Waking up .... thinking how the hell am I going to get through today ?
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Feel awful today trying to get ‘going’ but there is not one glimpse of energy or drive or happiness . Keep lying back on the bed ...
trying to get that glimpse of hope and a crumb of happiness would do right now .
You talk to yourself endlessly and say ‘come on be happy get moving get motivated ‘ it’s just so tough .
4 likes, 36 replies
meno lori93950
Hi, I really hear what you are saying, I understand it. How far through all of this are you? What kind of help are you getting? If you haven't got any HRT or antidepressants maybe this might be something you could talk over with your doctor. I had a total hysterectomy last year, and I am on HRT and antidepressants, and I don't think I could cope without them.
This is a hard hard time of our lives, keep reaching out, and take what the medical people in your life can offer.
Take care
lori93950 meno
Yes I’m on BHRT now but read it takes time to kick in fully . I had my last period December but then on BHRT I’ve had 2 more since then .
My holistic dr has told me stop working out as my adrenals are fatigued ... it’s the only pleasure I get all day ! Will try to take more days off though and see if I improve
Guest lori93950
Hi Lori, I’m sorry you’re having a crummy day. I know from previous posts you are trying different things to try and get better, it is so frustrating. Have you considered giving an AD another try? I had to take Lexapro kicking and screaming. The side effects weren’t pretty, but I was so low...I pushed through them. I certainly am not dancing in the streets, but I am not as down as as I used to be. It takes time. That was my problem...I tried a couple of ADs and the minute the side effects came, I tossed them, I only lasted 2 days on 1 and 3 on the other. Not pushing meds, but of it saves our sanity, then we deserve it. Take good care 😊
mrs_susan74280 Guest
Guest mrs_susan74280
Hello, I would say by my 8th week...I increased slowly though, so it may have prolonged the improvement. I did 1 month on 5mg...1 month 7.5...now on the 10mg I was prescribed. On week 10 now. Hope it helps you! 🙏🤞😊
mauiblue Guest
Hi Lou
I read your post, ,and agree. If you can find a shred of help anyhwere and that includes AD's then by all means do it.
Like you, i did the exact same thing, an tried atleast 3-4 diff AD's, and the MOMENT i felt weird i tossed them.
So i guess i am not compliant at all either, but because i have been so off ..i just couldnt bear to add creepy to already creepy you know what i mean?
but then again, maybe had i really waited it out, i would be feeling better and not struggling to the extent that i do.
I lasted 4 days on one, 3 days on the other, and the longest ive ever gone was 10 days on lexapro, and quit it.
I dont like feeling numb or like a zombie, i hate that lack of emotion, its scary.
im considering it again though, heck i try anything if it will maybe help.
Guest mauiblue
Hi Mauiblue, thanks. I’m in a tough age bracket too. At 41, I’ve been told I cannot do HRT until I am in menopause. I get offered oral BCP only. Took them for years before... I went off them last year, then I started with bad symptoms. I assume I was already going through peri, but it was masked by the pill. Tried going back on to no avail. Have an appointment Next month with new gyno, going to ask about creams or giving the BCP another try or whatever wisdom she thinks. 🙄Just terrible that we get backed into a corner due to limited treatment options. I was also getting to the point where I didn’t want to get out of bed, and I got scared that I was falling into depression. 😊
Finny2018 Guest
Lou - thanks for sharing your willingness to stick it out and not give up on that AD! Thanks for sharing those details of how you took it one day at a time, etc! It is inspiring! I am not opposed at all to trying an AD for the first time ever at the age of 49 when this all hit!
I started that over the counter bio-identical progesterone cream (the one from the wild mexican yams) that I have read about in several books. I went into it and prepared myself that I would have some new symptoms - question is, how tough am I going to be??? Have I wanted to quit it in less than a week already, yes. Why? I've been reading, reading, reading - does this one cause cancer - this one says the synthetic ones do - etc, etc, but I"m trying to dig, dig, dig to see if I am making my life worse by rubbing this on my body! I am feeling better - or is placebo? Do I care if it's placebo or not, LOL??? I can deal with the physical symptoms that are many - but the anxiety coming and going? The sadness off and on - that is hard. My progesterone levels were so LOW - and all of those symptoms of sadness, anxiety, lethargy they say can be from the progesterone levels. That's my current update.
Thanks for sharing and being transparent about your trying and tossing - I'm at the trying/considering tossing point, lol!
Guest Finny2018
Thanks Finny! When my primary dr prescribed me the AD, he wanted me to get counseling too. Told him I didn’t need it...I said I already attend a group therapy! 😀I wish we could have a 24 hr meno hotline, with us ladies answering the calls. Have a great night, here’s to a happy tomorrow 😊🤗
mauiblue Guest
Yes perhaps the bcp might be in order again if the doc thinks it will help, especially at your age, its a good age to get away with taking it.
Yes we do get backed into a corner, and thats kind of why i gave up partially with my provider because they could never figure me out.
So im just trying different things. Im open, and i educate as much as possible like everyone else here.
Let us know how you go with this.
lori93950 Guest
Finny2018 Guest
lori93950 Guest
This IS group therapy, for sure. No one undertands this only those who have gone or going through it.
juanita93228 mauiblue
It us for me too! I had a therapist I was seeing free through my job but the pay sucked so she left. She is in another clinic but my insurance won't pay for it. 🙄😫?