Week 8 Mirtazapine Withdrawal

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Hello! Me again. I copied this from another post on a different website," One last thing…it seems as if the side effects can seem to have cleared up, only to reappear later…the good news…each time they appear they are weaker." This is where I am after 8 weeks. Still having anxiety, abdominal cramps/pain, interrupted sleep, nausea, weak, headaches, vivid dreams, and fatigue. Did I miss anything? However, all of these are slowly getting better, Like the quote says, I think they are gone, only to have them return, but less severe. That alone creats it's own form of anxiety if you are not expecting it or aware that it happens. Again, this was cold turkey off 7.5. This has been, for the most part, a horrible experience. The sad thing is that I was on 45 mg for over 7 years, and suffered side effects the entire time, and didn't realize that it was the Remeron. It was prescribed by a psychiatrist, who left town, and my general MD said that he would continue the prescription. All those years I was telling him how bad I felt, particularly in the morning when I first woke up, and felt better in the evening, but it never registered that it was side effects from the Remeron. I don't blame him, particularly when the psychiatrists don't seem to be all that informed about what this drug is capable of. I hope that this has been helpful to at least one person. I think that it is helping me to write it. Thanks VERY much for all the replys, feedback, and suggestions while I have been, and still are fighting this. Regards, David

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45 Replies

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    that's how i feel that all this is side effects from the med.  i am going to tell psychiatrist on friday.  he seems to think that i shouldn't be having all these side effects ... but i am

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      I worked for over 7 years in our hospital Emergency Room, 5 years as an orthopedic surgeon's assistant, and was the Emergency Medical Services Battalion Chief with our fire department. The fire department was my full time career, 31.5 years retired, and the other jobs were on my off time from the fire department. What does this have to do with your reply? Simply this, if I didn't learn anything else with all that experience it was that no one knows what you feel better than you, and when a patient/victim tells you something concerning their health/body, you would do well to LISTEN! This includes your doctor as well! After all, how many doctors have taken the meds that they prescribe? I wish you well, suzie.
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    yes its very strange that the side effects of this drug are that you feel awful in the daytime and ok ish in the evening i didnt realise this was a side effect but after reading this i now realise it is....mmm,,,makes you think you shouldnt have started the darn little pills in the first place eh!!...good luck to you and thanks for sharing your experience i think it helps to communicate with people going through the same thing..
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      Lesley, I always told my doc that after a great night's sleep, I woke up feeling like I had a hangover; headache, nausea, and fatigued. But, at about 4 in the afternoon I would start to feel better, and by bedtime, which is when I took the pills, I felt the best that I had felt all day. Then I would take the pill, then sleep so soundly that my wife said that she thought that a train could go through our bedroom and I wouldn't know it, only to wake up and start the cylcle all over again. I know that this drug helps some folks, but it is the worst thing that I have ever taken, or heard of anyone else taking. Good luck on getting well, David
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      agreed David........you start to feel good again about the time you are meant to take the pill again in the evening viscious cycle methinks......i live alone so hard to motivatie myself and yes sleeping so soundly too a train could probably run me over in my sleep....find you dont want to wake up and start it all again its a rubbish pill wish id never started...thanks for your good wishes and good luck getting off the little demons...
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      Lesley, my son has traveled extensively, and has always said that he enjoyed talking to folks in the UK. He says that your terminology for certain things are more descriptive and to the point than ours in the US. That being said, your use of the word "rubbish" for these "little demons" is dead on for what this stuff is, in my opinion.
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      aww thanks David thats nice of you and yes i guess us in the UK "tell it like it is" as you say.....and these pills are little demons...but your comments are inspirational so thanks for them....i actually got showered and dressed after reading them so another UK saying "teamwork makes the dream work!!..thank you so for helping.
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      You are most welcome! The person in the mirror is always worth all that you can do to make them better.
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      Blimey is this a side effect David? I'm Exactly the same and I've told numberous Drs over and over :-/ I wake up on a differnt planet every morning on these tablets. Most days don't know who or where I am. It takes me hours to motivate and try wake up. Then around lunch time I'm little better and by evening I'm fine then night time my normal self? Then I take my mirtazapine 15 mg and I go groggy and tired and eat allsorts. Then sleep flat out for hours Then wake up and feel groggy confused And anxious And the cycke repeats. I have to really push hard everyday it's draining. Soon as i stop mg my head wonders and I am restless often. my muscles tense often too like a nervous habit. I Have to have time outs to relax everyday as my anxity is at similar times most days. I have to try trick my mind and plod on but Defo noticed a pattern. But I've never been like this. Convinced it's these tablets more then my anxity. Going to keep reduction and see if over time thjngs Improve.
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      Shez, you are a carbon copy of what I went through for years. The same cycle day after day. If you can taper off them, in my opinion, you will, in the long run, notice an improvement. Good Luck!
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    david, sorry i may be repeatingmyself, but are you saying the mirtz gave you anxiety?  that's how i feel.
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      Yes, Suzie, it did. It was worse in the mornings, but gradually got better through the day. However, the withdrawal anxiety was pretty much constant, but I am now at 8 weeks out from the last dose and it has significantly subsided. I would catch myself almost in a knot and didn't realize I had gotten that way.
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    i have to take clonazapam. i try not to but then i do.  same thing, i have it more in the morning
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      Suzie, my mother takes Remeron 30 and clonazapam, I don't know the dose. She says that she takes it as needed to knock the edge off on the bad days that the Remeron doesn't handle, and it is also in the morning. If you are going to take a benzodiazapine, my doc says that clonopin stays in your system longer. I tried it one time to help with IBS pain and cramps, but the side effects were more thanI could handle. Mom says that it doesn't give her side effects at all. Go figure?
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      i am goingto the dr today.  i took less mirtzapine last night and i don't have as much anxiety this morning.  what do i do?  do i tell himi just have to get back downto 15 and perhaps think about another med?  why does this med thing have to be so difficult?
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      Suzie, if you feel better at 15, then tell himso. After all don't you go to the doctor to feel better? I wish you well, David
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      hey suzie hang in there girl..im feeling totally crazy today so you are not alone..if a less dosage works go for it thats what im going to try to attempt....anything to stop the crzy here...kind regards
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      I had to take my full tablet 15 lngt as my body ain't coping with the 2mg reduction. Been all over with thst deprilization thjng. Been terrified. Been anxious wreck all day. It's closing easing but such a struggle today. This tiny tablet causes so much problems. Today I hsve upset tummy, nausea, sweats feel sick and fatigue and just like utter rubbish. I think it's all anxity or something. But this tablet clearly isn't helping with my issues. I'm stuck in bed thinkng am done for having to fight the negative vibes and say it's just anxity it's only temp etc. But today is such a battle I feel weak like I'm letting it beat me today. I swear these tablets are part of the problem but Drs don't seem to listen. Al try plod on with my 15 until I feel strong enough to try reduce
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      no worries suzie...just feel totally bonkers today nothing makes sense...looking around just dont know where to start seems like life is one big jigsaw puzzle and im useless at those too....what a mess these pills get you in eh......now how to use a hoover lol...at least im laughing...look a right mess which dosent help...avoid all mirrors today..good luck sister
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      Hang in there, I am having a rough day as well. All the same symptoms that you are having, and I though that I was past this. Have you lost weight? I have lost 15 pounds so far. I hope that you are better soon, David
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      hang in david sounds like we are all having a rough day...but great to share feelings as you say better than councelling for those of us who cant even do that so most helpful to share ones feelings....i feel like im going nuts today like a mad professer....crazy old pills eh..kind regards
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      i actually bought a jigsaw puzzle which i coud not do!  so we are all feeling similar things on this med.  i know the dr is goong to say, well you shouldn't feel this and that .. but we do
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      oh to be honest that is irony........at least you bought one so much respect.......my house is a jigsaw puzzle today and i cant even put that together...had to resort to a couple of 2mg valium but now i feel crazy but slower very wierd.......the doctor shouldnt be telling us how we feel as they have never taken the flippin pills eh.....hang in girl

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