week 7 on fluoxetine, needing advise

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Hi everyone.

I have been on 20mg of fluoxetine and 80mg of propranolol now for 7 weeks and I have only had a slight bit of improvement I have had a review with my GP and I think she wanted to up my dosage but I was too scared so she said at my next review in 4 weeks time to see how I am then.

This is my first time on these medications and everything has been triggered by me buying my first house and moving out of my parents. To cut a long story short I brought the house in July, moved in in Oct after painting it etc, the first night I could hear next door's music and their child crying which i was not used to living in a detached all my life, it made me feel sick and I started worrying, days went on I started being sick and noticed that they are very loud a lot of thudding, banging and music playing. My symtoms were worrying, over thinking, not wanting to be there, not eating, crying and very low mood. I got so ill in Nov I had to go back home, I visted the house every day until xmas then after xmas I had a break down. I was sucidial and my mind was over worrying and thinking that much I thought I was going crazy! I went to the GP they perscribed me the 20mg fluoxetine, I got worse went back and got the propranolol aswell, I started paying for a private therapist which I have had about 7 sessions. I kept away from the house until last week I went up there for the first time in over 6 weeks and felt a bit ok then went up again and could hear next doors music, my chest started burning and I felt like I was going to be sick so I left. I felt worse then I did when I first moved in and it confused me because I wasn't on medication then.

Just wondering if anyone could give me any advise on the Fluoxetine should it be working better? Will it help me when I hear a noise at the house? Will it help me comparing myself to other people?

I'm in a bit of a mess and so confused by everything

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75 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi abi, sorry to hear about all this. I was on fluoxetine about 7 years ago I was on it for over ten years it is a brilliant medication but can take up to 6-8 weeks to start working properly but when it kicks in it's good. Hope this helps you x

  • Posted

    You will recover from this experience so please focus on that.

    ​I was in a bad situation some years ago when I was mugged by a youth. I went to the police but the attacker got away with it due to her social problems She worsened her vicious behaviour in retaliation.I moved from the area and then got my life back again. Never again !

  • Posted

    Thanks everyone really struggling at the minute and just thinking I should be better by now. My thoughts and worries just race all day and sometimes I feel like I'll never be better or be able to live up the house then think maybe I'll get better then the house will make me ill again. It's a vicious circle.

    I want to give it longer on the meds but feel like I should be much more improved by now.

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      Well you never know your problem neighbours may move and your troubles wil be over.

      ​However if you can I would get out at the earliest possible opportunity

  • Posted

    Hi abi

    What a horrible situation to be in.

    Try upping the meds as your doctor suggests.. You never know it may just do the trick.

    What is normal everyday living noises for some can be traumatic for othérs... I like the quiet life and in in a little village. So i would probably be the same as you.

    Give the meds a little while longer, then try staying at your house (maybe one of your parents could stay with you orva friend) see how it goes.

    If it is still distressing you , You may be best putting your health first and even if it's a slight loss of money sell up, and look for something else.

    Might soundba bit drastic... but as you started your house move in such an unhappy situ.. It may b something that you have to move away from.

    Your health and happiness is more important.

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      I just feel confused by the whole situation the noise should just annoy me but it makes me ill and it angers me that I'm like this.

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      It is understandable because noise is very intrusive invading our privacy and tranquility. Noise is classified as a hazard in Industry.

      It is hardly surprising that it has had or is having a bad effect on you.

      Noise is also unwelcome in this context because it is unpredictable and takes away control of our environment.

      ​You were not  to know to expect intrussion like this so were doublyshocked by this.Some people can block out intrusions such as this. I could not.

      The pills are only a temporary crutch and I suggest moving as soon as possible. Good luck. Try to spend as little time as possible in the house and make plans to move sothat you have something positive to aim for.

      There is no gurantee that this will not happen again but next time round you may be able to be more selective depnding on the cost when choosing your new accommodation.

    • Posted

      All the hassle and stress that goes with purchasing a house , and all the planning and moving is a traumatic situation on it's own. 

      It's about 2nd on the stressful list .. So you were probably in a vulnerable frame of mind before you moved in.. so this would have added to the stress of the noise situation..

      Anxiety makes you angry because of the unfairness of it all.. But it takes a very strong person to cope daily with all the rubbish anxiety throws at you so it shows just how strong you are.. Stronger than you think or feel at this moment xxx

      Dont be too hard on yourself ... Give your self lots of TLC and one day at a time xx

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    We moved from our old house, one of the reasons was neighbours. Our house was Freehold so we puchased a new home and sold our old address. We now live in a detached bungalow with very few neighbours so we do not have problems now and it is a very liberating situation we are now in.

    Depending on the propety you could explain your concerns this your Landlord or Tenant and ask nice for the racket to stop. You could try the Environmental Department possibly if the flats are Council. Do any of your neighbours have the same problem ??

    What is acceptible by some, residents is unaccesible to others. It all comes down to the bottom line, if your home is not suitable for your needs you move


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      It just angers me how I should just let the noise anger me not make me ill and I feel like I could be like this where ever I live.
    • Posted

      Hello Abi

      We all go through problems and we have to bite our tounges. We just had the Electricity Board out and they are wanting to change our supply after the garden has just been planted out. Problems always generally comes in threes and the second problem happened at the same time regards a delivery, so my wife is really annoyed an upset

      I can really understand how you must be feeling people neve seem to understand how they effect others around them and the problem is they most probably do not even understand how they disupt others.

      If you are unable to stay at your home it is impractable for you not to live there and the more you get upset the less you will want to return.

      You could try and talk to the people and see if an agreement can not be made, personally if it has run on to long, move on. Yes it is annoying and a real pain. However you have learned about the bad, now make a positive decision and look for the good


  • Posted

    Hi Abi.

    Do you have prior history of anxiety or depression?

    The medication does not really change how you think or feel. It just makes it more difficult for the brain to go into overdrive, levelling it out so that you can more freeely address your currently exaggerated responses. Eventually it is you who will control the development of your condition, for better or for worse. The drug is a welcome crutch however.

    How you respond to a certain drug or combo is very subjective. I don't think anyone can gauge whether you should be feeling better, given your story above. I would be more interested in what your therapist has so far achieved and what he/shhe says?

    How are you feeling daily when you are NOT visiting the house and doing other things?

    • Posted

      Looking back I now can tell I have had anxiety before.

      Maybe this is how good the drug will get for me then.

      In regards to therapy I have had around 6-7 sessions and it has been mostly asking questions she said there's lots she needs to delve into with me but not properly started that work yet we will be doing it next session.

      I feel my low mood is better im not suicidal anymore but I constantly worry and think about things and I have some anxiety symtoms like sweats, burning chest, sickness feeling, tired.

    • Posted

      If the drug does not properly neutralize your most prominent symptoms over the next few weeks, I am sure the doctors will consider trying a different drug or combo. However, I think that the bulk of your issues has to first be unearthed by your therapist. it takes a while. Be patient, cooperate and take the medication you are given. If you have concerns, ask for a second opinion - psychiatrist preferably.

      It can be resolved. It is a matter of getting the mix right.

    • Posted

      Thank you. Im really trying to be patient just feels like this has been going on for so long now, Iv been feeling ill since October and got put on the meds in Jan.

      I just feel really confused how I can get in such a mess over moving out/buying a house and the noise.

    • Posted

      Hi Abi again!

      We all have bad experiences. How wee you to know that your neighbours were problematic?

      You can get out of this mess BUT it takes time.

      KKeep away from the house as much as possible. Focus on music etc when the noise starts.

      Try to plan ahead for moving.

      Do you like this house apart from the neighbours/noise or did you rush into buying.

      A friend of mine also told me when buying a property to look for three things.

      Location, Location and Location. Get the drift?

    • Posted

      Even the simplest disorder can take a while to manage and for healing to commence. I understand it feels protracted. It can take a while so be prepared.

      Major life changes are a very usual trigger for those with underlying issues and sometimes even for those without any prior history. My guess is that you are, at best, simply overwhelmed with this first definitive move - away from parents. This however may have caused some massive conscious and/or subconscious insecurities to surface - likely to do with how you will be able to cope out there on your own. Your reaction is however very strong, which leads me to believe you had some notable psychic build-up while growing up. Alternatively you are simply an extremely sensitive individual...Therapist will be able to address and probe once they gather enough information from you. This also takes time to do right. 

      Take it one piece at a time. On your own, you can try to go back to any major life episodes - parental problems, arguing, separation, birth of a sibling, a sibling moving out, a close friend or family going through something that scared you or made you apprehensive about your future, any violent incidents you witnessed, getting lost as a child, bad experience while away from your parents, being forced to be somewhere you felt uncomfortable (like loud and rowdy friends or family where you had to stay over for the weekend). Just ideas. Could be anything or nothing specific.

      Another thing to consider, if you are very sensitive like it sounds, is that this place simply does not work for you. You are allowed to not feel comfortable in certain places. Visit a few houses as if you are shopping for one and see how your energy is different in different places. Go alone. Just an exercise for you to tune into your internal reactions a little. May help you read your inner responses better or do nothing at all, but won't harm you. Perhaps this house is just wrong for you.

      You can also go visit your house without any intention of living there - just to continue desensitizing. The difference will be that you go there without forcing yourself to consider moving back in there. Just visiting.

      HOWEVER i do think there is more to it. Let us know how it goes with your therapist.

      Please do not use alcohol or any recreational drugs at this time. No stimulants. Make sure you sleep adequately. Eat light food that is easy to digest. Avoid sugars and processed food. Give yourself the right conditions to recover.

      I am assuming you had blood tests to check your FBC as well as thyroid and iron?


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      Forgot to ask, i sthere any background of psychological illness in your family (mother father and grandparents or siblings?)
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      Yes I have had blood tests and all was clear.

      Thanks for all the information it means a lot and makes sense.

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      Yes I really like the house except for the neighbours. When I'm at my parents and hear a noise like a car door shutting i can feel the anxiety still strong will the fluox help with this because at the min it's not at 7 weeks

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      The medication is supposed to even out your responses to some extent. So while you may feel some negativity or anxiety rising, it is not supposed to send you overboard. That may take some months though. The bulk of the work is however done by you, renegotiating your reactions, exploring your issues and so on. This is why psychotherapy is important in such cases.

      From personal experience, my most notable symptoms took 3-4 months to gradually ease off. Two years until i gained more confidence and two more years for all abnormal reactions to subside. I was treated for extreme GAD, escalated to post-partum psychosis and harm tendencies. I was in therapy with medication a total of 12 years, of which only the last 6 were correctly applied and last two were for tapering off medication. I am now well and drug-free for 4 years. Takes time because medication does not just take away all the issues. It is something you work through over time. Medicine helps the brain strike a balance conductive to healing. x

    • Posted

      Thanks for your reply. You have the satisfaction of buying your own propery, decorating, moving etc. Those are very positive experiences indeed and you should be proud of acheiving ll of those things.

      No one can take away your sense of worth and acheivement.

      ​Now move on to the next stage. That is of deciding if youcan manage the present situation. If you cannot you have not failed. Many people have been in exactly the same situation and eventually have sorted things out.

      In other words  it  is  not  a sign of failure but in my opinion of growth and development.

      In time I am sure you will be able to move on, literally and put this horrid experience behind you.


    • Posted

      I feel like my low mood has improved but my anxiety seems worse for some reason. So it feels like as my mood has lifted the anxiety has increased which brings my mood back down but not as bad as I was, I also feel like my negative thoughts and worries don't effect me as bad but are still there and very strong.

      As the time goes on does anyone know if my anxiety will improve from the fluox?

    • Posted

      Anxiety does tend to increase in some people during early therapy. Ideally it should start progressively lessening as your mood stabilizes more definitively. Fluoxetine is a good old medicine but not always top choice for anxiety as many better newer options are available nowadays . It is however a relatively safe first medicine for notable depression and was correctly given to you due to your escalating symptoms at the time. If your doctor finds insufficient response s/he will likely consider a different approach. If they wanted to up the dose and you resisted, you may do well to follow up and call the doctor to try to get an earlier review. An increase may be warranted or an addition of mild sedative may be beneficial at this point to give you some rest. I would like to point out again that it may be a good idea to discuss referral to a psychiatrist for additional evaluation with your prescribing physician. It may be good for both you and also help your doctor bounce ideas with a specialist. This should always be encouraged.

      All the best.

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