Walnuts ----> Help with pain & depression!

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Just thought I would share this because we all suffer from hormonal depression & pains! 

The following are my top 10 reasons to eat raw walnuts:

1. Walnuts are great for joints. They provide lubrication and cushioning.

2. Ever notice that a walnut looks like the two hemispheres of the brain? Well it just so happens they were made that way for good reason; they are excellent for cognitive function and memory support. Research also shows that walnuts can improve depression.

3. They are rich in polyunsaturated fats, which lower bad cholesterol while keeping good cholesterol intact. Walnuts also lower blood pressure. Between these two benefits, walnuts may reduce your risk of heart disease.

4. Walnuts are anti-inflammatory. This provides benefits to anyone with chronic pain, such as those suffering from arthritis or fibromialgia.

5. Research has shown that walnuts help prevent breast cancer and slow tumor growth.

6. Walnuts contain the highest levels of popyphenolic antioxidants of any edible nut, making it a fierce free-radical scavenger. 

7. Walnuts help keep your skin and hair healthy and prevents dryness.

8. Men: super-charge your fertility. Two handfuls of walnuts per day have been shown to increase the motility, vitality, and morphology of sperm.

9. Eat walnuts, lose weight. The fat, protein, and fiber of walnuts contribute to a sense of satiety, reducing your urge to snack on junk food. The fats found in walnuts have been shown to assist the body in using fat stores as an energy source. And when you get the good fats in your diet, you’ll find that you are not craving bad fats quite as much, such as potato chips or fried foods.

10. The healing properties of walnuts are so powerful that the FDA is currently trying to get walnuts listed as a drug. I kid you not! I couldn’t make this up! Read more about these recent shenanigans here: FDA Says Walnuts are Drugs

5 likes, 29 replies

29 Replies

  • Posted

    I love to add walnuts to Greek yogurt!
    • Posted

      me too Katzen and when I'm feeling I need a little extra sweets I glaze the top with RAW honey :-) I love honey too lol

  • Posted

    Im going to start eating them, I don't do well with amy medicine. If their is a side effect I get it. Natiral is the bedt way to go. Thanks for the info

    • Posted

      Thats exactly me Mabel I am also deadly allegic to penicillin. :-(
  • Posted

    I have always read about the benefits of walnuts and I tend to buy them regularly, so will continue to do so, thank you for that!
  • Posted

    Brilliant!! Walnuts it is!!

    Hope my rabbits don't find my stash!!


  • Posted

    Let's see, 'the leaves of the trees are for the healing of the nations'.

  • Posted

    Nope, it's not the Bible quote. Try again - Most nuts and seeds (in their natural form) are excellent for health.

  • Posted

    Wow, thanks! I eat lots of nuts but not walnuts. Now I will. I believe strongly in diet affecting health.
  • Posted

    👍🏼👍🏼great info!! Love Walnuts!!

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