Weird feelings

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I hope this doesnt sound too weird,but I have some really weird feelings.Not only do I have periods of anxiety and sadness,which is the worst,I feel like I have to tell myself to do things that I would just normally have done.For example in the morning I wake up and say to myself go eat some breakfast,or drink that water.I have to tell myself get up off the couch and do the laundry.I know this sounds crazy , and I probably am,but it is just weird.I hate this and I hate the way I feel,I have to fight back tears all the time,and I have no desire to do anything I used to love to do.I dont want to cook or bake,and I used to love this.I feel overwhelmed and miserable that just 4 months ago I was normal.My neighbor is the same age as me,and she works out all the time,always has her hair and make up done,dresses fancy.I think what the beep,I dont even feel like moving unless I tell myself to.If I just started 4 months ago,Will I feel like this for 10 MORE YEARS.I 'll be 43 next month and still have regular periods,I dont think I can make it 10 more years.Please tell me there is light at the end.

God Bless,


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    hi beth. all this peri stuff started when i was 43. i am 46 now. the last three years have not been fun to say the least. everything you are feeling i have felt as well. I also wonder why i cant be like that lady that looks like she has it all together. i have zero energy or motivation for that! i can tell you that i have had some reasonably good days through it all. and when the bad days hit, I just take it as it comes and try not to push myself too much....and try not to feel guilty about it either. i missed my first full period a month ago. since then it seems that some of my symptoms are changing. my libido is back, I've had more energy, I am suddenly wanting to look up recipes and cook more and i am experiencing some mild hot flashes (nothing bad). I've also been a lot more "sappy" lately towards my husband. So, maybe things are making a big shift again. i have suffered with extreme health anxiety these past 3 years. Now when i have a new symptom it is not as bad because i can tell myself well its been 3 years and none of these random symptoms i get have killed me yet. As i approach 47, i am realizing that I am entering another stage of life. My youngest is fixing to start driving, I know I need a hobby. i am wanting to spend more time with my hubby. My forties have definitely not been what i expected. Hopefully these latest feelings are an indicator that things maybe settling for me. Hang in there! Stay on this forum. it has been a life saver for me....seriously. i just want to let you know it hasn't been easy but it is getting better after 3 years. A lot of positive self talk helps. (why yes, now i talk to myself lol) Whatever it takes to get through((hugs))

  • Posted

    I read what everyone is going through and I don’t feel so alone now. I am also afraid to drive and to leave home. I can’t shop anymore and I love Christmas! I am desperately seeking answers . my cousin told me to try these capsules and told me to consider a naturopath or a holistic approachs . She also told me to consider a naturopath or a holistic approach . I checked and we do have one and they take insurance . I will post and let you know how it is going.

    • Posted

      its horrible gone through this for over 10 years all i can say is bloody hormones! so sorry its difficult for you know exactly what you are going through. please GOD this passes once were done ! i see lots of women my age leading happy normal lives we are just the sensitive few and unlucky ones who get this symptom.

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    HIGH POTENCY EVENING PRIMROSE. FROM AMAZON. I have not tried them yet because I haven’t gotten them. But my cousin told me that they work really well for her .

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