What are your thoughts on holistic vs mainstream medicine for symptoms?
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Hi Ladies.
What a relief to find this forum and not feel so alone going through this.
I'm really into nutrition and holistic health/wellness, and I try to avoid mostly all conventional or mainstream medicine. I'm very alternative in that way.
Now going through the lovely, typical peri-menopause symptoms and experiences, from heavy bleeding to anxiety to hair loss. Difficult and unpleasant for sure. ARGGH.
Meanwhile, I exercise, take a lot of vitamins, eat a very clean diet, use herbs, etc. and try to get my head around the fact that this is one of life's normal, natural, expected transitions and yeah, it's gonna hurt. Just try to go with the flow, so to speak LOL
But I wonder if I'm doing myself a disservice by rejecting anything allopathic. (HRT, birth control pills, Tranexamic, IUDs, etc.) that might make things easier for me.
What are your thoughts on holistic vs mainstream medicine for your symptoms?
What natural alternatives work for you?
Has modern medicine really made a positive difference for you?
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Indifferent michelleds
I am strictly holistic...it hasn't been easy at times. At times it has been life threatening for sure. I am about 6 years in, I think...maybe more. At the beginning it was just stuff like itching and flooding.
I find that symptoms ebb and flow. The longest lasting symptom was the anxiety. That was about 6 years, maybe it was from the beginning, I am not even sure anymore, but it was a LONG HAUL! I have finally stepped off the anxiety roller coaster in the past few months and I am VERY thankful. I think I can handle anything else but that one.
The rest seem to flow one into another, sometimes for a few days at at time, sometimes a month or two until I can find something that helps.
At the very beginning wild yam cream helped with breast changes and perhaps other things I didn't realize were hormonal. I wasn't paying much attention back then. lol.
In 2012 I was hit with a thyroid and hormonal hurricane that left me really ill for about 8 months. I finally found holistic help for that through an alternative procedure called "correactology" that can only be found in Ontario Canada
For the anxiety and mental, last year I finally found out through a friend about bach's remedies, they were a Godsend for sure!
And right now i seem to be doing great with just a chewable vitamin that has all the minerals and many herbs thrown in and are gender and age specific.
I need nothing more than that vitamin right now and I have been feeling exceptionally like myself for well over two months now.
Would it have been easier to go mainstream? I have no idea. I don't like the idea of side effects, and everything mainstream seems to come with side effects or a great many doctors appointments and tests. I just can't see myself doing that unless I really have to
And prayer...prayer has brought me to all the things my body has needed to bring me through this with no casualties. It seems that God brings in the right thing at the right time when I need it.
michelleds Indifferent
So glad you're feeling better and there's a light at the end of this tunnel.
I'm with you on the anxiety issue, too. Not looking forward to more of that.
I've always struggled with anxiety in life so it really flares up with the hormone stew.
Medical appointments and tests are a big issue with me too. No thanks.
I'd rather be home.
Guest michelleds
michelleds Guest
I drink a juice cocktail using high doses of vitamin C, 500mg magnesium malate, and silica/diatomaceous earth.
Then I take daily
Floradix Iron, up to 4 tablets
1000mg evening primrose oil
B complex + 300mg B6
4000IU vitamin D
1200mg fish oil
CBD oil
a few times a week: 550mg black cohosh, vitamin E
Other than that, herbal tea, fresh herbs for cooking,
Guest michelleds
michelleds Guest
Well, I wouldn't say it's not working lol. But it sure feels like a lot of work at times.
For me, it's about minimizing the severity of this transition.
Maybe gaining 4 pounds instead of 14.
Getting a headache rather than a serious migraine.
Bleeding a lot, but it's just for 2 days, and no cramps or pain.
Anxious, but not escalated to panic attack level.
kelly55079 michelleds
My friend said to me 'why don't you just go get some cream and you'll be back to normal'. She said it as nice as she could. But I really don't want to do HRT. I was just reading an article about perimenopause and it was encouraging. It mentioned healthy eating, drinking a lot of water and push yourself to at least do 10 minutes of exercise each day. They also encouraged to try herbs and whatnot for the symptoms. One of the herbs was Fennel seed which is also on the list to prevent cancer. So I started drinking fennel tea hoping this will help balance my hormones or at least help anyways
michelleds kelly55079
It's good to know we have options and alternatives. I'd rather stay natural. I keep hoping this is the worst it can get.. then it gets worse LOL
I'll try fennel tea. I love herbal tea.
sharPharmD michelleds
Being a pharmacist, I got my training in the "western" pharmacy school, but throughout my career, I have manage to incorporate western and eastern medicine. I think a lot of perimenopausal symptoms can be helped by avoiding caffeine, sugars, alcohol, smoking and stress. Taking a potent fish oil that contains at least 900mg of EPA per day is helpful. If you try hormones, try Bio-identical HRT. Please send me a private message if you have any question
michelleds sharPharmD
Thank you Shar.
Incorporating both sides of heath and wellness sounds reasonable. I'm not sure if I'm ready for HRT right yet, but I know if I slide into a dark place, I'll definitely want help. I'm 54, so I keep hoping I've seen the worst.
angieB48 michelleds
michelleds angieB48
Angie that sounds very promising. Sounds like a nice balance. I'm glad you feel good and are happy.
I think I'll want to consider the same route if my body needs it. Managing anxiety is one of my concerns, so for that issue alone I'd consider adding bioidentical estrogen.
angieB48 michelleds
kelly55079 michelleds
michelleds kelly55079
I did try maca briefly and was really hoping for good results. But I have a weird sensitivity to certain types of roots/tubers, along with nightshades, and maca was a trigger. for me. I seemed to have become a lot more sensitive to a lot more foods these days.