Weighloss mitrazapine

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Has anyone lost the weight they put on while taking this drug after they stopped. Keeping my fingers crossed here x

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26 Replies

  • Posted

    Not all of it ! Over 10months I put on 2st 3lb ! I’ve been off mirt just over 2 weeks and I’ve lost 11lb! It’s a start ! 
  • Posted

    I'm still currently on it, but weaning.

    Five weeks ago I started eating really healthy and working out a little. I have lost about 8 pounds in those five weeks. But the mirt made me gain 32 so I have a long way to go. It's a start though! Didn't think I was going to be able to lose weight while on mirt.

    • Posted

      Ive been on mitrazapine for about a year put on over 2 stone so tapering off down to 15mg now so hoping the weight comes off but dont want too get ill obv . When i was on the 45mg i was eating 100% healthy doing slimming world but nope nothing worked just kept getting bigger think it messes with your metabolism too 😢 X

    • Posted

      It definitely does! It’s also been hard dieting because I feel hungry all the time and with fewer calories everyday it’s hard to resist snacking. But after almost 6 weeks of eating clean and light exercise I still feel awful. My anxiety is worse and I am slowly wanting to become housebound again. It’s like I keep taking steps backward and it’s really depressing. 
  • Posted

    I gained 2 st after going on them, I’m off them about 10 weeks now and havnt lost an ounce lol
    • Posted

      Oh no! Stick at it ! Once that awful drug gets out of your system I’m sure you will

      Do u still have food craving? Insatiable appetite? The craving food left me almost the day after I stopped taking them - no regrets here! 

    • Posted

      No, no food cravings but I am being treated for an acid reflux, it’s worse than withdrawals from mirtazapine, ppi’s don’t seem to be working
    • Posted

      Oh no me too about 2 n a half ive put on 🙈🙈 none of my clothes fit me xx

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      Have you lost any more weight yet im off them too but not weighed myself yet xx
  • Posted

    Hi all 

    I’m 18 months Mirt free now but this Mirt W/d’s business is something none of us on here will ever forget so for me as soon as I’d stopped the Mirt / Cold Turkey,  I couldn’t face eating anything processed. Everything tasted so sweet, sickly, so the 3 Stone I’d put on I quickly lost, and whilst being poorly with w/d’s I lost half of it in 8 weeks. 

    My bad eating habits have gone and I’m back to the healthy 9-1/2 stone and 5:5. 

    I’m feeling myself again and that’s all that ever worried me, thinking I was going to be this nervous wreck forever.  

    I’m stronger now than I’ve ever been and that’s because I’ve had to hold onto life, so tight for a long while, the W/d’s seem to take forever but when it’s your time, and you’ve healed, things begin to look beautiful, more than before, so it’s chin up and chest out until then . Good luck 

    • Posted

      My moods are amazing now apart from acid reflux, laughing at things now I never found funny, even my boys notice a big change in me
    • Posted

      Oh thanks vikki for getting bk too me. Ive went from 45mg to 30mg fot about 5 weeks n went down to 15mg since sat nite weird but i feel ok even feel more happier hows that even possible if its an antideprssant i was expecting too feel worse. Im dreading incase its still to come. So youve had no problems coming off i hope this is the same as me. Im tempted too go cold turkey but doctors saying no ive too take it slowly x
    • Posted

      Lovely positive words Vikki, I hope I can get back to my normal self again without these horrible tablets. Haven't done anything for me, other than make me feel like a zombie. X

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