Weight loss
Posted , 13 users are following.
Has anyone lost weight while going through the perimenapause?
1 like, 24 replies
Posted , 13 users are following.
Has anyone lost weight while going through the perimenapause?
1 like, 24 replies
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Guest bev66
I lost weight, but only because I changed my diet drastically because I thought part of my problem was silent reflux. And so many days where I couldn't eat because I was so sick. I've since put all the weight back on, my doctor said I wouldn't feel better until I did, but I'm not sure it's made much of a difference.
I think if you are losing weight but haven't changed your diet at all and are still eating like you always have, then maybe more investigation would be warranted.
lori93950 bev66
hit I crashed .
bev66 lori93950
Im feeling exactly the same no appetite no energy tired all the time I'm worrying sick.
michelle92591 bev66
Yes, about 15 pounds. I just admit it could be hormones or the medication i am taking. Don't really have an appetite and sometimes nothing is appealing to me.
anna51634 bev66
lori93950 anna51634
I became verrrry skinny none of my clothes fit anymore felt kind of nice to be honest but nothing feels as good as feeling NORMAL !
Your mind is the MAIN computer and if that is healthy it’s worth a billion dollars !
Guest anna51634
Anna, you shouldn't worry. You even said that you aren't able to eat much because you aren't feeling well. So the best way to lose weight is to cut back calories. I don't care how much a person works out, if you don't cut calories or change what you are eating, you won't lose much weight.
Try to eat what you can, at my skinniest I started drinking protein shakes to help. And then when I started getting really worried because I kept losing weight (seems like when you start losing it, it can get on a roll and keep going) I went back to a normal diet and started eating things I haven't in a long time (hey, no more gall bladder which was a casualty to peri, so why not?), like full blown ice cream, ice cream shakes, bread, more bread, and even more bread. Well, it took about three months and all the weight I lost, and more, was back on. Now I have my food baby back. Oh well..
But no, you shouldn't be worrying!
anna51634 Guest
Suzannne I thank you so much for taking the time to answer my need for positive feedback. I am losing weight and I am not on protein drink and eating bread , the funny thing is that I’m having a hard time going to the bathroom and when I do it’s a celebration.
I still haven’t gotten my menstration it’s been three months but hey , it’s all part of a woman’s change. Thank you thank you for your reply 😊your quite special dear . God bless you
anna51634 lori93950
Woman power I know all the way
2chr2015 anna51634
sharcerv52408 bev66
Yes it happened to me about four years ago. I started losing weight suddenly without trying. It was very scary because I thought I was dying of some dreadful disease. I looked anorexic. I couldn't eat anything most days. I think just like one of the other posts stated that it was silent reflux which causes Nausea and loss of appetite. I have since put the weight back on and then some. I didn't like all the negative attention I received when I lost the weight. People were gauking at me and thinking that I was sick. It was terrible but hang in there and try to eat when you can. The weight will come back. Take care.
jennifer85442 bev66
Me! 10lbs. But mainly due to "gastritis" brought on by hormones, I think. Hard to eat in pain. Also, for some people, I think anxiety causes weight loss, and hormones do a number on that as well!
gilly_64426 bev66
Originally when my perimenapause symptoms started 2 years ago I lost weight but I gradually gained it back due to my anxiety and not want to do anything physical, I'm trying my best to stay active most days,
lori93950 gilly_64426
I’ve also got taxis to get my hair done as too dizzy and ill to drive .... but makes you feel better . It’s verrrry tough though .
CarolKelso bev66