Waiting for my op having problems with good leg.

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I am due to have my op for tkr in April (hopefully) had my pre op assessment, but I having a lot of pain in my so called good leg in the thigh area sometime down to the knee, I can't put any pressure on it I am on crutches advised by physio it is the only way I can get about, I do have arthritis in that hip but I am hoping that it is just the strain that leg has had after walking with a limp for so long now. It has just deteriorated so quickly the last couple of months anyone else had this problem and is there anything I can do to help it, I am doing exercises but worried it is going to hamper my recovery after the op any advise would be helpful.


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8 Replies

  • Posted

    A whole bunch of this probably applies to you...


    When you limp...you throw other parts of your body out of whack.

    Have the doc RX you some Voltaren Gel...GREAT topical anti-inflammatory and pain killer.  Use it multiple times during the day and especially at bedtime.

    • Posted

      Thank you for your for taking the time to advice  and help fingers crossed it improves before the op.

      I will keep you posted


  • Posted

    Hi Stella this is exactly what happened to me after my right knee replacement there was so much pressure on my other good knee that after 8 weeks it gave up. Swollen, locking excruciating pain. Physio told me to use 2 walking sticks (hadn't been using any). To take away some of the pressure. My back and shoulders went and it's all down to a change of gate when you walk. Bottom line I am now 7 days after my second knee and first one 8 months ago. I now know it will be a while before I can walk properly. Maybe if you get an X-ray then if it is the worse knee choose that one to do first instead. Good luck

    • Posted

      Thank you Tricia Thats what I am hoping that it is just pressure the leg has had over the years. Theres not much I can do now I will keep exercising and hopefully after my op it will slowly improve getting nervous as op gets closer just want it over with, thanks you again for your help.
  • Posted

    Hi Stella , In the same boat as you and getting the left knee done next week. Have waited 12 months for this and it has ruined my right knee and have to use 2 sticks. Like you I do not know if this will hold back my recovery and plan to discuss with Surgeon on Thursday. I cannot understand how up to 6 months ago I had no pain in the right knee and now some nights in bed it is worse than my left knee, and both feel the same when walking. The joys of waiting lists and getting old.


    • Posted

      Hi David

      I find it hard to believe how quickly my good leg as deteriated I not sure if its my hip or knee as the pain just seems to be  from hip to knee.

      Feeling bit sorry for myself at the moment but this time next year we will both be back to normal what ever that is. I wish I was going in next week had my pre op 27th Feb got a letter with appointment 13th April to see consultant again to sign consent form and ask any last question and hopefully get my date I was hoping it would be all over by then but I was wrong I was due to have it done Last August but I asked if I could prospone as I was suffering with sciatica I was told no and they discharged me without telling me so I had to start all over again. (its a long story)

      As you said Joys of getting old what fun. Good luck 👍let me know how you get on


    • Posted

      Stella,  They welcome any excuse to knock you off the waiting list, and I think it does not happen until you are on the slab !. Will let you know what happens on this thread later so fingers crossed.

      Keep taking the tablets.


    • Posted

      Thanks David I will keep on taking tablets but they not doing much good, I'm so tired of the pain now its just getting worse I try to think positive but its hard, I know come the summer I will be feel better well thats the plan a very good plan I think. Take care


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