What has been your hardest/strangest symptoms

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So so far I have to say the sore scalp and itchy/sensitive skin  has been the worst.  I’m ready for this stage to be over 😞. What has been your weirdest and hardest symptom?

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26 Replies

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    My worse is the heart palpitations and head, neck shoulder pain, and pelvic pain .

    I do get the itchy and sore scalp and at one point  I had shots on my head and went away And now is back...

  • Posted

    I totally agree with you...itchiness and formication on my scalp or other parts of my body is the worst! This symptom is driving me crazy cry

    ​Second on my list joint and bone pains and then the flu like fatigue..

    ​This is my top 3 of my bodily symptoms

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    Anxiety, heart racing, being a sad, weepy, scared mess.  Digestion is really bad too.  Miss my strong confident self.
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    For me, the worst is the stomach problems. My stomach is sensitive to nearly everything I eat for the past couple years. Gluten, dairy, nuts...you name it!!! I get real bloated up and then I hurt from side to side for about an hour, worsens about 1 week before period. Health anxiety and weight gain are a close second. Ugh!!!
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    All of it sucks, from the crippling anxiety to the internal vibrations and shakiness.

    But, I'd say the most annoying and non-treatable so far has been the "burning mouth syndrome."


  • Posted

    Strangest symptoms has been the sore scalp. Like areas of my scalp are bruised! It usually lasts only a couple minutes to a couple hours each time. Freaked me out the first couple times but now I just try to ignore it until it passes.

    My most annoying symptom has been burning mouth syndrome. It comes and goes. I have it right now. Makes me think I have some type of oral cancer ( even though I've been to several ENT's , scoped and prodded and nothing found).

    I think overall, the hardest thing for me is wondering if I will ever be "me" again. I can handle pretty much anything, but it gets hard fighting these physical/emotional issues when I have a deep nagging fear that this is the "new me" and certainly not how I want to be the next half of my life. Sometimes I will have a good day or two and be the old me and it actually makes me sad! I'm like " ahhh, there you are!!" I'll be thrilled and excited that the old me is still inside and able to pop in from time to time but then I will feel the symptoms slowly start creeping back. It usually starts with severe fatigue and I know my true spirit is fading into the shadows again and then other symptoms follow. That just makes me so  sad and scared. I decided if I do come out the other side of this and get back to being me, I plan on coming back here and posting a good long post about it to let others here know it does get better and we do find out old selves again! 

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    My hardest is waking up in the middle of the night with a high tempreture and my heart racing, and i have to wet myself with cold water and then find it hard to go back to sleep.


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    My hardest has been my stomach neasua and awful wind... The peeing through the night drives me insane with the dry mouth /thirst.. I could go on but I'd be here for ever... Lol 😂

  • Posted

    hi my worst symptoms are the dry mouth elbow and wrist pain totally fed up with it

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