What has been your absolute worst symptom of (peri)menopause?
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Hi All,
There is such a wealth of experience on this forum, I was just wondering which symptoms of (peri)menopause would top the list as the worst of the long list we are suffering.
Ok, I'll start - for me (so far!) it would be depression/anxiety. That's two symptoms but they go together. (A close third would be digestive problems.)
If you could be rid of just one symptom what would it be?
4 likes, 126 replies
jayneejay Ruthie49
ummm .. Post meno
i would like to rid the no energy shaky feeling ( and i have a good diet)
achy body, and have my drive back which wanes alot ..
I could go on but i wont 😑
jay x
( i am about 20 months post meno ) no HRT
jay x
linda37283 jayneejay
Depression and anxiety deffo
STILL hot flushes
No HRT either
Been 5 years since last period..............
I'm 56 by the way........
jayneejay linda37283
i am 51 in June
yep my flushes returned last summer, was having up to 20 severe ones a day in the intense summer heat here ( they had stopped years ago and booosh restarted again) now its spanish winter they have calmed, still get the odd one, but dreading the heat this summer incase they are still going to affect me again
i take Vit E 400iu to help now
jay x
Ruthie49 jayneejay
It must be a relief to be post meno but it seems the symptoms take a while to go. I'm still in peri and hate that shakey feeling. the fatigue can be so draining.
jayneejay Ruthie49
think i preferred peri to post meno
jay x
marlene21102 jayneejay
Hope your putting your feet up.xxxx
jayneejay marlene21102
OMG in her 80's and having flushes still..
Jeeeez theres no hope hahahahaha
nope, i am busy busy here, no feet up, just stop for a drink and have a look on here for ten mins 😑
plane crash in Alps, how terrible, so sad
jay x
marlene21102 jayneejay
Yes she was like it at 72 still ,slowed down thought well that's it done no back it came worse ,so hormones weren't done even then .When do they run out ? Said worst part of her life post meno .
Not seen the news as yet ,lot of sad families today xxx
linda37283 jayneejay
Sending hugs xx
jayneejay linda37283
Vit E 400iu is helpful
i stopped having flushes mid peri, and they came back post meno
i use to take a supplement called Estroven Max and never had one flush.
think i may be getting me some more 😑
jay x
linda37283 jayneejay
Never heard of Estroven Max will have to check it out with HB here in the UK..........Thanks for this tip
jayneejay linda37283
dont think H&B sell them
no they are not an estrogen .. They are just called Estroven ..
rainforest food Maca 5.1 capsules ( amazon ) are good too
and B6
jay x
jayneejay linda37283
Each caplet contains: Vitamin E 30IU; Thiamin 2mg; Riboflavin 2mg; Niacin 20mg; Vitamin B-6 10mg; Folate 400mcg; Vitamin B-12 6mcg; Calcium 150mg; Selenium 70mcg; Estroven Calming Herbal Blend (proprietary blend of Date seed extract [ Zizyphus spinosa ] and Magnolia bark extract) 150mg; Isoflavones (from Pueraria lobata root extract and GMO-free soybeans) 55mg; Black cohosh root standardized extract 40mg, Boron 1.5mg.
Estroven helps to naturally support hormonal balance with ingredients known to be good sources of phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens are naturally occurring compounds found in many plants including soybeans, whole grain cereals, seeds, nuts and many herbs. Phytoestrogens have a structure similar to that of the estrogen produced in your body and help support hormonal balance.* Studies have shown that women who consume foods high in phytoestrogens experience less dramatic hormone fluctuations during menopause.*
linda37283 jayneejay
We women go through sooo much
Lol xx
linda37283 jayneejay
jayneejay linda37283
' Its pants'
linda37283 jayneejay
Very true
BellaRubia jayneejay
liggy42062 jayneejay