What age were you when you started perimenopause?
Posted , 17 users are following.
Just curious to know. I literally changed overnight at 40. Im 46 and feeling worse than ever these days.
3 likes, 39 replies
Posted , 17 users are following.
Just curious to know. I literally changed overnight at 40. Im 46 and feeling worse than ever these days.
3 likes, 39 replies
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dawn70425 sarahonadowner
Hi mine was around 48/49 so maybe the norm lol, it’s been over 4 yrs for me now, and I think for me the last two years have been the worse... I do feel for you going through this at a early age, it’s bad enough now 🤗x
Eliaimee1970 sarahonadowner
Mamaw08 sarahonadowner
I am now 48, I started 2 years ago but I feel that now my symptoms are worse and more issues coming up on top of everything I already deal with. I am also a breast cancer survivor so I'm am limited to what I can use to balance hormones
susan556 sarahonadowner
sarahonadowner susan556
Hi Susan...sorry youre also having a bad time. It would be easier to list the symptoms I DON'T have!!
I get a symptom or 3 and then it subsides and more appear. Had loads of various tests all showing 'normal. I feel unwell most of the time and now have severe health anxiety. When I do get an odd good day I feel great but always in the back of my mind Im waiting to feel bad again.
My sister is 10 years older and had no symptoms at all!
As much as its awful for us on here it does help knowing you arent alone x
Guest sarahonadowner
2chr2015 sarahonadowner
Willow1992 sarahonadowner
Guest sarahonadowner
sarah39816 sarahonadowner
Hi, Sarah,
I started peri when I was about 42. I just turned 47. The symptoms (and I've suffered nearly all of them) continued to get worse over the last few years. I just try to deal with each symtom as it arises on a day by day basis. It's really tough and I completely understand. --Big Hugs, Sarah
Struggling50 sarahonadowner
I think I was about 41. I have had just about every symptom on the list of 66 symptoms of menopause.
Some come and go. Sometimes a new symptom pops up.
It is the worst!
Struggling50 sarahonadowner
I left my husband and lived with my sister for 3 months until I felt better.
Acupuncture and Chinese medicine and homeopathy have helped me.
I hope you feel better soon.
sarahonadowner Struggling50
Hi Tracy
Sounds like you've also had a bad time. I feel like hiding away from everyone til this whole thing passes! Hard to carry on when everyone relies on you though.
Hugs x
Struggling50 sarahonadowner
Yes, exactly.
I don't have any children so I was able to be away from home until I recovered. I have a cat and I took her with me.
kelle34850 sarahonadowner
Hey Sarah, everything just started for me this past year before I turned 41. Started with adrenaline surges and heart racing when trying to fall asleep. Then I woke up one morning with entire right arm hurting for no reason! It still hurts but some days it feels better. I also felt an internal shakiness. All of this led to a panic attack which I've never had in my life. I dealt with bad health anxiety. I have gotten some better over the past 4 months. The main things that help are: #1 staying off the Internet. #2 progesterone cream. The cream seems to help my overall anxiety. Anyways, I hope you get feeling better. My sister is 6 yrs older than me and she ain't feeling half this stuff. It sucks that we are so young to be starting this crud!! Ugh!! I want my old (young, energetic) self back!
Good luck!!
Struggling50 kelle34850
Do you use over the counter progesterone cream or one prescribed by a doctor?
Thank you
kelle34850 Struggling50
I get it on Amazon it's called progest by emererita. I read a book by Dr. John Lee and another one by Suzanne Somers. It explained some things about how our progesterone starts declining in our late 30s.
Struggling50 kelle34850
Would you private message me the progesterone cream information? The website is probably not going to show your reply to me.
Thank you:-)