Vitamin D Deficiency
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Hello Ladies,
Anyone ever told to take Vitamin D, my lab work came back that I was defiencent in it, was told to take Vitamin D 1000 daily? I don't know what my level was, but I am looking it up on the internet and see there is D3 and D2? Looks as though the D3 is best? Anyone? Jay, if you are reading this would love to hear from you as you have been giving great advice on supplements.
Thank you. Hope everyone is doing well today <3 loretta>3 loretta>
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linda72460 loretta63638
loretta63638 linda72460
Tracky loretta63638
loretta63638 Tracky
Tracky loretta63638
loretta63638 Tracky
jayneejay loretta63638
when you get the D3 inside you and built up you should feel alot better
be no stopping you 😊
Good luck and well done for seeing the doctor and getting it diagnosed.
jay x
jayneejay loretta63638
i was told in early peri to take vit D & Calcium and always have
i take D3 loretta .. Infact i take Natecal which is the two in one ( calcium and vit D3)
its good they found your defiency and that is is being treated .. You may feel alot better now..
hope so..
jay x
jay x
jay x
jay x
loretta63638 jayneejay
Tracky jayneejay
jayneejay Tracky
well i take it as advised to by the doctor as never had HRT..
i always been okay on the Natecal mix of D3 and Calcium..
just had all my bloods done .. I have taken it for 10 years so been okay for me, i dont take alot, just Natecal D3 it has calcium in it ..
I also take many supplements and after ten years of peri and now post meno i found the ones that work best for me..
Natecal ( Calcium and D3 in one )
Rainforest Food Maca 5.1 ( 2500mg)
Vit B6 150mg
vit B1 150mg
Vit B12 ( now injections)
Vit E 400iu
Vit C
Kelp 1000mg
Acidophilus pro biotic
Menapol Plus ( but stopping soon as i dont rate them been on them months)
Chelated Magnesium
i rattle too but wouldnt be with out them 😊
my doctor today put an injection in my butt with B12, B1 and an anti inflammatory to help some back pain ( pulled muscle ) tonight ..
Back xray next as i have a back problem too 😞
i dont take a multi vit myself as i seem to get all i lack from the above ..
Take care hun
jay x
Tracky jayneejay
jayneejay Tracky
bones can still get goodness and benefits from the right supplements for bone health.
I didnt want HRT .. It only postpones menopause then when you stop it all starts again at a later age, i sooner deal with that now ..
I am too high risk anyway.. Family history and previous endometriosis and cysts. All gone now in post menopause and not being fed by hormone replacement.
I just wanted nature to do whats intended personally and accepted the long haul and come out other side and only age 50 ..
Acceptance is the key, and positivity.
Its all personal choice for each woman, what ever best for each lady.
You will find your own path and get your own inner strength
Have a lovely day
Jay x
Tracky jayneejay