Weird head sensation
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Hi ladies, anyone reading my posts will know my worst meno sensations have been off balance, sore stiff neck, anxiety and low mood.
I can't remember if i've been tensing my neck or if it just happened as part of peri. Anyway, i've been holding my neck rigid for so long now that I'm scared to move it around incase it makes me dizzy or lose my balance, I don't know how I'm going to correct this because i'm too scared to let anyone touch it
I think the symptoms have got worse since my mum passed away in January this year. I just wanted to know if any ladies have experienced this weird sensation, I can't really explain it but here goes. As I said I dont really turn my head left or right or look up or down, i tend to avoid this, but sometimes when acknowledging what someones saying my head kinda nods by itself not noticeable but as if it nods on the inside which makes me feel queasy, don't know if the nausea is anxiety or part of these horrible meno symptoms, it's really weird
The sensations are causing me to suffer from panic disorder and very low mood as I can't see how I'm going to fix this
Id be grateful if anyone can relate to this and offer any reassurance
I've been on tibolone for approx 4 months
Thanks, hugs
Brenda xx
PS I had a ct scan last year on head and neck which was normal
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tracy5858 brendababy
I am in the same boat I am feeling spacey now.. I hope we find a solution . I did hear however it's hormonal
brendababy tracy5858
"same boat" lol, thats what it feels like. I'm usually ok until i get up and start walking then I feel off balance, I need to sit with my head supported and I use two pillows so that I'm not lying flat in bed, once i'm lying I feel ok but as soon as I get up out of bed I feel of balance and weird
Sometimes I feel I'm going to be left like this and it makes me feel really anxious and depressed, surely things will settle soon
I hope you get some peace from all these symptoms soon as well tracy
All the best
Brenda x
Fairy28 brendababy
Oh Brenda im so sorry for your loss, that's a massive trauma for you to deal with.
Let me tell you ive been freaking out about my neck too, it feels like yours and makes me feel sick aswell, I get horrible headaches all the time I wake up with them and go to bed with them and it scares me so much. My neck creaks and cracks and I too feel wobbly and weird when I turn certain ways - I went to my useless doctor last week and he just gave me ibuprofen which hurts my stomach, so its like there's so much to stress about all the time. Life's just not the same any more and the anxiety of it all is ruining everything every day in fact it's crap ??
brendababy Fairy28
I can't believe hormones can cause all of these symptoms. I was already suffering from stress when this hit me, I've been through hell since January 2015, work stress (i've now resigned), went into meno, mum ill then she passed away.
The anxiety is incredible at times I feel as if I'm losing my mind, I'm not sure how hormones affect your neck but someone said lack of estrogen affects all your joints but I'm taking tibolone so youd think things would ease.
Your right Lou, lifes not the same anymore and everyday is a struggle I hope we can all look back on this horrible phase soon and get on with our lives. I'll never take anything for granted again.
All the best
Brenda xx
Fairy28 brendababy
Poor you you've had such a rough time of it and all the suffering still, I understand how you feel I really honestly do - within the last two and a half years my dad died in front of me, I had major op, my nan died and then hubby had a heart attack at home and every symptom I get I think is a horrible disease that's gonna kill me. Every day there's a new thing to deal with, stomach, head, neck, all 66 meno symptoms, health anxiety , panic, palpitations, terrible hot flushes oh my god the flipping list goes on and on, most mornings I don't want to get up scared of the day ahead and when I do my head is banging so hard I want to be sick - it really is just so horrible, I would do almost anything to be 15 years younger again and feel well, I can't see me ever feeling any better I feel so bloody ill. If anyone told me things will get better I'd find it really hard to believe as I can't see it happening I really can't. Sending hugs to you for what you're going through xx
brendababy Fairy28
I'll reply to you tomorrow Lou when I'm on my laptop, in bed on my iPhone and adverts keep popping up when I'm typing
Take care
Brenda xx
Malesia brendababy
brendababy Malesia
Malesia, I won't even let my husband touch my neck. My GP gave me accupuncture, before he placed the needles in he placed his hand firmly on the back of my neck, that night I felt I could hardly walk and started to panic. I really don't know how I'm going to turn this around, this peri/meno has made me scared of everything.
love Brenda xx
maisie05 brendababy
It sounds like labrynthitis or some other inner ear disorder. I have had it in the past and it really is distressing. It passed for me after a few days but I know it can last for weeks even months. My son in law was off work for two months with it. Because there are no outward symptoms to see, people thought he was being lazy, he just couldn't stand up or move his head without feeling sick and dizzy. He got better slowly by doing little things and fortunately his employer let him go back to work gradually an hour or so at a time.
debi62095 brendababy
brendababy debi62095
Yes Debi I've had this, feel all clumsy and lack coordination, keep dropping things
It's crazy and we're supposed to just get on with it ??????
Brenda x
maria45873 brendababy
I'm in the boat too,hormones are they to scare us can't harm us
We just have to take the bull by the horns and take one day at a time
I always find these symptoms go and come and hopefully subside for good one day
brendababy maria45873
I hope your right Maria, I'm at the end of my tether with the weird sensations
I wish I just had normal symptoms like other woman who can still function normally like hot flushes, fatigue etc no not me I've got to have the lot ????
Brenda x
maria45873 brendababy
Tell me about it I get the full Monty not all 66 symptoms but i had some weird sensations at the beginning of Peri
And still getting crap but I'm gritting teeth and getting through it
Just hope post silk be better.
brendababy maria45873