Weight lost
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My Dr. Told me I was perimenpause
I am going some crazy. I am listing weight, I can't sleep at night, dizziness, sometime shortness of breath, chest pain, skipping heartbeat, always worrying, join pain burning sensation in my life side than move from my side to my stomach. Does perimenpause does all this. Please somebody tell me something please it feel like I am going crazy can't eat at time. What's going on.
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gema57497 kim93615
kim93615 gema57497
jacqueline06286 gema57497
How are you feeling ,do you still have the burning sensation.
Guest kim93615
Gema, I think you are the first person I heard talk about the burning in your leg. When all my symptoms hit I will notice my feet are burning. Originally it was my left foot, now both and sometimes my leg too.
olimari2013 kim93615
kim93615 olimari2013
olimari2013 kim93615
samantha_12886 kim93615
Hi . I cannot believe how exactly the same our symptoms are .so much so I could have written It!. I too have lost weight suddenly. The pain in my side's that moves and the burning sensation I get is frightening . This causes anxiety and then I'm a wreck all day 😐 . The shaking is horrendous. I am on HRT and still I feel like I'm dying . I'm personally sending you huge hugs .. x
natalie86711 kim93615
gilly_64426 kim93615
I live this site. Us ladies are going thru so much together. Until inbound this site I too thought I was going crazy. Kim like you I ended up in Emerg because he thought for sure i was having a heart attack. I also notice the tingling in my legs and fingers early this year
Now I think the weight loss is setting in. I take b12 in liquid form daily and trying my best to have 1 coffee a day. But sometimes the worst are all the crazy thoughts going thru my head.
Thank you ladies because I needed this support👍
kim93615 gilly_64426
Gilly how long you been going through perimenpause
gilly_64426 kim93615
I first realize what was happening to me last year October.
I could not sleep, started to feel tired all the time, no interest in sex. But the worst part was when I got this pain in my left breast and thought I was having a heart attack. I felt dizzy and nearly blacked out. My husband took me to the hospital twice and I was checked out with no issues . Went to visit my doctor the following day and that's when he simply told me I had all the symptoms of perimenapause. Her I was 47 and never gave it a thought.
I don't look my age was the other issue, I can pass for early 30's.
I found this website when I was up mate and could not sleep. All my symptoms was listed for me.
I have friends and in-laws who are going thru it and it's comforting to know I'm not alone.
I had to give up coffee, Spicey foods and anything with acid and sweets.
I started eating healthy and I think thats why I lost weight.
You have to monitor how you feel when you eat certain foods which could trigger your body.
Hope this helps😊
kim93615 gilly_64426
Thanks for telling me this, last year in Oct I started having acid reflux symptoms first and the fast heartbeat, dizziness Appetite common goes. Blurr vision, balance off, join pain,.. running these different hospital, they couldn't find nothing. I can't sleep waking up all through the night. Feeling funny at night all over my body exspecial when I am trying to rest, thinking crazy all the time. I haven't seen a period since may.
gilly_64426 kim93615
OMG. What's up with October?
Season change? I live in🇨🇦 so the temp starts to fall.
I got the burning on the shoulders, dizziness and the list goes on.
This year my doctor said my iron is low so he prescribed iron pills.
I still get my period every 28 days but heavier.
But now I'm wondering if weight loss has to do with my period getting ready to stop🤔
kim93615 gilly_64426
gilly_64426 kim93615