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I just turned 50 in August. Since the very day of my birthday, I felt different. Not myself. I have always had anxiety and dizzyness, but now, it is off the charts! I am affraid to go for a walk becasue I am off balance or fear of fainting, I am affraid to exercise becasue I fear it will trigger palpitations.... I am HOT all the time!! It is awful! I havent had a period since Sept 3rd, even though I have the headaches and cramps! It feels as if an alien invaded my body and I am not who I once was! I dont want to go out socially becuase I am affraid of getting dizzy out in public. Going to a restaurant or to get my hair done is torture!! Can anybody relate to me?.... I take .5mg ativan oncce a day, which does not really seem to help any! [url=https://patient.info/health/rheumatoid-arthritis-leaflet]umatoid arthritis eart attack or faint, yet I dont! I walk and im going sideways, as if I am drunk! I am waking up at 2-3AM and cannot go back to sleep, which does not help with my symptoms. Am I alone in the world? It sure feels like it!
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susan21149 jax827
i feel the same way. Yesterday i had a nose bleed left nostril my heart puoning like crazy. As i was outside my building i had to sit down because i felt really dizzy heart pounding like crazy with palpitations i am on 1 mg ativan in the morning with two blood pressure pills, i take 1/2 an ativan at dinner and 1 mg at bedtime it helps with my anxieties.
I had to stop my paxil and trazodone because Friday night my heart was pounding like crazy and my heart rate was at a 103
So all i am taking is my ativan.
Don't really want to leave the house due to what happened yesterday
I know eaxactly how you are feeling just stuck with not knowing what to do
jax827 susan21149
I am so sorry to hear that you are suffering as I am. I can only hope that this is temporary and that we will be back to feeling like ourselves soon. I wonder, is being 50 and up, going to be like this forever? Having a hard time with turning 50, so having these awful symptoms on top of it, does not help.
I hope you find the relief you are looking for. I have downloaded Deepak Chopra from iTunes. The meditation music makes me feel better. I am considering Yoga, but with my dizziness, I cannot see it being an advantage.
Have a lovely day!
Jackie xo
susan21149 jax827
jax827 susan21149
jackie95472 jax827
susan21149 jackie95472
stel43725 jax827
susan21149 stel43725
jax827 stel43725
I have had my blood checked. All normal except for cholesterol and thyroid. I'm on synthroid now. Hoping to lower cholesterol with diet.
Glitzy jax827
jax827 Glitzy
That is sooo true about wanting to get back home as soon as possible! There's nothing scarier than feeling as if your going to just fall over and faint! I am afraid to be alone. I do t like who I've become. I feel like a burden to my family. I can't enjoy being social anymore. Just to walk around the mall is a HUGE ordeal for me. 😥
susan21149 jax827
jax827 susan21149
Jackie xo
WoodsyChrissy jax827
Noooo you are not alone, there is thousands of us going through the same symptoms, Please go and ask your dr to get a hormone level check, and you probably are starting menopause and will need some form of hrt. You dont have to take a big dose as yet.... hope you feel better soon (just a question, do you perhaps have ear problems a lot) this can also lead to dizziness and being off balance, with the sweats, I sleep with a fan going to aleviate the sweats...
jax827 WoodsyChrissy
Thank you for your note. I will call tomorrow to get in to see my Dr regarding a hormone check. I was told that I have two types of dizziness; one from loose crystals in my ear and migraine induced vertigo, but it seems that i am just dizzy and off balance ALL OF THE TIME! I do sleep with a fan on my face! Lol!!
All the very best to you!! xo
susan21149 jax827
i also want to check out to see how low my iron is after that nose bleed on Wednesday and the heart rate racing and the palpitations
Really scared me plus the dizziness