What does it feel like to have Klinefelters' syndrome?

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Another contributor wishes to discuss what it feels like to have Klinefelters' syndrome, so I thought I'd start a discussion on that topic, see what comes of it?

I'd like to be able to choose XXY as a place to put this discussion, then we can chat about what it feels like to be fat, or to have gynaecomastia, or to be sterile, and any other disease associated with being XXY.

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    hi, me again... this was only last week that i found out that i am genetically male, before that i assumed i was female, my parents never told me different and as i said before, i had all the girly bits and everything else. I still have lol. I had my ovaries removed becos they were joined to a cancerous growth and i have been on hormone treatement since then but i didnt know it was becos I was a male, i thought it was just becos i had my ovaries removed. Recently becos i am still on hormone replacement, i got a gigantic blood clot in my leg and subsequently  a pulmonary embolism in my lungs.....THIS is what prompted the drs to do further blood tests on me, becos i do not smoke or do drugs or anything like that, altho i did when i was a teenager. I was informed on the 2nd september this year, that i should never have been allowed to live when i was born and that i must have had the "boy bits"cut off without my knowledge... my mother was horrified when i told her and said well she had a cesarean when i was born but i was home within a week with her and she said i had no scar or stitches or anything. I was a girl. I have had more blood tests since sept 5th and they confirm that i am gentically a male, when u have believed something all of your life and lived it and liked it, and then to be told that it was all a lie and u were never what u thought u were is a bit shocking to say the least. .....and apparently my blood clots are related to the fact that i am XXY ... i also have genetic heart valve malfunction which i did know about before. Nobody at any stage during my life has ever told me anything like this before. And everything on the internet says i cannot be a female............. and how do u do lol. Btw, although i am from UK i do not live there now. I am in Australia, but there is nothing here, no website like this anywhere, i was searching for info about Klinefelters syndrome when i discovered this forum. 
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      Well I'm on the internet and I say you're female, and you say you're female, and Milton Diamond says you're female, so there's three people who all say you're female, and you do not have Klinefelters' syndrome. Only males can develop Klinefelters' syndrome.  Chromosomes, as I've said a gazillions times to others, are merely carriers of genetic infortmation, it is the genes that express that are most important not the shape or name of the chromosomes they're on. You seem to want to beleive you're genetically male as you say it so often, but in fact the genes that make males are not expressing in you, so you're genetically female, you're phenotypically female and you're emotionally female.

      As I say above, if you're genetically male then all of us XXY males must be genetically female by logical deduction, but I think those who beleive such will have strong opposition.  There are some XXY males who have normally sized and functioning testes, and all the rest of us XXY males have testes, and females don't have testes, and you don't either.  Sex, the sex we present as, is not determined by chromosomes, but by genitals.

      I don't know your whole life story obviously, but those XXY males who develop clots usually have a raft of other medical problems that bring them about, they don't just appear from nothing.  One of the problems I traditionally argue against is merely assuming that being XXY is grounds to assume all manner of diseases associated with KS.  Your blood clots may be from a source totally unrelated to XXY males developing blood clots?   Such as have you been on a long flight recently, sitting down doing nothing for a long period can bring about blood clots.  

      Has anybody suggested to you that your Y chromosome is dormant? Well I am right now, and I suggest you be concerend about health issues that affect primarily females of your age, not males of your age.       

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      thanks XXYGuy..u are the only person in my life right now that seems to believe i am a female, apart from me that is. Every blood test i have had recently becos of my blood clot, the drs then ask me when was my sex change operation performed? And im not talking about just one or two drs, I have seen umpteen specialists since last month, approx 14 and at different hospitals, all of them ask me this question and do not believe me when i say i am female and always have been. They say there is no evidence to support it. They ask me where are your kids then? I tell them and they think i am making it up becos i couldnt have any myself!!! I told em which hospital i had them in but the records dont go back that far....this is 20 yrs ago. I also told them i was told that i had accidentally picked up the Y chromosome from my twin brother which i apparently absorbed in the womb (gross lol) and he was never born, only me. This is what they let me believe 20 yrs ago and i never thought any different. But now they say this is impossible and they want to give me back my missing male bits?????????????? what does that mean? Are they going to force me to have a sex change? they cant do that. Our gov is bad but it cant be that bad. No i dont want to be genetic male ....its just that all i have been shown via video and told via doctors ALL say i am male and have never been a female becso i would have died years ago if that was the case.  I have requested to see a really high up chromosomal specialist and i have ordered full DNA and Chromosome tests to be repeated at my own cost. I need to know this for myself. I have no support from any of my friends or family ...they have deleted me for friend as such, their explantation is that they cant handle it.... well...thanks very much lol ... obviously they are not thinking of my part in this "sh*t "  excuse my french ......... I am more upset than they could ever possibly be....
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      yes, one medical student suggested to the dr in charge that i may have a dormant Y chromosome and it was laughed off by the dr, so he shut up. It takes a long time for Karyotype testing to be done, i had my bloods sent off over a month ago and no results so far, it goes to New Zealand for testing as Australia has no facilities for extended chromosomal research.  Many doctors are not listening to me at all, some of this i may be misinterpreting as racism becos  i am half Aboriginal and as  soon as they find this out, they just seem to forget i am even human at all. 
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      Melly find your way to XXY friends on facebook for you will find there is support in Australia far more than there is in the UK, where 'friends' is run be a very helpful and knowledgeable  non male identifying XXY, who is also very well connected with not only Australian, but worldwide.support networks including the OII, but can also be found through the blogspot; '' About  that X ''
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      Im sorry but i cant be on Facebook, I have no computer of my own and i live in a community where no electricity lines have ever been laid, nor phone lines or mobile phone towers.......... as yet. At the moment i am in Adelaide, becos where i live there arent any hospitals either or at least any that know anything about anything. I was taken by air ambulance (ie, the flying doctor) to Adelaide when it was found that  I had major blood clot from my ankle to my armpit plus in lungs and heart also. This was  when  this nightmare started, as haemotologists started testing my blood group and then taking it one step further and discovering my chromosomal abnormality.  I am going to Perth next week as I have been advised to see a Genetics Counsellor there, and i have a referral to do this. They will maybe explain further or do more tests, i dont really know, but its worth a shot. 
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    I forgot to mention that before my hysterectomy, i did give birth twice, both of my children had downs syndrome and were taken from me and placed into government care...in other words a home. I have never been allowed to see them since the first week. The other day i was given an ultrasound to see if i had testes somewhere inside of me that could turn cancerous they said, and the doctor had the nerve to ask me if i wanted to be a boy or not.... I said no, cos im a girl... lol. i havent had any inclination at any time to change my sex or what i assumed my sex was. I am not a gay girl, Ive been married..twice. I dont like girls haha. The first time i found out about this, some days ago, it was the dr asking me when my sex change operation was and i replied WTF ????
    • Posted

      Hi Melly555!

      Is it possible that you have hermaphroditism?

      You can be 47XXY phenotypically be a female but have dormant male gonads.

      When I was in college in the USA some 25 years ago I met a girl who was from Costa Rica. She worked for a volunteer organization that would do internships from a village in Costa Rica that she was from. She mentioned that the inhabitants of this unknown village have for centuries married within their genetic pool; more than 50% are hermaphrodites. At puberty doctors ask them whether they would like to be male or female and they have a choice since they are born with both gonads. Depending on which they want to be, doctors put them on hormone therapy to get them mature to what they like.

      i just brought up this story to let you know that possibly a google search which I haven't done yet but I will after I reply to you would possibly lead you to let you know that there are other people with the same manifestation as you that I hope you will find and compare notes. Just letting you know that you're not alone. My Costa Rican female friend was also someone who was born with both gonads. I would, to my friend's liking, call her superhuman because she was probably evolved enough to be given the choice to decide which she would prefer be. I asked her if there was any statistic on which sex that population pool would rather be. She replied they predominantly decide to become females.

      it sounds like you're at peace with what you are born with regardless of what doctors' limited experiences have been.

      Good Luck with finding out more about your condition. Keep us posted because I am very interested. I'm also becoming tempted to pursue higher education possibly gathering information about karyotype variations.

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      hi kirk..... dont hermaphrodites have outwardly not one set of genitals but two, OR... something that doesnt resemble one or the other?? Im not sure myself, i know that the term is replaced these days by the word Intersex, which i have been told (right or wrong) that it means 2 lots. My birth certificate lists me as Female. My mother said i was a girl and nobody did any testing on me as an infant becos i was a girl and in no way resembled anything else. Both of my parents actually wanted a boy so if there was a choice im sure they would have said BOY.The only thing that was strange about my birth was that there was  supposed to be another one, i was one of twins but the twin mysteriously disappeared and i was led to believe that i had "eaten" (absorbed him/her/it). My parents did blame me for this for most of my younger life, every time i did something wrong i was called a killer child, which doesnt worry me anymore but did when i was little. Drs in Australia seem to ignorant of most Chromosomal abnormalities. As soon as they see that Y in my tests, automatically they  are  'assuming' i am male and have had a sex change operation at some time. They also seem to think i am making it up when i say i havent had this operation. The blood clot i have at the moment isnt a direct result of been XXY but is a direct result of been on female hormones. I have tried over and over to research on google anything about female XXY people, but so far all i end up with are ppl that CHOSE to be female. I didnt choose anything, i just was...or so i thought.
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    The drs have taken my hormone replacement away from me and since i have never been without it i have no idea what will happen next. 
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    Hi xxyguy,

    Not to do with this thread really! 

    But I'm going ahead with the prosethics :-)

    Taken a bit of time to think about it.

    Thank you for the comments you took the time to write to me. 

    Gonna get the raisins out at the same time!

    Consultant said op risks were low @3-4% & low potential 

    of infection - if they come back out again!! 

    What have I got to loose?!! Nothing.


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      Good on you, whoopee!!  If you wiah you can retain your natural testes, it's not like they take up a lot of space!  cheesygrin
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    no i dont sit around doing nothing.. and no i havent been on any flights... drs have assumed that i have a blood clot becos i am on female hormonal treatment which they have now stopped. Who knows what will happen now ... one dr said i will revert to been a male.. and i thought WHAT? will certain things grow? LMAO
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      I wonder if some of these doctors are just joking with you, if not they come across as complete imbiceles! rolleyes 
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    all my life i have had male friends, non sexual relationships... i only had one girlfriend... mainly becos i DO like blokey things lol.... racing cars, football, surfing, going to the pub after work with the guys and playing snooker. which my male freinds accepted me for... i was one of the boys as such, although i was female. Now i have told a couple of them what was going on .... thinking they would help me sort it out........ NOOOOO they say Oh is that why u like our sh*t, cos ur one of us and u never told us... and now they are NOT my friends, even tho i have known and worked with them for over 10 yrs
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      I don't think any conclusions can be drawn from gender stereotypes. Why shouldn't females like exciting activities and why should males be expected to do them?  For me, people are as they present,  and a deep voiced, fully bearded, muscular, person telling me he's a woman doesn't cut it!  Like your friends thinking you're somehow male when you've always been female, just because your chromosomes are revealed.  If every person on the planet had a karyotype done, and the results publicised, I wonder if we'll need to change our view of what genetic sex really is?

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