Weird Dull Pains (Upper Right Abdomenon)

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Hi, just wondering for some professional opinion regarding my situation. I have dull gnawing pains sometimes at night and during the day somewhere under my right rib(hard to say exactly where) which radiates to the back and causes some burning sensation. This is usually accompanied by slight nausea, bloating and constipation. I went to see a doctor about 3 times now and all my blood tests check out ok so far (liver, pancreas, WBC etc..). I also don't have H. Pylori. They have scheduled ultrasound in a couple of weeks. I am wondering what this can be -an ulcer(doctor said pains are much stronger with an ulcer), issues with my pancreas(lipase count was good), gallblader(bilirubin count was also normal)? Can this be caused by slowly inflamed appendix or something in my colon? Cancer?

I am male - 32 years old.

Thanks in advance :shock: 

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20 Replies

  • Posted

    When they do the ultra sound they will check the appendix if the blood test are normal I think your good. The white count would be threw the roof a buddy of mine just had that belive me thoes pains were so bad he couldn't stand and vomited violently and high fever good luck in sure you will be fine
    • Posted

      How are your balls are you ever constipated try a laxative like dulcolax for a week and see if it makes you feel better but I wouldn't do much longer can help you rule that out in case you have a pseudo impaction. Or your motility could have slowed it could just be gas if you're bloated gas creates a lot of pain all over and refers to other areas as well
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      Well I meant to say bowels
  • Posted

    Hopefully your ultrasound will help.

    The location you describe could be gall bladder. I know form personal experience how painful that can get. Appeniditis would be much lower - nearer the groin and colon problems would be felt below the belly button.

    Abdominal pains can be hard to pinpoint due to the vagueries of the vagus nerve that transmits the signals.

    If it's gall stones they usually disperse by themselves. If problems persist, the ultimate action is to remove the gall bladder (cholecystectomy) - which I had a few years back and haven't missed it.

    • Posted

      I've had this pain for over 8 months now! It's more annoying than anything! It's dull, burning stitch feeling on my left side just under rib! I've had bloods, CT scan, ultrasound scans on liver and kidney. I've also had my colon checked! I went back to the doctors today and they have offered for me to go to pain management. It's getting me down now all I'm taking is paracetamol for the pain. I hope you get sorted.
    • Posted

      Hi I have also had this same nagging stitch in my left side just under the ribcage. Do you have fatigue or if you work out or run do you get tired more so than usual. Is your spleen normal per the CT. is there anything listed like you have splenuales or your spleen mishapen, iron deficiant, anemia or anything to do with your red blood cells. Have you had your iron and B-12 levels checked. Trying to put something togeather. Please look into all this and let me know.
    • Posted

      All my bloods and scans was normal so the doctor (GP) said. As for my iron and B12 I wouldn't know! I do work and yes I have no energy lately. Have you had yours checked? I feel so down as I think my doctor thinks it anxiety! As for getting into the doctors to get my bloods done again I will be lucky for an appointment in two weeks! I'm sorry I'm not really much help for you.
    • Posted

      No your are a help as I have only found a handfull of people on here with my exact symptoms. I would like to stay in touch and update each other ASAP if you could please. Your in UK rite? Is there anywhere you can go to pay cash and get certain blood draws on your own. I live in Florida and have blood draw centers I can go to and cheap to pick what I want drawn. What are your other symptoms and when did they start. Have you had a CT or MRI scan with contrast yet. Always get a copy of the report and CD for yourself.
    • Posted

      Have you ever or are you on PPI'S or Proton Pump inhibitors, or H2 blockers as Ranitidine. Past History of GERD of Acid reflux. What other Medical History do you have.  Do you have excessive gas and can or can"t you pass it and do you get a burn sometimes then burp on occasion. 
  • Posted

    How are your bowels are you ever constipated try a laxative like dulcolax for a week and see if it makes you feel better but I wouldn't do much longer can help you rule that out in case you have a pseudo impaction. Or your motility could have slowed it could just be gas if you're bloated gas creates a lot of pain all over and refers to other areas as well
    • Posted

      Yeah I do live in the UK and all our health care is done by the NHS private would cost a fortune over here! As I said to the doctor this morning it don't hurt when I press it! It's just there and annoying! I've had my appendix removed when I was a child. I've had a full hysterectomy I'm on HRT (patches) I do take a low laxative but only open my bowels once a day. My tummy is bloated and I've put on over a stone in weight! Up till this started I was quite healthy 😕
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      Sorry I don't know what ppi's is never heard of it I'm not up on medical knowledge.
    • Posted

      PPI's are proton pump inhibitors, like omeprazol. do me a favor and ask your doctor, where exactly are you anyway? if thwy prescribe them over there and ask what he thinks of them but only take till symptoms subside or for a max of two weeks. not good for you, they give out like cansy in the Us and I bet they don't over ther, it would help me to know this as I believe they are causing many medical problems over here. By the way in pounds, how much is 1 stone in weight.
    • Posted

      By the way how bloated is you tummy, you drink a lot? Smoke? Also can you pass gas, if so does the stich in your side ever feel it subsides. Ive been told its gas trapping in the fold of the large intestine below the stomach.
    • Posted

      I don't drink alcohol only on accasions the last time being August! And I don't drink a lot of water knowing I should! Yeah I do have gas and yes it does ease its a bit for a few minutes! I will ask my doctor when I can get into see her again about the ppi's! But never heard of them over here ( West midlands) I've put on 14 pounds in weight. I'm an ex smoker I use to smoke 5 to 10 a day haven't smoked for four years now. And yes my belly is quite bloated I use to have a really flat tummy 😢
    • Posted

      Ok thank you and good luck, keep us informed please. Ask about that med for me though want to see if they push it over there.

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