weird body sensations??
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I have been posting the last few days asking about some of these symptoms that are sending my anxiety through the roof. Some days are good and some days are bad.
I have expierenced the inside tremors where it I wake up feeling like my insides are shaking but yesterday and today I have been experiencing a weird head pressure and a tingling feeling on the inside of my body.
I've been trying to do things to distract myself fr focusing on how I feel but it is really getting hard. Could this be hormonal or something else?
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debbie03356 jamie50513
I get the exact same feelings you described i would say they are due to hormones makes my anxiety go through the roof too absolute nightmare isnt it.If i find myself focusing on how im feeling i have to keep telling myself its just my hormones been out of whack and it wont last and deep breathing seems to help me calm down . Take Care Debbie x
jamie50513 debbie03356
debbie_18471 jamie50513
I had pressure in my head and ears yesterday. Not fun. Sometimes when I can get a rational thought flowing amongst all the irrational ones I have flowing in my head I realize that all my deep breathing in and out could be causing me to hyperventilate somewhat. I know hyperventilating can cause head, ear and sinus pressure. Then I realize that all my tension from being so anxious could cause my neck shoulder and jaw pain as well. So I know hormones are the underlying culprit but the anxiety caused by the hormones causes the crazy physical symptoms as well. Hope you end up having a beautiful day filled with a few moments of rest free from symptoms. If i can laugh at least once a day i know I have had a few moments to smile about😊😊. I woke up this morning with same rapid heart. Then I weighed myself and found I lost another proud. In the past I would have been thrilled but now I get a little concerned. I know though that my anxiety is causing me to burn more calories plus I have changed my diet drastically.
jamie50513 debbie_18471
Fairy28 jamie50513
Like Debbie says, ears and everything else seem to be feeling awful right now and seems every day brings something new to stress over. Hope you feel better soon xx
jamie50513 Fairy28
daisylady jamie50513
I can relate to the anxiety symptoms, not so much with menopause but I have experienced this awful fear myself. The shaking and tingling can be due to the changes in carbon di oxide levels in the blood, sometimes due to not breathing properly due to anxiety and this causes tingling. It is known that menopause can cause and exacervate symptoms. After 20 yrs of chronic anxiety, a breakdown and years of panic and agoraphobia I discovered Gaba. It works! and it is a natural amino acid. If it is really bad you can break the capsule and put powder on your tongue for fast result. Good luck x
debbie_18471 daisylady
I agree. I gave had manageable anxiety over certain things my whole life. But like I said it was very manageable. Well I hit perimenopause and WHAM over the top anxiety like I have never experienced. The last 10 months have been the worst. I have good months and bad months over the last 10 months. My homeopathic doctor gave me some amino acids for my neurotransmitters. One of the amino acids is GABA. Take Care and glad you have overcome and are doing better
jamie50513 daisylady
metamorphed jamie50513
Say "I AM B-R-E-A-T-H-I-N-G" over and over. You will say it quickly at first but as you regain your steadiness, you will start to say it slower as you relax. Force yourself to say it slower and steadier. works for me.
hope that makes sense.
jamie50513 metamorphed
daisylady debbie_18471
blinking hormones are something that creep up on us and turn us into someone we don't recognise and make like unmanageable at times! I am glad you have the homoeopathic doc, keep up with Gaba, it will help hopefuly all the best xx
daisylady jamie50513
best of luck x x
jamie50513 daisylady
Thanks for the reply. I am going to give it a try and hope it helps. I don't like being in edge all the time. I was prescribed Ativan to help with the anxiety. I just hadn't decided wether I was going to take it. I'm not a pill person and would rather try natural or herbal. My menses is weird which I will have to let my GYN know. The last one was two weeks ago, very light, and lasted a few days. I have started the next one already about 5 days earlier and it's a little heavy. Normally I feel a little better when it comes but this time I feel out of sorts. I don't know what to think of this. I'm just trying to ignore the crazy symptoms and go on about as usual but its tough.
monique_93857 jamie50513
jamie50513 monique_93857
Thanks for the reply. It took me a while to get an understanding of what's going on with my body. Everyday it seems there is something new and I'm still trying to understand. I share my expierences in hopes that there are some suggestions as to how to cope and to keep my anxiety down a little. It also helps me to feel not alone and insane. My anxiety is through the roof at times, but I'm learning how to talk myself through it and pray a lot and know that someday these symptoms will be through. Take care and please keep sharing...
gentleballads jamie50513