further test on my kidneys and bladder .I am in complete panic and my health anxiety has kicked in big time .Cant eat or function properly and crying call the time .Please help i feel so lonely .

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20 Replies

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    Did you get the powder form of the D Manosse ? Also keep in mind that your depletion of estrogen is probably having an effect on your tissues in that area and leaving your more open for these infections.

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      HI Wen,

      Did you use that powder like some of the reviews stated? Mixing with 8oz of water and waiting an hour and then drinking a large amount of water? Do that several times a day? It seems when used that way it knocks that UTI infection out. Have you thought about a alternative/Holistic dr. for your hormone replacement? Compounded estrogens creams might help. Some that are inserted at night and some that are applied on the outside too. Just a suggestion.

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      I can certainly feel for you and your panic over what is happening. I've had many UTI's over the years and they are NO fun. Having one last for a few days is enough. I cannot imagine one that goes on as long as what you've endured. Good luck I hope you find some relief soon.

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    did your urine come back positive because I just went through all the kidney and bladder testing if you don't have to, it was horrible I had blood in my urine constantly and finally they made me.. I would try not to unless you are in danger of it going to the kidney, what helps my is probiotics focused on the urinary track a health food store you can never take to many and azo also non sweetend cranberry juice from a natural store of some type if haven't tried... GOOD LUCK AND HUGS !

  • Posted

    Hello Wen, i’m sorry you’re having these issues. Gigi on this forum posted something that I thought was very important. She had read a study about patients in a nursing home, I know you’re not that old, stay with me, obviously postmenopausal, having recurring UTIs. they discovered how important estrogen was to bladder health and I think they put them all of them on Vagifem, i’m not sure if it has 2% estrogen, I hope I’m not mixing this up. The results were astounding. The words are not verbatim, but her post was eye-opening because I didn’t know that our bladders needed estrogen to operate optimally. also up your vitamin C, talk to a pharmacist and see how much vitamin C you can take in a day, that’s healthy. Because vitamin C makes the urine acidic and that way the bacteria can’t stick. see if you can possibly find Gigi‘s post or better off, Google, bladder health and estrogen 😉 sorry again you’re having these troubles.

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      Hi Lisa!!

      I still can't find that exact study I read.. the vagifem is 10 mcg per dose. It is used on a couple ladies at the nursing home my mom was in before she passed in May. We were going to start her on it because of recurring UTI's but she went into complete renal failure and she couldnt recover. However, MY doc suggested along with some other ladies on here, to not only use the cream inside but also slathered on the outer bits, concentrate around your urethra, I havent had a uti in a year now. I still get symptoms of urgency from time to time but I just add an extra day or two of estrace cream and it clears up.

      I found one study but I'm not sure the mods will let me post it, but theres tons of articles about bladder health and estrogen.


      What exactly are you using and how are you using it? It's not an over night fix and you have to be very vigilant using either the cream or the vaginal pill. Also wash your panties in a scent and dye free detergent and no fabric softener. Same with your wash cloths and do not use any soap, just warm water. Your vagina is self cleaning. Another trick is dye free, scent free, bleached toilet paper, if you "wipe" make sure it's from front to back, or what I do is blot or pat dry, I find it's less irritation that way. It took several months for all this to work for me but I stuck with it and happy I did. My doc is also open minded and allows me to use as much or as little as I need. Again, use it internally and around the urethra.

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    I actually put notes in my phone on this, in addition to what I just wrote to you, it is called Vagifem:)

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    Wen, I’m just curious, my sister does not drink a lot of water and she has UTI's alot. I don’t mean to sound stupid, but do you drink a lot of water?

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    okay so i used to take azo for urinary pain relief and they also have a cranberry pill i was taking for prevention! i never had uti it was rare for me so what ended up happening was i had a kidney stone that wasnt removed and for a whole year i was uncomfortable down there and didnt know why and when i got scan it was a stone and once removed all went away!!! just a thought maybe yiu can get checked for it!!!!

  • Posted

    hi wen

    has it been confirmed as a uti by tests? i ask this because i had months and months of severe uti symptoms and would find no bacteria etc it got worse and i had all the tests that came back negative i was a mess on the floor in agony when it was discovered it was part of Perimenopause being put on HRT patches fixed it for me. some use a estrogen cream that wasnt enough for me. i tried natural remedies nothing worked until the HRT.

    good luck you're not alone

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      Shy I remember you from my post on blood in urine,,, they did that bladder test on me and It came back normal if you remember me from a couple weeks back what a nightmare that was,,, peri s**t!!! xxxx

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      i remember beverly! i am glad it all came back okay.

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    hi wen. i am so sorry you are struggling with this peri stuff! i bet you just need some estrogen. did anything else change 3 months ago?

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    Thank u all for your reply.I have had uti on and off since April showing nitaites all the time .I started using hormone pesseries mid May one a night for 14 nights then twice a week as Dr thought lack of estrogen was not helping it .I am 60 and post menopause .I have used the D menrose. on and off for last 2 weeks 3 times a day to start with the morning and night .I stopped taking my high dose cranberry pills and vit C because. did nothing to help me .This time dip stick test showed leycotes and nitrates and blood ++ this time .Have to ring tomorrow for culture test results and the see Dr will decide what is next .I was convinced this time Antibiotics had worked felt so much better .I know feel so depressed again and worried sick there might be something serious .I am in no pain at all and if i didn't take sample to be tested would not know i had Uti still .Thank again for being here i feel so lonely and frightened in my own head .

    • Posted

      Morning Wen, The fact that cranberry juice, vitamin C and anabiotic’s are not working, seems to prove the cause is lack of estrogen.... don’t you think? What I think would be helpful, is to print out all of these comments from these posts, GREAT INFO 😉 & bring them into the doctor with you. Reading all these might give him a course of plan to help you:) also it seems like our vaginas become so extremely sensitive during perimenopause/ post menopause. I do as Gigi suggested, I don’t wipe, I pat and that for some reason seems to make a big difference. Also make sure that your shorts and pants are not tight up against that area. and as Gigi said, also, it is very important not to use fabric softeners/deteegents. I do not even use soap with my underwear, I use white vinegar and Wash Panties separately from other clothing, as you never know what dyes etc.. are in the clothing. Make sure no toilet paper has scents or anything of that nature. We are all rooting for you! xo

    • Posted

      Thank you for your reply it really helps me .I have been using hormone pesseries since May i know they take a while to work so hope they help me .I am also patting now not wiping myself .I will try washing by hand my underwear from now on .Sometimes its such a lonely place and i am my own worst enemy going on goggle for hours .Thank u again .

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