What age were you when you started perimenopause?
Posted , 17 users are following.
Just curious to know. I literally changed overnight at 40. Im 46 and feeling worse than ever these days.
3 likes, 39 replies
Posted , 17 users are following.
Just curious to know. I literally changed overnight at 40. Im 46 and feeling worse than ever these days.
3 likes, 39 replies
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kelle34850 sarahonadowner
sarahonadowner kelle34850
Yes Im the same. Never had anxiety til this started. Now Im permanently anxious and google constantly. I must try to stop as it doesnt help at all.
Hugs to you x
kelle34850 sarahonadowner
Sarah, there is a Facebook group called power surge that is pretty helpful. I post on there sometimes but other than that I stay off the Internet. It hasn't brought me nothing but grief!!
sarahonadowner kelle34850
amy341731 sarahonadowner
sarahonadowner amy341731
Sorry to hear you also feel dreadful. I take our German Shepherd out for a big run everyday (he runs, I walk); which although some days I find difficult it does seem to help a tiny bit once Im out.
Aside from that I mainly stay home and robotically do what I must to keep the home running. Im do lucky in that my partner has his own business and I dont have to go yo work. I wouldnt be able to as I feel so ill everyday anyway.
Thank goodness for this forum and the ladies on here. Hugs x
amy341731 sarahonadowner
sarahonadowner amy341731
i know exactly what you mean...I never say anything to my other half or kids. Theres no point really. I have loads of friends and endless offers to go out etc but I just don't feel up to it. Either feel too awful or too tired.
I dream of my sociable days when I was always out having fun snd feeling great. I have just got back from the park which was an effort today. Not planning on doing much now til its school run time! Have a great day x
AJacynM sarahonadowner
I really feel for you, hang in there.
A. x
Eliaimee1970 AJacynM
sarahonadowner Eliaimee1970
If its any help mine were 'normal' too when I was tested. That was 4 years ago. Its been hell and I think testing is not reliable at all x
Eliaimee1970 sarahonadowner
AJacynM sarahonadowner
Regarding hormone blood tests - I had quite a few and all were different... sometimes I'd go to the doctors feeling dreadful but they'd order bloods for 10 days later when I'd feel different again and the test would be normal. Then one day I demanded bloods at the time of my appointment and the results were that my hormones were all over the place and they called me back immediately!!
I felt so dire, worried and unable to function that I was relieved to know it was exactly that!
Feel for you ladies so much knowing you all feel as I did/do. Thankful for this site knowing we're all not alone.
A. xx