Weight Loss
Posted , 14 users are following.
Has anyone else experienced weight loss whilst taking Prednisolone? Within 2 weeks of starting just over 6 weeks ago I lost half a stone then put 4lbs back on quite quickly however, when I weighed myself last week I was back to square one, having lost the 4lbs again. I am eating normally and haven't changed my eating habits so I'm a bit baffled as I thought the indication was to gain weight on Prednisolone not to lose it - not that I want to put on weight I might add! Any comments gratefully received.
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EileenH fran2498
As long as your doctor has checked for all the rather more unpleasant reasons for the symptoms of PMR I'd accept it gratefully!
Anhaga fran2498
Judyg fran2498
erika59785 fran2498
I started to eat more healthy....less carbs and sugar. I lost 1 1/2 pound a month which is okay, but I worried about it. I am now back to what I weight 10 years ago. I should not complain, just surprised.
I was on high 40/20 mg of prednisone almost 2 years ago. I am now down to 7 mg and decreasing by 1/2 mg every two weeks.
Mrs_CJ fran2498
i lost way too much weight. When I began getting PMR symptoms I weighed about 126 and once I started Pred (20 mgs) I started losing weight and I had no appetite. I'm 5'4" and my weight quickly went down to 104 and stayed there. I looked like a scarecrow and had no energy or strength.
As as my Pred dose goes down my weight goes up - there is definitely a relationship. I'm currently on 3 3/4 mgs and weight is 122. I look forward to being off Pred and getting that last 5 pounds back.
lodgerUK_NE Mrs_CJ
constance.de lodgerUK_NE
lodgerUK_NE constance.de
New updated guidelines (with patients input this time) will be issued later this year.
EileenH constance.de
lodgerUK_NE EileenH
I had clean forgotten that you had told me ages ago.
Age does not come alone - it brings unwanted friends.
fran2498 EileenH
lodgerUK_NE fran2498
It is not frightening - it is you gaining knowledge and getting the correct treatment.
That is why we are all here to help each other out.
LayneTX lodgerUK_NE
I've decided not to take the osteoporosis injections and drugs and live this next year with as much gusto as I can!
I had high hopes of riding my bike on my property and country roads, now they've put fear of me falling and shattering my spine. Also hopes of running again. Heck with the muscle wasting this morning I realized that could probably affect my bladder too couldn't it?
But, I'm also going to hope it's just my body reacting and losing weight as to not put too much stress on my tendons and PMR areas. As weighing less it's easier to get up, though lifting things another story. Opening jars, another story. I used to be quite strong,
Doctor said those with more weight have better chances of not getting osteoporosis. I'm not steering this answer to Lodger, but to all.
Mrs. CJ! Thanks for sharing that you are gaining as you are low on Pred. I just started 5 mg.
EileenH LayneTX
That is because when you indulge in weight-bearing exercise it deforms your bones a tiny tiny amount - and that tells the bones they need to bulk up a bit. Obviously, we curvy ladies will deform the bones a bit more than the sylph-like ones so there is a bigger signal sent out.
Of course, muscle wasting will lead to some weight loss as muscle weighs more than fat. So it is important to do some exercises to try to counteract the loss of muscle bulk.
Sorry if anyone finds a statement of the reasons for checking things out scary - but I feel it would be wrong to ignore the possible aspects of something else, including malignancy. Forewarned is forearmed...
Juno-Irl-Dub EileenH
Mrs_CJ lodgerUK_NE
And weight loss and poor appetite are listed as possible Pred side effects.....so that's what I'm thinking are my issues.
I've learned from this forum that I have silent acid reflux and I'm trying to deal with that with diet and putting my white Pred pills in gel caps. I think the reflux adds to my lack of appetite and unsettle stomach.
This is such a slow tedious process.