What has been your hardest/strangest symptoms
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So so far I have to say the sore scalp and itchy/sensitive skin has been the worst. I’m ready for this stage to be over 😞. What has been your weirdest and hardest symptom?
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angie58226 amy05647
klm1213 angie58226
angie58226 klm1213
tmpearce angie58226
karen66219 amy05647
The hardest symptom for me has been the panic attacks. The weirdest symptom has been my chronically dry mouth...I can't seem to get rid of it!
maria76995 karen66219
pinkcatfairy amy05647
tmpearce pinkcatfairy
Gastritis is one of my top 3 worst symptoms too and I am getting so tired of it! It is definitely hormonally related because I can have a flare up for about a week where my stomach is really bad.....burning stomach, esophagus and throat and then it eases off even though I am not doing anything different. Had endoscopy 2 years ago which showed chronic gastritis on biopsy but my stomach lining looked good on visible exam. But it hasnt gotten better and even though I take medication for it, it seems like no matter what I do, nothing helps. I will have days where my stomach is great and that is what gets me because I'll go off my limited diet and then it gets worse. I cant take HRT due to blood pressure issues and am at my wits end trying to find some way to balance my hormones to see if that can help. I have an appointment with a new GI doc at Emory University here in Atlanta and hope that he may be able to shed some light on the relationship between hormones and gastritis.....and perhaps refer me to someone who can help me with hormone balancing while not on HRT. I know its a stretch.....but I am hoping for a miracle!!!
pinkcatfairy tmpearce
Dear tmpearce
I sympathise with you, I know how horrible gastitis is and how long it can go on for. I went on ppi's for so long a(Omeprezole then zantac) I switched to zantac because omeprezole didnt agree with me after a while giving me bad stomach pains and gas. It is important with stomach issues to not eat late at night and have your bed propped up at top end. Ease off fat, caffeine and alcohol and loose weight if needed if sitting around your Middle!
caseynjason tmpearce
tmpearce pinkcatfairy
I have problems with ppi’s too. The only one I can tolerate is pantoprazole but at half the dose, so I am taking pantoprazole 20mg in the morning and Zantac 150mg at supper time and usually some form of liquid antacid at bedtime. If I take full dose of the pantoprazole I get stomach pain. I don’t have to lose much weight..my BMI is 24 and doctor says I’m good there. But I DO need more willpower! I don’t drink alcohol at all but I DO have an addiction to dark chocolate...like, a serious addiction! And carbs. I know that the sugars and carbs also cause havoc with the hormones and that doesn’t help either. What a mess this menopause is!! I guess I could always turn my chocolate addiction into a handbag addiction...lol😀
tmpearce caseynjason
I get so confused with the different hormone levels and thought about looking for something I can buy myself but I don’t even know how to determine if I’m estrogen or progesterone dominant. All I know is that living this way is really not living!
caseynjason tmpearce
I completely understand! I've been fighting this for 2 years, feeling the symptoms for 4. I finally found a Dr. that doesn't card about numbers or labs, but how I am feeling. She just prescribed me 3 mg estradiol/estriol blend and 200 mg progesterone. She said I should not be feeling this way. We will tweak as we go and she doesn't draw labs to keep checking hormone levels. She said I know my body better than labs do! I love her so much!! I found her by calling a local compounding pharmacy and asked who they worked with that prescribed bio-identicals through them. That is where you will find Dr.s that know about bio-identicals. They aren't getting cut-backs from big pharma to prescribe synthetics, they are prescribing because they know it works and helps women. They only get paid the office visit.
tmpearce caseynjason
Thanks so much for that info! I never even thought of calling a compounding pharmacy to get the name of a doctor. I will try this! 🙂??