vagifem vs yuvafem ? what is your experience???
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Just wondering if anyone was on vagifem then switched to the generic yuvafem? And what were your results? Did you notice an increase in symptoms after switching? Did you have any problems with the applicators?
Several months ago I switched fro Estrace cream to yuvafem. I was doing oknay on the cream but it was messy and you had to wash and reuse the applicator. But I have had some problem with the yuvafem applicator. To begin with it does not have rounded corners on the end like the vagifem , it has sharp rectangular edges, Everytime I use it I am sore the next day and I am thinking those sharp edges are causing some damage, I have gotten very small since using this yuvafem and it can be quite difficult to insert.
Also I have had an increase in yeast infections( which goes great with the burning I already have) And I read the ingredients and the first one is corn starch, which is why we shouldn't use powder because yeast feeds on corn starch. I'm starting to think I should switch to vagifem even if the co pay is more
anyway let me know if you have had any problems if you have switched to yuvafem
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Gigi368 donna18720
Hi Ladies!! I'm new here, I stumbled across the forum by accident while searching for answers. I'm desperate for advice. I'll try to keep the story short... I'm 49 and had a hysterectomy 16 yrs ago, but kept my ovaries. I've never had any problems until this past July (2 months ago). I woke up on a Saturday morning feeling like I was starting with a UTI, I've only had a couple in all these years so I tried drowning myself with water and cranberry juice, by the afternoon I was so miserable I went to Urgent Care. They tested and said it was negative but I had a bit of blood in my urine, after more questions, they decided to test for yeast and BV. The yeast came back positive so they put me on Clotrimazole Vaginal Cream for 7 days. Things seemed to be normal but a week after treatment it was back, I called my GP and he had me come in to see his Nurse Practioner, she was very dismissive, didn't see if it was really back or if it was something else, didn't listen to my symptoms and concerns and told me to retreat with Monistat 7 day. Now I'm into 2 weeks of harsh creams inside me. 5 days after treatment it was back again, so I demand a referral to my gyno (my insurance requires a referral, Medicare supplement plan, I'm disabled). Ive never seen this particular gyno but because mine retired and this was her partner I thought she would be a safe choice, since they had my records, how wrong I was. I explained what happened and my symptoms, she did an exam and said no UTI, no yeast but she seen clue cells for BV, so I went on a 5 day treatment with Metro Gel, while she sent it all off to the lab to be cultured, (also tested for every STD out there, all negative including the BV) during the 4th night of treatment I started having side effects, leg cramps and numbness in my feet and hands, I managed to get all 5 days in though, 4 days after I got a raging, angry yeast infection, I was in pain and miserable, I called her and she said treat with Monistat 7 day. I'm now into 4 weeks of creams! Less than 2 weeks later, it was back yet again, called her for an appointment, at this point. She did another exam but no tests and told me I'm in or about through with menopause, no hormone check though, she said I was starting with VA and I had dryness. She put me on 10 mcg of Vagifem twice a week. When I started asking questions she basically said just use it and see if it works, dismissed my concerns about the meds. I have a heart condition, high blood pressure, and battle with cholesterol, I also have a family history of breast cancer and I've dealt with fibroids myself. I'm not over weight, 5'3" 130 lbs. Besides my weight, I'm very concerned about hormones with the risks involved and know the is is higher with my other issues, but she was completely aloof about it. Not forthcoming with answers. To date, I still haven't used it, I'm terrified of it. I'm extremely sensitive to medications, especially oral meds. I understand this is a topical pill that's inserted. Aside from the seriously risks, I'm worried about it causing yeast infections, I'm always very careful what enters that area, only non scented mild cleansers, wash my underclothes in dye free, scent free Tide, no fabric softener, also wash my wash rags the same way. Anyway, my symptoms are minimal itching, but I have burning and feel as if I used sand paper, inside and out, and occasionally I feel a heaviness like something is trying to push it's way out and off and on the need to pee a LOT. My concern since it started literally overnight is that 4 weeks worth of cream and a dose of Diflucan, which I had an extremely bad reaction to also, caused all the dryness leading to the other symptoms. Intimacy has never been painful prior to all of this, I'm not experiencing hot flashes, night sweats, decreased sex drive, headaches, hair loss or unusual growth. I'm so very confused as to why AV wasn't mentioned the first time she examined me but the second time it was mysteriously there? I was thinking about trying a vaginal moisturizer first to see if that helps with dryness, I can't imagine how much damage 4 weeks of creams could have caused with only a few days between new treatments. That has to have something to do with it. If I'm just in denial about the AV and scared out of my wits about hormones, I'm wondering if anyone has experienced similar things, and how safe the hormone is. My partner, bless his heart, is so patient, by my patience is wearing thin. I'm feeling isolated and depressed, I don't know anyone who is dealing with this and no one to talk to that understands. My mom has altzheimers and I'm lucky if she remembers my name on a good day, so even she's out. Any info and advise would be greatly appreciated! I'm so sorry, I tried to keep this short and failed. Thank you for taking the time to read this!
wendy62425 Gigi368
Hi Gigi
Your symptoms are so familiar to so many of us that have to deal with AV. I am very fortunate to have a good doctor that listened to me from the beginning then examined me to get the diagnosis of AV. Yes AV feels just like a UTI with all the discomforts burning, pressure, etc. He had me use Estrace for 14 days then starting me on the Vagifem 10mcg 2xweek. It took several weeks to feel really normal again. The low dose of estrogen in the Vagifem stays more localized around the area. I too have breast cancer in my sister. I see a breast surgeon for checkups just because they are more thorough. I asked him with concerns with taking the Vagifem and he reassured me that it was okay........and honestly Gigi the Vagifem is the only thing that works for AV. There is a NEW treatment called Mona Lisa Touch that work for some women but not for others and unfortunately is not covered on insurance and is can google it....and read the blogs about it on Patient UK.
The thought of going off the Vagifem and feeling the discomfort all over again and losing quality of life because of discomfort.......I don't even want to think about it! My doctor said the Vagifem is the only thing that will help the AV....he did not have anything else to offer.
This also affects intimacy with my patient husband.
We are all here for you Gigi.....Please keep us posted!
Gigi368 wendy62425
Thank you so much for kind answers!
My problem isn't so much the bladder, although when the yeast goes crazy I do feel the need to go frequently, but no burning or pain when I do go. I seem to get the yeast infections. At first I thought it was because the weekend it happened, I was in the pool a lot and possibly didn't get out of my wet swim suit fast enough (I'm in the US, St. Louis, Missouri, it was 105 here that weekend). My partner and I hadn't been intimate for a couple weeks, so the pool was my first thought. Anyway prior to all this I never experienced any sort of symptoms, no burning, itching, sandpaper feeling, heaviness or pressure of any sort. It literally happened over night. Can AV happen that way? I'm not sure exactly how AV is diagnosed, all my gyno did was a pelvic exam, had me bear down and then contract, took her less than a minute and came up with the AV diagnosis. And all I really know about it is what I've read online, as I said she wasn't interested in answering my questions. I'm searching for a new one that accepts my insurance. Are the risks lessened since it's a local estrogen? I'm not too worried about cancer, it's the blood clot, heart attack and stroke risks that absolutely terrify me because of my existing heart condition. And shouldn't a base hormone level be done to see where my levels are? Like I said it's been 16 yrs since my hysterectomy and zero problems until 2 months ago.. I knew I'd hit actual menopause eventually, but with no symptoms at all, I'm uncomfortable with adding a hormone I may or may not need, does that make sense? My partner said he's not noticed any changes in that area and since there's no pain during or after intimacy, I don't really have anything to go by, but since this started we haven't tried, I'm too scared. As of right now I feel a tad irritated but that's it, but it can change to uncomfortable at any time then go back to almost normal. I don't have any consistent symptoms, as of the last yeast treatment which was the Diflucan on the 8th.
Im sorry to unload all this info, I'm just so confused!
PS.. I did read about the Mona Lisa procedure and there is a couple Urogyno's in my area that do them, it's about 2000$ which is expensive but not as bad as I imagined.
wendy62425 Gigi368
Hi Gigi 🌺
My AV symptoms started with a UTI. ( an actual UTI ). A couple of weeks after it felt like the UTI was not cured as I felt discomfort down there yet NO burning when I peed.....GP doctor took culture came back negative then went to my GYN, that's when he did examination and said I have Atrophic Vaginitis. It's a thinning of the vaginal tissue due to lack of estrogen causing the dryness and discomfort. I understand completely about being afraid of intimacy....most of us are. My husband and I did try but he was not able to's been a very long time for us and was quite may be okay though.
it is just so sad that some doctors do not take the time to explain AV. I have noticed that before going on Vagifem I was getting several UTI's the past year. Eveidently the Vagifem helps prevent them from occurring. I have had no side effects with Vagifem. The frustrating thing is that the doctor said I will be on It for the rest of my life unless they come out with something else. I just wish there was something more natural that worked. doctor did tell me during my annual visit the year prior that I had Atrophic Vaginitis and gave me prescription for Vagifem.....but since I had no symptoms during that time I did not do doctors orders and unfortunately I wish I did because it became a problem and the discomfort set in.
I also live in the US in Virginia. I think for you, finding another GYN doctor is good especially to ge a second opinion......bring in your questions.
keep us posted!
susan556 wendy62425
Hi Wendy i can relate to everything you said hear, its like word for word from my own experience'
I hope you can continue to use the vagifem as it really helped me but alas i had to stop due to side affects being a slight bleeding after many years without any periods. Had to have scan as well to check the lining of my womb to see if it had thickened,luckily it hadn't.
Was told to stop using it and that was that, no alternative, just left to get on with it, and oh yes being intimate as you say just to painful.
Dr told me there's nothing else they could prescribe that would work as well as vagifem.
Im in the UK
wendy62425 susan556
Hi Sue
Oh my goodness. What are you using to help with the discomfort after stopping the Vagifem? How long were you using the Vagifem before you started to bleed.? Were you doing the V 2x each week?
May I ask your age? I'm 65.
Gigi368 wendy62425
How long did it take the Vagifem to start working? I know we each react differently medication but I don't know if I can wait months for it to work.
After my post this morning, I had a 4 hour bout of intense heaviness and bladder pressure, I was in tears and had a heating pad on my abdomen, which helped a bit. Still zero pain when urinating, it feels lighter after I go. I went and bought some Replens, within an hour it started easing up. Right now I'm uncomfortable but feels 80% better, although they weren't kidding when they said you'd get clumpy toilet paper like discharge. According to what I read that's normal until it sheds the dry dead cells. But it's a bit messy, for now it was a quick semi fix until I can get a second opinion (still not convinced the yeast infection ever cleared up, as there was cottage cheese like discharge on the applicator, gross!) or just get the courage to use the Vagifem. This is miserable and I've only been dealing with it for 2 months, I feel horrible for the women who've dealt with this for years.
Gigi368 susan556
I bought a box of Replens today, it has helped so far as the burning and bladder pain are concerned, it's not a fix for sure but in my desperation today I would have stuffed dynomite up there and lit the fuse! I'm so sorry there's no options for you medical wise. If you haven't tried a moisturizer, being so new to all this I don't know much at all, but I'd definitely try some!
Best wishes and prayers someone can "fix" us!!
wendy62425 Gigi368
Hi Gigi
I never had what you are describing with the AV .....I wonder if you still have a yeast infection?? I will google that as it's been many years since I've had one. I have a friend on here that has had that pressure from bladder....I will ask her some questions about her issues. She is not in the states. I hope you will be able to see a doctor soon so you can get some relief!
The Estrace helped quite a bit before I started the Vagifem. It just took awhile to feel completely normal.....not a lot of pain.
susan556 wendy62425
Hi Wendy, sorry only just seen your reply.
Im 66. after many months or should i say years of repeated what felt like UTI s most of which by the way came back as negative, took two lots of antibiotics for nothing on the last occasion a few months back.
Its the atrophy is that the correct spelling and the fact i have a slight prolapse plus of course going through the pre menopause and now in the after menopause stage thats contributed to my extreme discomfort.
Now im using a product called multi- gyn Actigel which has stopped the feeling of the UTI sensation, eg the burning and swelling feeling and soreness . Its not cheap and ive not tried to use this a remedy for helping as lubricent for sex.
I cant remember now how many of the vagifem i was using, think it was one every night then once every 3 days, i wasn't adviced to stop for a whole month in between im sure. Was using these for about one year before i got the symptoms.
susan556 Gigi368
Hi Gigi if you read my reply to Wendy your see whats helped me so far. I believe the Replens help with the intimate side of things is that correct? I well understand where your coming from when you say but in my desperation today I would have stuffed dynamite up there and lit the fuse! lol
What im using now isnt cheap and def couldn't afford to use this stuff as lubricant.
wendy62425 susan556
Hi Susan
Thank you for your reply. How often to you use the multi-GYN Actigel? Are you able to feel normal without discomfort using it? Is it as good as the Vagifem?
when I'm late by a day in taking the Vagifem....I start to feel the discomfort. I don't think any doctor would suggest stopping Vagifem for a month as it would take too long to feel better again ...not to mention the discomfort during that month....ugh. I have been on the Vagifem for almost a year now. Always good to find a plan B that works.
Gigi368 susan556
Hi Susan!
The Replens is a vaginal moisturizer, they have a separate lubricant. I'll have to check out the product you're using. Thank you for sharing it! I wish we had a quick "fix".. I'm sick of dealing with it already! I never thought 2 months ago I'd be having these problems, especially since my hysterectomy was 16 yrs ago, I figured my hormones would have taken a nose dive before now.
susan556 wendy62425
wendy62425 susan556
Hello Susan
No, I have not received a personal message from you. How are you doing? What are using to feel better? Please keep us posted.
have a nice day🌷
susan556 wendy62425
wendy62425 susan556
How are you? It has been 10 months since this posting but wanted to check in to see how you are after having to stop Vagifem. What is working for you I would love to hear back from you.
nicoleflynn Gigi368
i feel like i could have written this as this is me minus the hysterectomy I'm curious how you are doing and what worked for you?
Gigi368 nicoleflynn
I gave in and started using the Estrace cream.. took about a month to get significant relief but now I'm back to "normal" as far as the vaginal symptoms go. I do get a flare up here and there but I just add a day, I'm down to once a week or every other week. My gyno gave me the ok to use it as I need it.
Now if all these other crappy symptoms would go away I'd be great.