Weird feelings
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I hope this doesnt sound too weird,but I have some really weird feelings.Not only do I have periods of anxiety and sadness,which is the worst,I feel like I have to tell myself to do things that I would just normally have done.For example in the morning I wake up and say to myself go eat some breakfast,or drink that water.I have to tell myself get up off the couch and do the laundry.I know this sounds crazy , and I probably am,but it is just weird.I hate this and I hate the way I feel,I have to fight back tears all the time,and I have no desire to do anything I used to love to do.I dont want to cook or bake,and I used to love this.I feel overwhelmed and miserable that just 4 months ago I was normal.My neighbor is the same age as me,and she works out all the time,always has her hair and make up done,dresses fancy.I think what the beep,I dont even feel like moving unless I tell myself to.If I just started 4 months ago,Will I feel like this for 10 MORE YEARS.I 'll be 43 next month and still have regular periods,I dont think I can make it 10 more years.Please tell me there is light at the end.
God Bless,
6 likes, 32 replies
JReady64 beth54337
I am apparently post menopause and all the weird only started for me 7 months ago... I have no idea how long to expect this to go on.. ..and can't even imagine being one of the ladies who have just entered menopause and are feeling all this.. it's unreal..
lori93950 beth54337
yes your hormones level out and your body will get used to the drop. but then it all starts again around 50 ... well it did for me anyway . hormones are a complicated issue nobody seems to be able to figure it out. we are just left to deal with it or try numerous patches creams etc.
i too used to have people over dinner all the time would spend all day cooking not done it in a long time over 15 months ... just cant be bothered.
juanita93228 lori93950
That's me. I used to clean my house top to bottom every other week. Now I noticed cobwebs in the corners of my house and it needs dusting so bad. I just try to keep it picked up and looking neat as I can. I keep the dishes washed, I mop once a month, and I clean the bathroom. I have to make myself do all those things. I'm not tired, but like you I just can't be bothered.......
lee99560 juanita93228
I just finished cleaning from top to bottom and now I am lying down totally exhausted. I have OCD bad and I forced myself to do it. I am anxious to try the primrose. I am going to try essential oils as well. Read about it on a Pinterest board. Calling about acupunc ture
I will try anything. MEDICAL MARIJUANA. as well. SO MISERABLE!
lori93950 juanita93228
i used to spend 2 whole days cleaning now with meno and mono combined i just like you keep it tidy and do a bit here and there ... just dont have the energy. i make my own cat food ... did that earlier now im wiped out . this is hell!
Indifferent lee99560
Honestly the marijuana does help...and I am the last person in the world that would have ever considered it. Whatever you do don't try smoking much at a! I use it very rarely...but I do use it when I have to. a teaspoon of it is a years worth for me. Just a few grains in a pipe (a small pinch) and it helps me to focus on what needs to be done and gives me the energy as well. But I have to have a to do list before I smoke it or it just throws me right off the deep! But it works really well for me that way. It is 4 hours of energy and focus. I have never found it helps with pain...but it takes your focus off it in a way I don't understand so you do kind of feel better. at least in my experience...which is very little actually. I think I have used it maybe 10 times in the past two years. I think this week I am going to try it with a glass of wine to sleep actually because I have been having a hard time the past few days. A little stressful in this household right now.
juanita93228 lee99560
I'm so proud of you! I can't even force myself to do it. I'm thinking about having a cleaning service come in. My house is for sale and that's the only reason I keep it picked up.
I wish I could try medical marijuana, I truly believe it would help a lot. But I work for a law enforcement agency and we are randomly drug tested.
I found a list online that had which medical conditions MM helped. The list was from A to Z and anxiety, arthiritis, and I think depression was on there. I mean it was like over a 100 ailments listed. That's why big Pharma doesn't want states to approve it. We could stop taking so many of these pills they throw at us. But hey for now whatever helps.
juanita93228 lori93950
You make your own cat food. That's fantastic! But I'm sorry you have mono and meno combined. That has to be the worst! ((((hugs))))
lori93950 juanita93228
THE WORST !! i have no clue what is meno symptoms and what are mono ... i know i just feel awful ! and yes took a lot of energy to make the cat food ..all i can do is the minimum right now .
lee99560 beth54337
I am so sorry. You are so young. I started at 50. I AM 62 now. If I were you I would go to my doctor and ask for anxiety and depression meds. You may need to see a psychiatrist; I do. Look on PINTEREST at menopause. LOTS of tips with natural remedies. Good luck.
katherine_c beth54337
OMG BETH! You are not alone. I am 48 and have felt like this for almost a year. Like i am not the same person i was previously. When will this end? I HOPE YOU FEEL BETTER SOON.
Troldepus71 beth54337
I feel just like you, Beth. I too loved to cook and do a lot of things at the house but I don't feel any energy or pleasure doing it anymore.
I really must pull myself off the couch to do the most basic stuff...
I get easily overwhelmed by emotions, sounds irritate me, I am easily scared and I feel an almost constant trembling inside.
I have developed anxiety over the last 6 month, and it tricker a lot of other symptoms - especially stomach issues. I am 46 and hope it will end SOON!
mrs_susan74280 Troldepus71
HI I have got the inner treamberling inside since April, I am 58, full of anxiety, get really tired quick,no energy at all, trying Citalopram 10mg, hope it helps
Indifferent beth54337
Hi sorry to are in that place right now. I will tell you that the anxiety lasted a few years for me. it is gone now.
I also lost interest in doing all the things I used to do...and had a very rough 2 years of not being able to get myself motivated to do even the simplest things. Even doing simple things like dishes was very difficult during that time. the anxiety was unreal by itself but yes...I also lost myself completely.
Now I have emerged a changed person. I left behind sewing, crafting and renovating and carpentry...and am suddenly feeling like I did in my 30's when I enjoyed dinner parties and cooking...just add I didnt drink in my 30's but I do now...perhaps too much but I don't care.
I feel like life could be a fulltime party these days. hahaha! And it kind of scares me all on its own because that isn't who I am either but I'll take is so much better than the terrible anxiety I had through my 40's when I couldnt be around people and locked myself in the house...afraid to even go to the grocery store or drive!
I am 49 and taking it as it comes. I am not post menopausal yet...but my last period was a week late.
I had a full time headache for 6 weeks straight and finally woke up this morning with no headache and on the last day of my period. I hope the headache stays least for a few days!!!
So are not alone. This journey has not been easy for me. I only hope I can find my true self again soon...but then I am hearing of many who had a good break from it and it started all over again when thier periods stopped. I am not looking forward to that next swim in the hormone pool of despair. For now I will just enjoy too many bottles of wine a week...and maybe add some marijuanna in there when the next wave hits...hahahaha...(kidding!) At least I hope I'm kidding. sheesh this is hard!
JReady64 Indifferent
so.. from anxiety about everything to not a care in the world?? hey.. I'd take it too.. even if it wasn't the old me.. anything is better than having to have someone get me to work every day (40 miles each way).. and out of the way for everyone as well... not wanting to go in large stores because I am afraid of getting dizzy and falling over.... odd how I feel off and as if I'm going to faint when driving..but not as the passenger.. just feel more secure ??
I do hoke about it all quite a keeps my spirits up a bit more.. and this group definitely helps a lot...
Indifferent JReady64
Yes! I didnt drive for 2 to three years...because of that dizzy off feeling. and the shopping and dizziness! Yes es Yes! I would go with my husband or daughter. for a time I felt better if I wore sunglasses in the stores...but still had someone with me.. That all seems to be over with...for now.
It will get better...but yes it is a stage You have to go through and deal with. There is a light at the end of the tunnel...soon you might well be partying too! LOL!
2chr2015 Indifferent
hi indifferent. i loved your post. i hope i am turning the corner now and getting to where you are. All of the worrying is getting old. i am 46 now.. even though you have left behind some things you used to do, you have found a way to enjoy life again. maybe that is the change i am feeling now. i might actually put on a pair of jeans today instead of the yoga pants. and hey maybe some earrings too! lol. i'm glad there are people here who understand the struggle of that. i was honestly worried that i would never cook again and we would be eating out for the rest of our life. we also used to love having friends over for dinner or to play cards. i hope that time will circle back around too. Maybe that will be in my fifties.
lori93950 Indifferent
yes it all started for me at 41 and took a while to level out . then i got back to myself and at 51 it all happened all over again ! we just have to 'get through it ' best we can abd yes the wine and pot do help .
Indifferent 2chr2015
Yes! It does sound like you are having another change...fantastic for you! Enjoy it!
I still have 2 good weeks and 2 bad weeks...but the bad weeks really aren't so bad...just find myself more lazy...but not to the point of being dragged out...just needing more self a good long bath and a nap in the afternoons. enjoy!!! This is the beginning of good things for you. So put those jeans and earings on...and maybe even go shop for some lingerie...I!!
Indifferent lori93950
Lori...thanks! Because I really am edging toward adding pot if this throws me for another loop. Right now I have used it VERY occassionally...only to get me motivated to do something (like cleaning) after too many bad days in a row
lori93950 2chr2015
omg i wear the same sweats almost everyday. i have 4 closets and am just not interested or even care how i look. cant wait for the day i perk up and want to wear something that is at least a little attractive .
lori93950 JReady64
i have been like this for over 10years i learned to manage it a bit but still cannot drive very far .
i wish i knew what its all about the nervous dizzy feeling .... i see my friends may age driving all over the place leading normal lives and im just happy if i can get to the supermarket and back . its mot fair !
lori93950 Indifferent
do it ! at night especially it knocks you out and relaxes you and if you wake too early you can take some more and sends you back to sleep
2chr2015 lori93950
yep. thats how i feel most of the time. my son is like omg mom you have to go shopping and quit wearing that. its so embarrassing. lol. my husband is smart. he never says anything lol