Waking up with panic attacks
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Does anyone here ever wake up and your in a panic attack or you get one before you get out of the bed? I got two this morning before even getting out of bed I felt a real scary feeling in chest and upper stoach and then whole body felt fear very scared ect. Has this happen to anyone else if so please share yours as soon as possible.. Makes going to bed and waking up scary!
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lisa72030 Guest
kay98250 Guest
Yes...I've had this for years. It can happen at any time of the morning after 1:00 am. which makes sleeping difficult....or getting back to sleep. It always seems that I don't even know where the panic is coming from but by mid day I realize it was nothing I couldn't handle but gets old waking up that way. I deal with anxiety all the time but now experiencing something much worse....under topic of body vibrations/buzzing.
Amalie13 kay98250
Guest Amalie13
Trishann Guest
Omg that's so me too!! Strange huh!?
Trishann Guest
I know what you mean..it all started when I was 41yo and I'm 44 now. I was the same way and my fear was how my body was acting ...it's the panic of any pain and why I'm experiencing it.
Different things that I feel especially new pain puts me in a quick panic attack! Even a stomach ache will give me and anxiety. It's an awful awful feeling. I also dreaded eating anything horrible because I'd freak out it would cause stomach pains. Its been 4yrs and things do get better. Prayers help..I Thank The Lord! 🙏🏼🙏🏼
jamie50513 Guest
I wake up like this quite often. i have panic attacks out the blue anytime of the day. I have learned to try and talk myself through it so I don't send myself into a worse panic than I'm already in. I could take a quick 30 minute nap and wake up with the vibrations and literall feel my bed shaking and heart racing. I wake up in the middle of the night and my heart is racing so face I struggle not to call the ambulance. I have been going through this since November of 2015 I was 38 years old. I was having symptoms before then but thought it was just pms. I will be 40 in July and I must say that I am still going through it but not as bad as I was only because I know now it is hormones but it doesn't make it any less scarier. I am just learning ways to deal with it. I experience it all, one minute I'm hot and want a fan, then I'm freezing and trying to bury myself under as many blankets as I can, the dizziness, the upset stomach, the internal buzzing/vibrations, the racing pounding heart that I can hear in my ears, the anxiety and panic attacks, feelings of passing out, sudden anger, creepy and horrid thoughts (death always come to mind), vivid dreams, all over body and joint aches, terrible lower back pain, more gas than a car, all while still having my ever faithful mentrual cycle which has gotten shorter but more painful. There are more symptoms that I could go on and on about but I will save that joy for another time. Just know you certainly are not alone.
juanita93228 Guest
Yes, this has happened to me also. Just so scared with doom and gloom thoughts. It doesn't happen as often anymore, but it did this past week and I couldn't get out of bed and had to miss work. It was almost like I had some type of hormonal surge or maybe another drop in hormones, I don't know which. I'm taking the antidepressant Trazodone and Valium for the occasional panic attack. I'm almost seven years post menopausal and for four years post menopausal I had the occsasional hot flash and that was it. But I guess my levels finally dropped to a critical point in 2014 because that's when I really went off the deep end. I just thought every day I was losing my mind or was going to die. I still have those thoughts sometimes, but not as much. I pray, meditate when I can, I upped my water intake, take a good over 50 multivitamin, and I try to eat a healthy most days. I'm so grateful for this forum. It's nice knowiing I'm not alone.
maria76995 Guest
Hi yes me too, I had the panicky feeling but now I feeling terrible as soon as I drop off again and wake it starts again have to get out of bed can't stand another minute in it all horrible.
debi62095 Guest
Yes I just lie there in bed in panic .does improve when up. But trouble is u go to bed dreading the morning. So turn it around accept it's going to happen in time should go but not easy .just horrible sorry. X
Tips to help on here be great x
lisa72030 debi62095
I get this too. It's so awful. Rationally (ha I know peri has no place for rational thoughts!) I am sure this is doe to adrenal and hormones. When we wake our body normally produces cortisol to wake us up and give us energy, but in Peri our hormones are not in sync and working like a crazy factory out of control. Our adrenals are compromised and they need to pump extra adrenaline in the mornings and our brains naturally receive more adrenaline as " there is danger" and go into danger mode. Eating protein like eggs on toast is good instead of anything sugary straight away as this affects our hormones and insulin and blood sugar which sets off our adrenals just a bit more. I'm not an expert or anything but this is how I've come to understand what's happening. I am experiencing the same thing too 😔
pinkcatfairy Guest
mandy91562 Guest
Oh my gosh so glad I saw this thread. My panic attacks are getting out of control too. Feels like I'm having some kind of out of body experience. Had to pull over in the car a few times. In fact just been out with hubby and son and had another on the way home in the car. If anyone has any advice I'd love to hear it xx
Guest mandy91562
mandy91562 Guest
maria76995 mandy91562
Hi Mandy I been there myself so I know what it's like, but I did tell maybe few girls on here they can try a brown bag you just blow into it for some relief I have done this and others hope this helps.
mandy91562 maria76995
Thank you Maria. I will try that. Just an awful feeling. I'm hoping it is hormonal and will pass soon. Of all the symptoms I've had this is by far the worst. Take care x