Weird sensation while trying to go to sleep

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Does anyone get this, hard to explain but il have my eyes closed then it feels like a huge whoosh has come over me prompting me to open my eyes quick to refocus almost like my heart has stops and I need to take a deep breath

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45 Replies

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    hello there. just came across your post this morning. I've been having these sensations more often lately. were you able to figure out my what these might be?? scares me in the night. late awhile until i get extremely tired. sometimes hours. then in exhausted in the morning. curious what this might be. thanks

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    Yes ! The one with the deep breath can be some anxiety stuff 😃 It can be a mini anxiety attack. And don't worry. They are uncomfortable but not dangerous. They are there to notify you that you are afraid and you should do something about it. Heart problems will give chest pain and sleeping arm etc. I have read so does not sound like anything to do with your heart 😉

    Did you ever feel the need to also walk around or run or get a pumping heart ? Those are just anxiety attacks.

    Are you afraid of something currently ? Tell me, because I have some experience and I fixed myself.

    Also beware that if you are afraid that something is wrong with your heart you can get some small psychosomatic feelings in you left arm for example. This is because some small muscles in your chest that is tightening on your nerves or something. Nothing to do with your heart.

    Anyways, if you are afraid of something you have to face your fears.


    Afraid of getting raped ? Then you could tell yourself that it is not dangerous to get raped and if you go outside you will probably get raped but maybe not and that is fine, because it is not dangerous anyways. Go out in the middle of the night and ask people for directions for example. This will tell your brain that what you were afraid of you are not afraid of anymore and then the anxiety stuff might stop.

    Afraid of dying ? Then maybe tell yourself that everyone dies. Some people die at 10, some at 90, and there is nothing we can do about it and it is not dangerous to die. Dying is cool.

    If you have a bad dream and you are afraid of a monster in the sewer, then jump into the sewer and punch the monster !! Sounds crazy but it will tell your brain that you do not fear somehow.

    Oh, and you can control your dreams to some extent, you have to remember that in your dream. (Yes it is possible and I don't think there is any trick. You should be able to recognize unrealistic stuff and realize that it is a dream, and then remember that you are in control.)

    It sounds retarded but it is how you convince your brain to not be afraid.

    It is all VERY counter-intuitive and you really need the rational part of your brain.

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    Yes! i just started experiencing this a few nights ago and I'm experiencing it right now which is why I'm here. It is so hard to explain but this is exactly it. I have had really bad anxiety for years but never remember this happening to me. I always think something is wrong with my heart but hopefully it is just anxiety!

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    I have felt the same way, except for me after i opened my eyes i felt something happening with my heart and i froze, i couldnt move or talk - this was like the first time it happened. but now its happening constantly but without the freezing. it honestly scares me . What should i do? pls help

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    Not saying it makes me feel better that other people are having the same problems as me, but definitely makes me feel that I am not in this alone. I feel like my anxiety has been getting so bad that whenever I get sleepy I start to feel it. All day vertigo. can't wake without feeling like I I going to fall over and/or fall down.

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    I have been trying to find words to describe the very same thing. It's so weird and scary. It almost feels like I'm going to faint if I don't get up. it's an overwhelming feeling of I'm going to die if I go to sleep.

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      OMG YES!!!!!!.... I get that feeling....scared I'm going to die and i get a LOUD electric SWOOSH/ high voltage JOLT sound in my ears and head!!!!!.... it's so weird!!!! and the very second it happens iv noticed I'm holding my breath.... I think the loud SWOOSH JOLT is our bodys naturally reviving us!!!!!....and if u look into it that's exactly what it's doing..... scary

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      Ray where i am new to this i cant say with certainty but in my research of trying to find out what's wrong with me I found several articles that talked about " Brain Zaps". It sounds very likely you suffer from this. Please Google or Youtube the issue to find out more. As for myself I don't get the electric feeling in ears or head, my issue is like the OPs. I get this very weird whoosh feeling in head like a tingling or almost the feeling one gets when someone scratches a chalk board with nails and then it wakes me up. I have also noticed my heart rate will have increased. For me there are intensity's to it, some hit hard and when that happens I cant sleep for an hour or 2 out if fear of feeling it again. eventually I can get to sleep but will always wake up again 2-3 hours later and again have a hard time going to sleep. This has happened now for 9 days in a row where in the past i may have only had a few a night over 2 days than it would stop. I now have developed a fear of going to sleep because of it which in return is prob. making it worse. Its very odd to me because before i go to sleep i will be calm and in a peaceful state, enough to start falling asleep and boom it hits. I am wanting to try an anti anxiety medication like valum or xanax to see if that helps me. I dont want to be on that long term though but just want to try it and see if it helps. hope this info helped those of you exp. the brain zaps, and those who have same issue as me all advise is welcome. Thanks.

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    I do this from time to time also!!!!..... anyone that hasnt experienced this has NO ideal what kind of a feeling it is!!!.. I get like this LOUD electricution VROOM or a JOLT in my ears and I'm short winded!!!!....I know it sounds crazy but 1 time I had a strange feeling I was in some kind of a different dimension and electrified and wind was not alone emma!!!!!

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    yes, this has recenrly started happening to me about a month or so ago. my body feels really light after it and my heart feels weird. its almost like you feel like you stopped breathing for a second and your body wakes you up.

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    So weird, the reason I'm on here at 3am is because this same feeling happened to me. Its like your heart wakes your mind up with a strange breathless feeling.

    This has started about a week ago and the feeling is quite scary. I'm wondering if this has any connection to vaccinations - i recently took my second dose of Pfizer.

    Now this is giving me anxiety

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      I don't think its the vaccine. I've been having them for at least 10 years.

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    I get them too. i started getting them about ten years ago. At first they only happened maybe once a month then a few times a month. Now a few times a week. My niece suddenly past away this past Sunday and i think its making them worse. Last night they happened about five times before i finally feel asleep. And they were way more intense then they usually are. I seen one reply that said to just let them happen and your brain will get bored of them and they'll stop. But i don't think that is an option for me as they terrify me. 😦

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    i've been having this for years, and it's hard to put into words I've talked to my primary care physician, a cardiologist, and had a sleep study. No one can tell me what it is! it is a terrifying feeling, like a whoosh, and i feel like my heart stops and i wake up gasping Sometimes when I wake up, i feel disoriented and confused. It seems to happen when I'm extremely tired. The only thing that helps is a xanax, so it must be anxiety related?? But i can't identify any cause of underlying anxiety. Does anyone have any other updates? I'm so grateful I found this forum, I thought I was losing my mind! And it's so hard to explain

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