Video Recording of PIP

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I have just received an email telling me that the DWP are now running trial's to introduce video Recording of PIP assessment's, I'm thinking that in some ways it will be a step forward because then their will be no disputes when looking back at your interview neither party can claim to different conversation, the only reason im not keen is that i look horrendous on 📷 what are your opinions, if you don't want to answer then a points scoring reply will do, 1 reject and up to 10 if you consider it to be a good idea.

My main objection has to be that its v stressful already, will filming us make it even worse.

My score is 7

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17 Replies

  • Posted

    Hello Alexandriagizmo

    I think it will be stressful but hopefully accuracy of what was discussed during the assessment will be proved. The nurse assessing me reckoned during a "physical examination", which never occurred, I was supposed to have performed movements that because of previous spinal surgery I could not physically have managed! There were many other disputed facts in the report, which left me with no points, up to date, following much stressful 'fighting' with the DWP, all has been sorted and my PIP reinstated. (Not before I was told in writing I was "lying about my conditions", I WISH).

    My thoughts are does it matter where the stress is present, during the assessment or fighting endlessly afterwards to prove the assessor is being not altogether honest with what actually happened during the claimant's assessment?

    As long as the assessor allows the claimant to answer and explain how the illnesses affect everyday living I think I would probably try to manage being videoed? Mental health may cause problems for the claimant but 'the camera never lies' and hopefully this may be positive and beneficial to the claimant when the DWP see the way the claimant cannot cope in 'public'? I think for me personally, my score is a cautious 8/10.

    • Posted

      I'm coming up for my review so F2F is inevitable so I will definitely ask for the video recording stress or not, smile LOL not

    • Posted

      I'm coming up for my review so F2F is inevitable so I will definitely ask for the video recording stress or not, smile LOL not

    • Posted

      Sorry AlexandriaGizmo hope your face to face goes well. Take care. Are you asking for a video, not sure of text wording, (a little old for learning now?)

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      Absolutely, if they tell me something different then at least i can dispute it and show who's lying and who's not and prove that I'm definitely not as theirs no point of me trying to deceive them

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    i think video recording is the key to stop this bunch of liars from ruining peoples lives.

    had my assessment in October and received news of its decision on Friday, the lying a****le based the entire report on a muscularskeletal examination.... which didn't actually take place!

    from the results they found i have no abnormalities in my body. if the woman actually bothered to do the test she would find a pretty damn obvious disfigurement in my hand as i have lost control of my actual thumb, does not bend, can not straighten it, when touched slightly it feels like a car is driving over it. i apparently do not struggle in walking as i didn't need to rest (even though i asked her if i could sit down for a second as

    i was in pain and she replied "No", and i have good posture (i have anklospondylitis and due to this my spine has started fusing together and i have recently noticed a hunch), not to mention i have waddled when i walk for the past 4 years.... but apparently i have perfect gait too...

    so in short i feel recording the assessment is whats needed to actually benefit the people who suffer and then have their lives ruined just so the person on the other side of the desk can earn a couple extra pounds bonus whilst literally ruining the life

    of someone who is desperate for a bit if compassion and help

    • Posted

      So sorry for your experience, it seems to be the majority nowadays! Hopefully videos of the assessment will stop these down right lies? The same happened to me - NO EXAMINATION but it is reported I performed movements impossible for me to do because of spinal surgery. If video is to take place next time. we will clearly speak and make sure the truth of how the health issues effect my life get across to these so called decision makers. When telling the truth, we have nothing to fear! I would also find out where this recording is to be used and how etc. Will it be destroyed? I assume we will be allowed an exact copy? Well said dominic1987 and please take care.

    • Posted

      Dominic 1987 i can totally relate to everything you said about your assessment? I got the exact same treatment, was never asked to any 'tests' in my first assessment, was told i could only answer questions with a yes or no, was not allowed to explain any questions. I have Fibromyalgia, Cervical Spondilosis, ACHD-Congenital Heart Disease, C.O.P.D. Chronic Depression, Sleep Epilepsy, Deafness in both ears (wearing hearing aids in both?) High blood pressure & Angina. I have been refused P.I.P. twice after claiming DLA for over 30 years? They told me P.I.P. is a totally different benefit from DLA & i still dont qualify?!!

    • Posted

      it's horrendous how they treat people in them offices, the most annoying part if the whole process for me would be the fact that none of us are self diagnosed so why do we have to prove an illness to someone who does not know about it. my so called "nurse" was in the office wearing fake tan, fake eyelashes, false nails and stupid high heels whilst heavily pregnant, now i am far from an expert, however to me that does not feel like a smart decision for a nurse, surely the combinations of high heels and pregnancy is a bad choice for any career let alone a nurse.

      i think its disgusting how someone who does a 2 day course is classed as a "nurse" in ATOS.

      however on the better note, i have put in my reconsideration and visited the head of my local doctors practiced, he said the fact that i am on 2 very strong controlled drugs for my condition proves that i am struggling managing it, and that he will do an extensive medical on both my physical and mental health and be more than happy to send off the report in my favor and help me fight with the appeal. so hopefully he may help my case.

      i do refuse to do another face to face assessment unless it is recorded from now on, its so demoralizing and embarrassing being told you do not suffer from something which makes a huge impact on your life, then having almost EVERY other government department seeing it as a way to save money and literally leave you with less than 10% of what you previously got..... all around the Christmas holidays.... merry christmas from the DWP..... hope they kept the receipt because i wanna send this gift back

  • Posted

    personally I would be concerned as to the use they will put the video evidence to. let's face it, most phone calls to insurance companies are taped and analysed. obviously so they can try and catch people out. add to that the facial recognition and attributes again used to identify and catch people out and the DWP have at their finger tips a potential weaponry which the ordinary man on the street could never afford to challenge, or defend. it stinks to my mind.

  • Posted

    personally I would be concerned as to the use they will put the video evidence to. let's face it, most phone calls to insurance companies are taped and analysed. obviously so they can try and catch people out. add to that the facial recognition and attributes again used to identify and catch people out and the DWP have at their finger tips a potential weaponry which the ordinary man on the street could never afford to challenge, or defend. it stinks to my mind.

  • Posted

    There is big problem on the site at the moment, its struggling to post and its posting more because of this

  • Posted

    There is big problem on the site at the moment, its struggling to post and its posting more because of this

  • Posted

    There is big problem on the site at the moment, its struggling to post and its posting more because of this

  • Posted

    There is big problem on the site at the moment, its struggling to post and its posting more because of this

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